Steam Cream Review and Interview
Remember when I told you the solution to life, the universe, and everything was held within a tin of Smith's Rosebud Salve?
The Muse has decided that although she loves Smith's Rosebud Salve she might have been wrong about it being the solution to life, the universe, and everything.
In actuality she's come to the conclusion that the secret and solution to life, the universe, and everything is actually SteamCream.

Got ya curious now right? Wondering what SteamCream is? Jump ahead you'll see!
A few months ago the Muse discovered a little product called SteamCream. Steamcream happens to be a multipurpose cream that can be used on your face or your body.
I know, I know you're screaming in agonizing pain at the idea of using one cream for your face AND your body. How horrifying right? How can one single product be used on the delicate skin of your face plus the rough parts of your body like elbows and knees? Rest assured the Muse promises it's a miracle in a cute little tin.

SteamCream is a unique formula that uses pure steam to create a moisturizing treatment that absorbs easily and without any effort leaving behind soft, silky skin that's instantly soothed and healed. This is currently my staple facial moisturizer as it's made my face smooth, soft, and flake free. I've NEVER in all my years of using skincare came across a moisturizer that absorbs this easily into skin. It literally melts into your skin and absorbs in a snap. Strangely enough the formula is quite thick for something that absorbs so easily. The texture is that of a gel almost with a slightly cool feeling that makes my skin say "ahhhhh" in appreciation once I apply. It's quite like pouring a cup of cool water onto my skin. I'm absolutely in love with it for my face but it also happens to do an amazing job of soothing my dry, rough elbows and knees and my legs simply love how easily it smooths on and goes to work instantly smoothing and moisturizing. Absolutely zero effort goes into getting this applied as almost on contact with my skin it absorbs. Quite like a magnet really as the skin literally sucks it up.

The scent of the cream quite reminds me of Lush Dream Cream as it carries an herbal smell that's quite pleasant. The formula includes good for you ingredients such as soothing oatmeal, orange flower water and healing lavender oil.
Around this time of the year normally the skin on my face has a few problem areas. My cheeks begin to have a patchy dry feeling and the space between my eyebrows normally has gross flaky dry skin. After using Steamcream a single time I noticed an improvement on both areas instantly. My dry patchy cheeks were smooth and soft and the flakes between my eyebrows were gone.

SteamCream has alot going for it in the ways of being a moisturizing miracle but it also happens to make the Muse happy with it's uber cute packaging. SteamCream comes packaged in cute little tins that feature various designs. The tins are fun collectible pieces! I actually keep one tin of SteamCream for my body and one for my face as I prefer a pot to be solely for different areas and it's especially important for me to keep my facial moisturizer away from my body parts...kinda weird to use a body cream and proceed to slather on my face. The cute designs make it easy for me to tell which tin is my body tin and which is for my face. At the price you can honestly afford getting two for the different places you'll be using the cream! Steamcream introduces new tins every few months which is always particularly fun for a fan of the product. The cream is absolutely a deal at £9.95 per a tin. A little goes a long way so the pot should last you quite a long while. Steamcream's website kindly ships worldwide and shipping is very reasonable.

Like Lush, Steamcream has a shelf life of a little over a year so one tin should get you through an entire year for your face and I'd say a tin for your body should last about 5-6 months.

One of Steamcream's team players, Allison, was kind enough to answer a few questions for me and I thought I'd past them on here as much of what she said was quite interesting. So sit back, grab your cuppa, and read what Allison and the Muse discussed!
Where did the idea for SteamCream come from? Who's the man or woman behind the Steamcream idea?
Andrew Gerrie (CEO for Lush) is the man behind the STEAMCREAM idea. For a long time, he wanted to create one cream that uses high quality ingredients, is effective and is honestly priced. A cream that didn't promise the world but really delivered.
Was the concept for SteamCream born in the UK or Japan? Created by the British or the Japanese?
The cream was formulated in the UK and the tins designed in Japan. Getting onto the shelf was a joint collaboration with our team in Japan.
What sort of process is invovled to create SteamCream?
