Pieces of Life: The Comment Edition

Hey girls!
Welcome to Pieces of Life The Comment Edition! This is basically a post to say, "Oh Hai! How are you today?"
I'm a bit remiss with my comments this week as I've been very busy please forgive me? I'm slowly catching up and promise I'll do my best to get to 'em all shortly. I also have some really super posts all written up and ready to go. These posts will go live later tonight for your reading pleasure.
So what's the agenda for this weekend? Anyone have good plans? I'm heading to Comic Con this weekend to get my geek on and prob do the normal weekend stuff...movies, dinner, etc....
Hope everyone has a super weekend! I'll see you all Monday! Check back later for the new posts believe they are scheduled to go live at 7 or so plus tomorrow I'll have an extra special contest so you'll want to stop by as it only runs for 24 hours!
Lots o' Love!
-Your Muse
Labels: Pieces of Life
Hey Muse!!
I'm going to the con too!!
Beauty products + Comic Books = My life!!
If I spot you around I'll come and say hi!!
Hi there!
I guess this blog is my go-to when I have a makeup crisis! :D
I'd like your expert advice on which one I should get for my birthday:
Too Faced Teddy Bear Hair Brushes
Philosophy 'The Natural' Beauty Box
The cost really isn't an issue because I'll be in total saving mode for it! But your opinion will be an enormous help! :D
Comic-Con?! Will Jensen and Jared from Supernatural be there?? If they will be, I'm totally jealous of you...I'm a thousand miles away!! *dies*
hey muse! youre sooo lucky you get to go to comic con! I havent been to any of the ones outside of my city, though I do like the one they have here.
Ah! I hope you have a blast at Comic Con! I wish we were going to be there! My company is actually planning on hitting Metro Con, JaCon and DragonCon this year (we always do Dragon).
I went out with my friend L to Casa Tina tonight, and they have very cool dancers that perform in Cirque de Soliel style.
Tomorrow we're going to a Big Cat Sanctuary to see some beautiful big cats for my friend's birthday, and then later on movies. Late in the evening me and my guys will be raiding Naxxramas in WoW (the level 80, not the original).
Sunday I think we're going to go see Coraline.
Have a great weekend!
p.s. Twitter keeps eating Direct Messages sent to me and from me, apparently. So I'm guessing I've missed a ton >.<
Hi Muse !
whats been keeping you so busy ?
i'm very busy too with school and stuff..
so you're heading te the big city..
pff i wish i would live in NYC i would love to visit it sometimes !
lolz.. hope you have a very nice weekend and that you can relax a bit !
Cosmic Con u go! Great giveaway, Hope I win!
Great Giveaway! Sure hope I win! Cosmic Con!
Hi Muse! Hope you had a great weekend and fun at Comic Con. Just wanted to pass along that TJ Maxx has Korres for $3.99-$5.99. I stocked up on one of everything (doubled up on Quince Body Butter - Yea!!). I just made a post on my blog of what I picked up if you're interested:) Have a great week!
HOLY CRAP!!! I wish I read this sooner Muse..I was at Comic Con this weekend too!!! <3
hi iamalejandra!
LOL ditto!!!!!!!!! ;-) Did you enjoy yourself?! Wish I had checked comments prior to today and we could have said hey to each other :)
I was a blast wasn't it?!
hello ana!
thanks :) Ummm guess it depends on whether you want makeup or brushes....do you need new brushes as that's a nice set? or would you rather new makeup bits and bobs? Go with the Philosophy if you want the makeup :)
I adore the two j's myself :) no such luck...last year Jared was supposed to be at a horror con I was attending but he pulled :P
I'm such a fan girl for both of 'em! Kripke always has awesome panel!
hi sher!
Where ya from? SD has a great one ;)
gey dd!
It was fab thanks hun! ahhh you're so lucky...I'd go to them all if I could! Sounds like an action packed weekend :) Hope you had a blast hun!
did you see coraline?!
it's prob me :( Dm's never work for me AT ALL!
We didn't yet make it to Coraline >.<
But we will. Looks so wonderful!
hi nadia!
life, the universe, everything lol...;) that always keeps me quite busy hehe!
Manhattan is only 'bout 10-15 minutes away from me hehe.
Thanks hun hope you had a fab weekend too!
hi Anonymous!
Thanks hun.
hi Anonymous!
hi aestheticcoo
Hope you had a fabulous one too! ooooo will have to go look...any eye cream y chance?!
Will go look now ;)
hey MC!
Oh my god! A slew of people were! Damnit!
Have fun!? It was fabs wasn't it?!
Hi Muse,
I didn't spy any Korres eye cream but they did have Joey and H2O eye creams. If I happen upon it, I will let you know:)
I really need to get there paige! Even just to get some body cream :)
super steal! Seen your post and died!
hey dd!
Coraline was cutes ;) You'll love it!
Hi Muse!
I was only able to check back on your blog now...so busy at the hospital last week. So many patients to handle at the Operating Room...now I know why Grey's Anatomy has a lot of tension! :D
Surprisingly, *my brother* convinced me to get the Teddy Bear Hair brush set! XD My uncle from Vancouver was the one who ordered it. :) Thanks so much for your suggestion, dear! I'm no expert with makeup, so I really need your advice...^^
Darn! Too bad J2 wasn't there...must be busy! Jensen's birthday's coming up, and all I could do was send fanmail! Haha! XD Gotta love Kripke. He's a god for making SPN!
hi anna!
the question is, is it as sexy as grey's anatomy around there?! hehehe!
awesome :) Awww shucks I'm flattered you seek my advice hun!
LOL amen for SPN! Did you hear they are introducing a new brother!??!?!??!!??!
being in Van have you ever seen those boys around!?
hi muse!
no! i say again, no! the doctors over here are geriatrics or near-geriatrics who look like they're ready to have prune juice after the operation! no such thing as mcsteamy or mcdreamy here! i wish it were...*dies*
i believe i'll have to check on you before i buy anything! i'm into high end brands, but suck at which one's a great buy or a waste of hard earned cash! :)
omfg. they are?!?! holy god...so does that mean john has a secret son they're not telling us about??? details, muse! :D
oh no, i'm not from van! my uncle's family's in vancouver, and my aunt said (the last time she visited) she and my cousin see jensen and jared a lot whenever my cousin drives over to his tailoring shop. my aunt (bless her) says jensen's hotter in person than on tv! haha!
LOL anna just double checking :D!
anytime ask away hun!
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was on TVguide.com they said it's a little brother but not sure if it'll be a recurring role!
omg I'd die if I see J and J driving around town! LOL!
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