Holiday 2008: La Mer Gifts of Beauty
Ok, you know all that hype about how La Mer is food from the Gods above (only Blue Bunny Bunny Tracks Ice Cream is comparable as far as the Muse is concerned) ....
The Muse says it's true.
Yes, it's expensive but honestly well worth your money. I've tried various samples of La Mer and honestly it's no wonder J-Lo fills her bathtub with it and bathes in it. If the Muse had her money she'd do the same thing!
If you're looking for a super luxurious gift this Holiday Season or wanting to finally take the plunge and find out if the hype that surrounds La Mer is all true you can indulge in some of the super luxe gifts that La Mer has on offer!
I honestly can't begin to afford some of these amazing gift sets but it doesn't hurt my lemmings none the less! A girl can dream and drool! However, I do have my eye on two of the gift sets and considering that I've been thinking about taking the plunge into skincare nirvana recently I might as well go with a gift set which includes a few items instead of a single one item!
The Signature Collection $240 USD

Creme de La Mer 1oz
La Mer The Lifting Face Serum 15ml
La Mer The Eye Concentrate 5ml
I do have my eye on this one as it includes almost everything I want. Taking into consideration that La Mer Eye Concentrate is $165 USD and Cream de La Mer is $130 USD you can see how this actually works out to a value in the long run! This little guy is exclusive to Bloomingdale's for a very exclusive time so if you wants it better head on out and grab it before it's gone!
The Luxury Essentials $630 USD

Cream de la Mer
La Mer The Lifting Face Serum
La Mer The Eye Concentrate
Eep! I personally can't afford it but I'd be all over this like white on rice if I won the lotto! The items are housed in a pearlized hat box.
Dear Santa,
Please grace the Muse's Christmas with a La Mer Luxury Essential Gift Set! I've been good all year! Honest!
the Muse
The La Mer Luxury Essentials Gift Set is available at Bergdorf and Neimans.
The Creme de La Creme $1,390 USD
I'll take my jar of Creme de la Mer super size please!

Phew, that's 16.5oz of cream! How many of these do you think I'd need to fill up my bath tub?
If you have some spare change hanging around you can get the La Mer Creme de La Creme Gift Set at Bergdorf, Neimans, and Saks! Tell 'em the Muse sent you!
The Luxe Keepsake Box $1,200 USD

If you're dishing out for La Mer you might as well have a super posh box to stash it away in! The Luxe Keepsake Box was designed by David Linley a British furniture designer. Each set is numbered and limited edition. If I ever got my hands on one I'd ruin it by drooling all over it! This is obviously one for the beauty vault! I better go buy more lotto tickets!
This one is available exclusively from Bergdorf and
The Connoisseur Collection $395 USD