STEAMCREAM uses hot bubbling steam to fuse ingredients together at a speed that defies most traditional cream making methods. This process produces a beautifully textured, light and glossy cream. The emulsion is held together very loosely and gently, allowing the cream to break down immediately on contact with the skin and nourish the skin more effectively. It is steam process - thus the name!
What sort of skin types can benefit the most using SteamCream? Any skin types that should avoid it?
STEAMCREAM is suitable for all skin types. No skin types need avoid it and all can benefit from it!
Does SteamCream contain parabens? How about mineral oil? (Remember Lush also contains small traces of parabens in their products as well)
No to mineral oil but yes to two parabens - methylparaben and propylparaben.
And to answer any possible questions as to why...? I have taken the liberty to provide a little explanation. Sit back and fasten your seat belt... it's a little long!
You may already know that Parabens are a group of compounds widely used as anti-microbial preservatives in food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics products. They occur naturally in many plant sources, such as blueberries and carrots. Methyl and propyl parabens are synthetically produced because it would be too expensive to extract them from food, but they are 100% nature - identical molecularly, structurally and biochemically.
STEAMCREAM currently uses two preservatives - propyl paraben and methyl paraben. Propyl paraben and methyl paraben have a long history of safe use and are highly effective. Parabens are some of the oldest of cosmetic preservatives and have been used since the 1920s. They are used globally and are permitted by every world health authority (500 independent safety studies have been carried out over the decades). They are considered safe because of their low toxicity and how our bodies process them when eaten in foods. They don’t accumulate or get stored in the body and are eliminated normally.
A combination of mis-interpretation and flawed studies has caused a lot of worry associated with the use of parabens in cosmetics. The main sound bite often quoted: “parabens were found in breast cancer tissue” comes from a study that has been completely discredited by scientists. No causal link between parabens and cancer has been proven. You may also have heard that parabens show weak oestrogenic (oestrogen = female hormone) activity. This is true, but the effect is so weak that it is not significant. By comparison, whole grains, hops, soy beans and many other common foods show high oestrogenic activity.
Paraben-free products
Nevertheless, paraben scare-stories have spread via mass-emails, websites and the media, and several companies have started to sell their products by specifically promoting that they are “paraben-free”. The fact is that methyl paraben and propyl paraben are the safest cosmetic preservatives around – and using alternatives which may not have been proved to be safe or effective could be more dangerous than simply sticking to parabens.
Many companies are promoting ‘paraben-free’ products as if this is a good thing. This demonstrates the danger of companies supporting unsubstantiated rumours. If a cosmetic product that contains water is declared to be ‘paraben-free’ it will contain another preservative.
If it doesn’t contain an effective, proven preservative it is dangerous in itself as it provides a breeding ground for bacteria.
Both Propyl Paraben and Methyl Paraben are used to control the growth of bacteria, yeasts and moulds. We use less than half the maximum permitted level to ensure the product is as mild as possible and the skin’s natural micro flora is not affected. This low level of use also helps with the bio-degradability of our product and any waste material created during manufacture.
We constantly review cosmetic preservatives and consider any good sound scientific evidence. However, we believe that these Parabens are still the safest and mildest we can find. They are safe when used during manufacture and they guarantee the quality and safety of the product we want our customers to enjoy.
We are able to use such low levels of preservatives because:
Our product is made to order with ingredients that are really fresh, of the finest quality, and where possible organic and locally sourced.
We use top quality ingredients, like essential oils and herbs, which have the power to control the quality of the product.
We use minimal amounts of water.
STEAMCREAM has a shelf life of 14 months - considerably shorter than conventional cosmetics which are typically 30 months.
We assessed the need for a preservative by considering many factors. The type of product, its structure, manufacturing process, ingredients and application. Using this information and microbiological tests during the products’ development, we then chose an appropriate preservative. At this point , we chose to use Methyl and Propyl Paraben in STEAMCREAM , which in combination increases the protection from microbial growth.
So if you're still with me, that's our view on why we use Parabens!
Does SteamCream expire?
Answered Above.
How long has Steamcream been in business? Was it available in Japan first or England?
STEAMCREAM launch in Japan in April 2007 and we launched it in Liberty here in the UK in October 2008
How is it I can use SteamCream not only on rough elbows and knees but also the skin on my face?
