Sephora Friends and Family Discount 2008: Disappointing News
Whoa major crushing news guys!
A kind reader of mine, Kayvid, pointed out that she had heard a few people mentioning that Sephora Friends and Family Discount is off the table this year.
Sad sigh.
And she's right.
Kayvid mentioned that she had heard this from a few beauty addicts who had been emailing back and fourth with Sephora SA's. I decided to take that one step further so I called......three times to be sure.....
I was checking out my Sephora account and I noticed that they have spruced up the site with the Holiday theme plus they are adding new beauty items quite quickly including the Guerlain Midnight Butterfly Collection. Of course, this got me excited as normally this means that the Friends and Family promo is around the corner. I took note that my first promo order placed last year was November 7th, 2007.
I decided I might as well call and ask after Friends and Family this year. Honestly, Kayvid's news didn't worry me too much as I figured it was just Sephora's way of keeping it on the low down.
But turns out she's very right.
According to the three seperate reps I spoke to they won't be opening the Friends and Family discount out to the public this year. SA's in store will receive seperate codes that they can use one time each. I asked the reps if that meant if I could ask a SA for a code and she said most likely not as the reps would be using those codes for their own friends and family and not giving them out to the general public.
Last week, quite a few people got various codes in the mail for dollar amounts off of orders and percentages. I was lucky enough to get a 15% off my total order code which I posted here. Honestly, this should have been a key clue what was going on!
After my discussion with the reps it seems MAYBE they'll send out a second round of coupons but at this time I'm only guessing at this.
Let's keep our fingers crossed that I'm terribly wrong about all this and that Sephora Friends and Family 2008 goes on as planned but at this point I'm somewhat doubtful!

Sephora Summer Catalog 2008
Sephora Catalog Looks
Sephora Spring Catalog 2008
Labels: Sephora
tell me about it. so many people were plotting and planning their wishy lists for months now ;(
I'm so crushed! I was looking forward to this and I have a ton of items waiting in my shopping cart... *BAWL* :'( And I didn't use the 15% off coupon last week either because I thought 20% was a better deal =( =( =( So mean sephora! SO MEAN!!
me too Nosh :( Me too!
I did the same thing...I decided meh I don't need 15% when 20% is coming soon and go figure that's not coming at all!
Kayvid: Boo is correct! I knew that was gonna happen. Especially when people started getting the codes. Thankfully I was able to use Joseph's code and buy a few things...very few...but I am not too surprised, though definitely disappointed.
Kayvid: What's even worse is that some beauty insiders like myself did not get even a single code...BOO!!!
It would not surprise if, as we get closer to the holidays in this economy, Sephora ends up having a F&F discount. Other companies will and holiday spending projections are NOT good. Sephora will cave, I just know it. I just think it will be later...maybe after Thanksgiving or in December. Once they realize they are in the red instead of the black...they will be scrambling to finish the year right.
I'm really not 100% sure what Sephora was thinking, but it was generally assumed that given the sluggish retail-season vendors would be offering steep discounts in order to generate greater sales; so far that assumption has proved unfounded. There's nothing that I really wanted from Sephora this season (besides the blink-and-you-missed-it Sugar Palette), so I'm not too upset about this, though I do wish those c---s at Banana Republic would get the lead out and offer another coupon already! This season has been wildly disappointing w/ regards to discounts.
hey kayvid!
very boo :(
I'm glad you at least got a bit of a discount :(
I'm very sad about this too :(
hi again kayvid!
I's weird..but I think there will be don't worry..maybe one will crop up soon :)
hi Shefali!
I agree...I kinda feel hopeful that Sephora will realize and rethink this!
I think they are trying to make things a bit better by introducing many value palettes but that doesn't keep people from wanting there bloody 20% lol!
hey mandy!
Me either. Honestly, I didn't have too big a list either it saddens me they cut losses anyway :(
I haven't seen much in the way of steep discounts in all honesty but we shall see what happens come December...
but...but you said all you want for Christmas is me!? You even sung it a few nights ago "All I want for Christmas is You....Youuuuuuuuu..."
Why you say you want only the pop palettes now!?
I don't have a big list either, I was deciding between a $85 set of daisy fragrance or a $50 bottle from fragrancenet..Seems I just have to turn the other way =/
Ofcourse, I want you for Christmas, but I already HAVE you for Christmas; hell, I have you for breakfast, lunch and dinner but it's never enough! I even give you a thorough stuffing every Thanksgiving and it still isn't good enough for you!
This limey-slang reminds me: have you seen the latest adaption of Tess of the D'Urbervilles or Little Dorrit? With a dearth of discounts I thought some Brit-Lit dramas might cheer me up this Holiday season, but the Beebs are being right twats and making sure foreigners can't view episodes on their website.
noooooooo I've been counting the days for this! how dare them to do this to us. this is such heart breaking news. I hope you don't mind me linking this post on to my blog cuz I've had readers asking me when the Sephroa Friends and Family Sale going to happen.
Hi shiya!
aw :( Sorry hun! I do have a coupon code for Sephora and daisy if you want it :) it's for some sort of free gift :)
That kinda justifies ;)
you'll say ANYTHING to get in my good graces WON'T you!?
with Justine Waddell? or Gemma Arterton?
Little Dorrit I haven't seen. Do you have the JA Box Set from the 70-80's? I highly rec that set..totally good lot of bbc lit brought to life :)
hi anne!
Most devastating news evers :(
Link away... really hope it isn't true and they are just kinda swaying people to believe it's off for some reason!?
I just got hired at sephora. I actually start this sunday. whoohoo. if you want I'll give you my friends and family code when it comes :) Anything to keep your reviews going. You rock!
anonymous I'd totally dig one ;)
I have a few items on my list that I'm looking to review and of course discount lways helps lol!
Thanks so MUCH! *hugs* I really appreciate the kind comment!
Good Luck at the new job ;)
I'm definitely said if there will not be a friends and family discount. I did become a Sephora Beauty Insider but I've received no codes (and I didn't receive any for joining Ulta either).
I'm betting the economy has something to do with it. Ick.
However, that means I'm still going to buy the Urban Decay set here in a bit.
i actually heard from a friend that works there, that they're going to do it this year, but for less days than normal.
There will be a F&F this year, Nov 6-10,20% off with code FF2008. Happy shopping!
I just got an email from a friend and it's the Sephora online only 20% Friends & Family discount. The code is FF2008 and it's for use from 11/6 to 11/10. I don't know the validity of the code since it's not in use yet. Pls don't hate me if this code comes out to be a scam, I am just trying to share.
hey dd!
Don't worry it's back ;) I got detailed info that it will go on! I emailed a good friend and she gave me the deets so thank god the show is going on!
hi Anonymous!
You are correct thank god the show is going on :) It is less days but still ongoing! YAY!
hi eye4style!
I got the news late last night and thank god :) Thanks for sharing!
hello Anonymous
It is ongoing :) I got info from a friend as well! Boy was I worried!
Thanks for sharing :) It's quite true that's the code!
Thanks for commenting and sharing the scoop!
Actually Sephora has reconsidered and is offering a Friends and Family discount online from November 6-10, 2008. After all "tis the season to Gift Pretty". Receive a 20% discount at checkout by entering FF2008 in the promotion code box. Happy Shopping!
thanks anonymous :)
I posted this already this morning :)
Thanks for sharing!
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