Here's another one I seriously have my eye on!
Creme de La Mer
La Mer The Eye Concentrate
The Connoisseur Collection comes housed in a pearlized leather box! I think I may indulge in this one, the temptation is to great to resist!
If you're wanting this collection it's available exclusively at Saks.
Well, I guess we better start getting our jumbo pencils and paper out and start our lists to Santa...I know mine has increased by a few items after seeing these gift sets!
Labels: Holiday Collections 2008, La Mer, Skincare, Winter Collections 2008
Kayvid: Muse, does anyone(including you) know from experience whether the Creme de La Mer is good? Or is it just hype?
hey kayvid :)
Naughty girl you didn't read my post :) hehe! I mentioned trying various samples and yes it does live up to the hype!
Honestly, I used la mer eye balm in the .0000001 oz size LOL for a week and my eyes never looked so good. Puffiness gone, dark circles gone, fine lines was amazing...I didn't dig the smell though and also it had a slight sting if I got it in my eyes but aside from that it's possibly thee best eye cream I ever had the pleasure of testing out. After my week of using it was up...I noticed my eyes went right back to misbehaving again :P
I also used the cream once as I had a sample pack..and amazing...truly I can understand why people get so nuts over it ;)
I'm going to try to review a few items soon!
Kayvid: I did read your blog...but it's the afternoon drowsies making me not absorb what I am reading. Sounds like it's a good deal then...
Also, I am on a skincare kick...have you tried the Philosophy Microdelivery facewash? Opinion?
Also, Do you still use and like the Bliss Triple Oxygen Mask? I'm extremely tempted to get that one...should I?
LOL I'm only teasing lovie :) I totally understand!
Yes I have tried both :) I still am working on my bliss triple oxygen's actually pretty full considering I use it twice a week :)
Good stuff...particularly impressed that it does a great job with my flaky skin now that's it's cold!
I have a review for Microdelivery here:
If you have to choose I'd go with microdelivery :) it's a fav of mine!
Hey, is it really that good? I thought it would just be all hype. Good to know though! Will have to go check it out, although then, I'll probably fall in love with it and won't be able to afford it, lol. Better just still to my good old Palmers Cocoa Butter.
it really is! LOL but don't feel bad I can't afford it either ;)
It's gorgeous though, seriously. I've never tried a better eye cream then the one by la mer!
I've always wanted to do a full review but sadly I only ever had a week to actually use it and I'd rather go a full month with skincare before reviewing if that makes sense!
i have read SO many amazing reviews on la mer, but i doubt i can afford it in another 3 or 5 years :(
With the economy in shambles and folks pinching pennies 'till they bleed, I can't help but wonder what the folks at La Mer are smoking. Whatever it is, I want some, because right now, it looks like the only places where people will be able to afford these products are Texas and the nations of the Persian Gulf.
hi musey,
It's so good to hear that the eye balm really works! I have very serious dark circles and i'm eyeing for the eye balm for quite some time but haven't got it until now because it's way out of my budget.. and i really mean WAYY out. Anyway do u it apply day and night? Do u also apply under your make up?
oh, the price is just swooning into the sky. I can't afford even one-sixth of The Luxe Keepsake Box. Too expensive. what a bummer.
hi there prettybeautiful!
Don't feel bad I can't afford it either :) I tried out samples of the eye cream and face cream and it really is amazing..I wish the prce was in the $75-$85 range..that I could justify...but $130-$165 kills me :(
But I'm kinda feeling two of the kits as they are ok deals but still really costly!
Happy Weekend lovie!
Thanks for the comment!
mandy, mandy, mandy you should know that the beauty world stops for no one not even the economy hehehe!
LOL TEXAS ;) That cracked me up big time :) It boggles th mind how Texas is isolated from this insanity :)
Honestly I think La Mer is just catering towards a higher end of clients and the middle class arent' likely to purchase the items...Two of the sets I have my eye on are pretty good deals but I'm unsure if I can justify the cost right now :P
hello there alyssa
It's miracle stuff I ever used on my eyes..wish it was less costly!
It's really out of my budget as well! I'm trying to justify the cost..!
I used it for a week and applied day and night. My fine lines, puffiness (main prob for me) and dark circles looked amazing after the week...after I went back to my old eye cream I seen a considerable difference in how moist my eyes were and how the puffiness came back :(
I normally apply in the AM after my shower...while I dress and do my hair it gives it a chance to set in and I apply my makeup after that :)
hi Vivian!
LOL agreed :) I wish the price range was between $75-$85 that I could justify but at $130-$165 it just seems a little bit too much for me at the moment....I think I'll wait for another FF event or a Gift with Purchase to indulge :)
Love La Mer but not its price. Oh, I have Nivea cream on at the moment and its scent is totally La Mer's! ;)
lol ditto mags :-)
I'd love a $75-$85 range..that seems more reasonable for my pocket..but honestly I do understand the price as it's damn good stuff!
People have said that nivea is a good dupe..but not a good idea for your face as it causes little white bumps :P
Really? I've used up one mini tin and had a good experience with the Nivea. YMMV yet again, I suppose! :) In general, my skin is resistant but the open pores, damn them! HAHA.
hi mags!
Not for me :P my skin doesn't like it :P I'm good with pores thankfully but I get terribly dry skin in the winter so bad it flakes :P yak!
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