STEAMCREAM uses high quality ingredients to provide a long-lasting, effective form of skincare - first and foremost for the face. However, because its unique formula allows the cream to breakdown on contact with the skin it can penetrate the skin where needed - so it works on the face as well as dry, rough elbows. The gentle and loose emulsion works equally effectively as a body cream and because we kept our packaging to a minimum, we were able to invest in high-quality raw materials and still keep our price affordable. I'm sure you'll agree that many face creams would be lovely on the body too but are just too pricey to use...we wanted to produce one cream that was good enough to use from your head to your toes AND affordable!
SteamCream's packaging is part of it's appeal, how often will you release new versions of the SteamCream tins?
Once our sales volume increases we hope to launch at least one new tin per month (on average) - maybe more!. Japan is currently releasing about two per month and we have just released three new tins for Valentines Day/Spring 2009 so we have a total of 12 designs now available in the UK. We're quite excited though as we only have a few tins of Secret left in the UK which means we would have sold out of our first limited edition design!
Do you consider the tins somewhat collectible? Will some designs be re-released at a later date?
The tins are absolutely collectible as they are limited edition designs. Just recently I had an order from Japan for two designs that have now sold out in Japan!
The plan is to continue to release new designs but maybe one day we will run a retro promotion and bring back a few of the golden oldies. No plans for that just yet though!
Are some tins exclusive to Japan and while others are exclusive to the UK? I noticed a sequined tin was this a special release?
At this stage Japan is designing the tins and we are choosing to release works from their collection. We will be running our own 1st anniversary design competition so if all goes to plan we will have a UK designed tin this year. The sequined tin was a very limited edition tin decorated by a nail artist in Japan using Swarovski crystals. We are currently in discussions with Swarovski to do a promotion of some sort but it is very early days yet.... suffice is to say though we would love to do something with them because the tins look just fantastic. We hope one day to have limited edition designs from artists all over the world.
What is the price per a tin in Japan (yen is fine as I have many Japanese readers)? (I think I read 1500 yen is that right?)
Yes it's 1500 yen and so follows the original concept of being 'affordable' for Japanese customers too.
Do you plan on opening a portal for US shoppers anytime soon (Please keep in mind that SteamCream UK ships worldwide)?
Yes, we're in very early discussions at the moment so watch this space! Until then though please use our website. for your steamy purchases!
Is Steamcream UK and Steamcream Japan the same entity?
Not entirely as local management in both markets hold shares making it a slightly different entity.
Is there anything more you can tell us about SteamCream that hasn't been answered in the above questions?
It's a fairly straight forward product cream, many designs, honest pricing. We hope that customers will try it, realize they can enjoy a high quality product at a sensible price and then come back for more!
Thank you Allison for a great interview and I couldn't agree more, high quality with an awesome price tag.
Finding out that Andrew was the brain behind SteamCream really made the Muse's spirits lift as she's such a big Lushie. Knowing that someone who works with Lush has created a brand new product that's innovative and unique really pleased me and made me an instant SteamCream fan girl.
I think Allison did a great job of answering pretty much any questions you might have about SteamCream. The Muse thinks it's simply and amazing and it comes with my highest seal of Muse Approval and recommendation for purchase.

If you're looking for a miracle, SteamCream brings it to the table.
Visit SteamCream at
All in all the Muse has decided that the solution to life, the universe, and everything is now packaged up in a cute tin and slapped with the SteamCream label!
Loves it! Loves it! Loves it!
What about you?
Tried SteamCream?
Want to?
Tell the Muse, I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this one!
If you have any questions for Allison do let me know and I'll forward them along.

Labels: Beauty Abroad, British Brands, Interviews, Reviews, SteamCream
This sounds fantastic! Thank you so much for the Q&A, especially about the parabens...very interesting. I'll be visiting the site and making a purchase - I love the that these are in a collectible tin!:)
My dear, you really are the authority! I loved the interview! I'd been thinking a lot about parabens a few months ago and came to my own conclusion, but decided not to write about it on my blog as it would never been as thorough as what you've just posted! And I would get at least one tin 'cause the packaging is so darn cute. =P The product sounds amazing and it's great to hear it's a Lush relative!
