Lush Frothy The Snowman Review
Baby, it's cold outside!
Damn that Tom Jones! I'd fling my panties at him any day of the week!
Fact of the matter is it really is cold outside! The Muse just got home after fighting with traffic and idiotic New York drivers. But she's safe and sound in her house now. At the moment it's a stormin' outside and 15 inches of snow is expected to land outside. The good news is it makes it feel more like Christmas but the bad news is that the Muse happens to be way too old to go outside and build a snowman! Darn.
View from the Muse's makeup room!

But she really doesn't have to forsake that snowman....Lush has a solution!
There isn't anything in the world like a really hot bath when the chill of the winter is howling outside your window. Forsaking the outdoor snowman for an indoor one in my bath was the way to go today! Meet Lush Frothy the Snowman Bubble Bar:

Isn't he cute?
Covered with flakes of coconut he's supposed to smell like liquorice allsorts! The Muse thinks he kinda smells like Lush Curly Wurly Shampoo though, all tropical and vanilla like!
Frothy creates mounds of soft, fluffy bubbles (hence his name...froth.....bubbles...get it?) in your bath while scenting your hair, body, and skin with a mix of coconut, licorice, and vanilla. He's quite moisturizing and after stepping from the tub you'll notice how soft and smooth he's made your skin! The Muse thinks he's rather cute as a stocking stuffer or a little topper on a gift.

The only sad thing about Frothy the Snowman is you have to crumble him up into little pieces to use him in your bath but once you get over mourning his broken little body you'll be happy to step into your hot bathtub filled with lovely, scented bubbles to relax and de-stress!
Crumbled remains of Frothy waiting to melt away into masses of bubbles!

He's a holly jolly soul and welcome in my bathtub anytime of the year but sadly he told the Muse not to cry as he's limited edition and will be gone after Christmas but he may be back again someday!
Fact of the matter is it really is cold outside! The Muse just got home after fighting with traffic and idiotic New York drivers. But she's safe and sound in her house now. At the moment it's a stormin' outside and 15 inches of snow is expected to land outside. The good news is it makes it feel more like Christmas but the bad news is that the Muse happens to be way too old to go outside and build a snowman! Darn.
View from the Muse's makeup room!

But she really doesn't have to forsake that snowman....Lush has a solution!
There isn't anything in the world like a really hot bath when the chill of the winter is howling outside your window. Forsaking the outdoor snowman for an indoor one in my bath was the way to go today! Meet Lush Frothy the Snowman Bubble Bar:

Isn't he cute?
Covered with flakes of coconut he's supposed to smell like liquorice allsorts! The Muse thinks he kinda smells like Lush Curly Wurly Shampoo though, all tropical and vanilla like!
Frothy creates mounds of soft, fluffy bubbles (hence his name...froth.....bubbles...get it?) in your bath while scenting your hair, body, and skin with a mix of coconut, licorice, and vanilla. He's quite moisturizing and after stepping from the tub you'll notice how soft and smooth he's made your skin! The Muse thinks he's rather cute as a stocking stuffer or a little topper on a gift.

The only sad thing about Frothy the Snowman is you have to crumble him up into little pieces to use him in your bath but once you get over mourning his broken little body you'll be happy to step into your hot bathtub filled with lovely, scented bubbles to relax and de-stress!
Crumbled remains of Frothy waiting to melt away into masses of bubbles!

He's a holly jolly soul and welcome in my bathtub anytime of the year but sadly he told the Muse not to cry as he's limited edition and will be gone after Christmas but he may be back again someday!

Labels: For Your Shower and Bath, Holiday Collections 2008, Lush, Reviews
hi there, greetings from Malaysia. I've just been a silent reader but something about that beautiful snow covered view from your room that makes me wanna comment about it. Somehow that makes Christmas so real while it is all sunny and hot for us back here :(
I love things related to bath and body and am jealous of you for having Bath & Body Works, Lush, Philosophy and so on, but I love it when you post up reviews of them so I can ogle at them . Sometimes I can practically smell them when I read your descriptions! :)
hello there jessie!
Happy Holidays! Thanks for commenting today! I love speaking to all my readers so happy you came out of lurking to say hello!
It does indeed..sometimes the snow doesn't come until the middle of January and all December we are without so it feels kinda crummy and un-Christmas like..but today it's coming down hard and it does indeed make it feel a tiny bit more like Christmas :)
Awww you're so so's rather flattering that my reviews are that vivid for you :) *hugs*
I sure do wish I can drop ship items to all my girls in Malaysia, Singapore, breaks my heart you guys can't get so many things that are so readily available here in the US :(
But hey you have stuff I want :) like Etude House!!!! So count me jealous too!
Thanks for your sweet comment jessie! Do drop by again for a chat :)
Awe, I hate Licorice All-Sorts but that is the cutest bath bomb ever. Seriously. It looks like an oatmeal&chocolate cookie or something! So much love.
Hi Muse,
love the view from your house, here it only rains and there´s the occasional sleet storm, awful.
I am a bit on a Lush spree right now, thanks solely to you!
I´m contemplating the big christmas box just for me, no gifts, hehe! Have a great weekend!
hi finsaur!
YAK me too lol! I seriously hate them with a passion!
LOL that's kinda true it does kinda look like a cookie :)
hi nell!
awww :( I'll send some snow over your way ;)
w000tttt Lush sprees :) I'm jealous I want some new lush :) I'm trying to be good!
lol I got the big xmas box last year..god love those hatboxes with a passion!
Hope you had a lovely weekend hun!
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