I'm e-mailing you right now, I totally got distracted by this post. =)
I shop at several of the stores that apparently stock the product but have never seen it before. The packaging alone seems to make it worth the price. Thank you for sharing! I'll keep a look out next time.
ooooohhhhh, your soooo bad! ;p
me now want em!
you got me.....i have the same skin problems this winter (in part because i rotate which moisturizers i use and i often forget to lotion my body.)
that seems a really good product. do you happened to have the japanese site as it is closer to me for shipping
hi aestheticcoo!
I was quite curious to see if it had parabens or mineral oil, particularly mineral oil as being a body product as well as a face I thought they might add that in but was thankful to learn not. and my pleasure for the q and a :) I'm really glad she took time to answer my many crazy ?'s!
the tins are downright adorable!
hey girl!
aw shucks *blush*
hehe! Thanks!
What do you feel about parabens at the moment? I've always lean towards the view that Allison has expressed in her interview that parebens have been disproved.
I was thrilled to hear it was a Lush relative...I just knew it was as soon as I tried it..smells like dream cream and feels just as wonderful..def lush-like lol!
oops your email is prob buried but will reply shortly thanks for the quickie reply :)
hello en!
My pleasure hun! I hope you find it ;) It's a fab little product!
hi v!
LOL ;)
No worries I have the same cravings for more ;)
hi laura!
ugh my skin is hell in the winter :) you should try this...really good stuff!
hi panda
the main site at uk as a portal for japan just click it and you'll be magically transported to the Japanese site :)
OMG that Kyoto girl is super cool :) I love it.
oh i juz saw that they dont ship to singapore =( was thinking of trying out this wonderful cream for my dry skin too..
Thank you for this interview/review! I am running low on my moisturizer, and I travel a lot, so the idea of one product that works for body and face is appealing. The shipping for one was the same as for two, so I went ahead and bought enough to last me for a while. I can't wait until it arrives! ^_^
Thanks for the review. I ordered 3 tins this morning. I'm curious though. Paula Begoun, Cosmetics Cop, always hates jar packaging, because she says it allows the good stuff to oxidize. Is this why Steamcream has a shorter shelflife?
Wonderful review!! I want Steam Cream right now!! I wish I had the $ to order right away, 'cause that was a really great review and the question/answer section definetly filled in the blanks (after you made me want it soooo bad). I will put it on my list of things to COVET and if Allison would like another test subject I will officially volunteer!!
hi Crissy!
I thought the same ;) Totally love this tin!
hi fridagal!
really? how about the japanese site?!
hi Kaoru!
my pleasure hun! This should be great for travel hun. Plus the container is nice and hard for travel. You can do what I for your body, one for your face :)
tell me whatcha think when it arrives?!
hello Tyleka!
my pleasure. Yayayayay! I'm not sure in all honesty but I can ask Alison for you :)
I think it's mostly b/c it contains lots of natural ingredients which spoil faster since it lacks a heap of parabens to keep it fresh!
hi Leane!
Yay glad you enjoyed it! Aw no worries Steam Cream will be there when you're ready hehe ;) I'm so glad you enjoyed the review and interview hun!
Good evening Muse!
I check out your page daily, but this is my first post. I just placed an order for Steam Cream due to your review and its affiliation with Lush.
This is a first and I cant wait to try it out!
hello satine!
thanks for commenting ;) I sure do look forward to hearing back from you when you get your order as I'd love to hear whatcha think!!!!!!!!
ARRRGH, I suck... just ordered 3 :(
The packaging is so CUTE!
haha awesome pixie!
Hi Muse! :)
Thank you for this review. I ordered a tub yesterday (Kingyo design - very cute!) and it arrived this morning! It came packaged in a lovely box padded with shredded gold paper and smelled like it came straight out of the Lush factory - mmmmm!
When I opened the tin itself I was greeted with a lovely lavender smell. This is such a gorgeous product!
hi kirsty
thanks for the update!!!!!!!! :) so glad you're loving it so far do drop back when you used some and tell me how it's working!?
I ordered 2!
hi aznglory!
awesome :-D
come back and tell me whatcha think!
Yay, they arrived today! And wow, the packaging! They put my two in a perfect sized box, with a divider to protect them from bumping into each other, and a sticker to say when it was made, and when it will expire XD!
The smell is stronger than I thought it would be, so I might not use this on my face, but the texture is like... milk that has been whipped just enough to get some air into it, or something. I have never seen lotion so silky, and yet not runny...
Thank you again for the review!
hi kaoru!
It's so exciting to hear you're liking :)
I loved the packaging was so darling :)
It's probably thee most beautiful cream I've had the pleasure of owning...and your description is wonderful..just like milk whipped up fluffy!!!!!!!
That's exactly my's so beautifully silky yet not runny and absorbs so easily!!!!!!!!
My pleasure!
Enjoy! If you do use it as a face cream let me know what you think!
hi muse!
i read in your fave 20 things that you were going to give out a discount code for steam cream??
any specific date for it?? :)..actually after reading your review i AM DYYYYING to try it...but now since u mentioned the discount code..i am waiting for it and will then make my purchase..even i have extrrreeemly dry skin which gets really red and patchy even if i do moisturizer helps that much either! :(
waitin for your response..takecare!
thanx once again! hugz!
hi muse!
i read in your fave 20 things that you were going to give out a discount code for steam cream??
any specific date for it?? :)..actually after reading your review i AM DYYYYING to try it...but now since u mentioned the discount code..i am waiting for it and will then make my purchase..even i have extrrreeemly dry skin which gets really red and patchy even if i do moisturizer helps that much either! :(
waitin for your response..takecare!
thanx once again! hugz!
hi aaj!
As of now seems it's LLreader but I haven't heard back yet...try that one out see if it works ;) I contacted alison about it but haven't heard back...try that one for now.
I hope this will help with your red/patchy skin probs ;) It works wonders on my dry skin!
Hugs back!
i am soooo sorry for bothering you with such stupid questions..but another one..i went to checkout and everything but i didn't find any space which mentioned that i could enter my promotional code there.. :(...any tips??
and thanx for being such a gem...and helping us out...and tipping us on off such AWESOME products..!! :)
hi aaj!
yup...I don't see it either I just might want to email CS and ask them :)
My pleasure...! I hope you get the offer...I'm really unsure how to do the promo code possibly in comments maybe?!
aawww..thanks for taking out time and replying back..aaaand going through the pain to find the promotional offer "box" :D
will try contacting them..heheh..thanks are a gem!!
hi aaj!
my pleasure hun!!!!!!!!
it seems that the promo box isn't there..the discount comes off when it's in your cart hun...or so everyone has been telling me!
Hope this helps :)
Thanks for posting this. I got mine, and love it. Not crazy about the smell.. can'tput my finger on it... smells kinda like lavender, but no lavender in the ingredients... Anyway, the moisturizing benefit totally outweighs the smell, that fades quickly anyway. Thanks again for intorducing us to this fantastic product!
hi julia...yes very lavender and herbal like...I kinda dig the smells healing if that makes sense :)
did you try it on your face yet?! :)
Glad you're loving it as I totally dig it right now!
can the steamcream apply around eyes area??
hi gigi
I haven't had any problem using it all over my face...I don't use it as an eye moisturizer but when I am rubbing it on my face I do tend to apply all over my face...
Not sure though results will prob vary depending on your skin, sensitivity may want to email and ask Steam Cream directly if it's safe.
Hi Muse! My uncle is going to japan for a convention and i wanted to ask him to buy some steamcream for me, the problem is I don't know where SteamCream have their shops. I couldn't find it in their website (I can't really read Japanese). So, could you please tell me or suggest any place where it might be available in Japan? Tokyo particularly? Thank you! Ooh, I love your blog, it's so pretty and your reviews are very rich in information, not just random raving/ranting. Thanks!
hi anonymous!
From what I know I believe he can go to Sony Plaza and pick some up!? Also Nihonbashi and Yuraku Cho
Hope this helps hun! :-D If not you can always order online!
and thank you so much glad you enjoy Musings!
i bought it after reading this article... i love the design..i have fat rabbit designed tin is pink fat rabbit... i wish i had more money so that i could buy a few more design but well i just have to deal with it.. the cream is quite thick so i do not really need the same amount as i use for other cream... thank you for introducing the item =]
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