Musings of a Muse

A Blog of Musings from a Cosmetic Whore

Aug 26, 2008

Demeter Tootsie Roll Pick-Me-Up Cologne Spray Review

I think Mister Owl should be taken out and shot! How the very dare he eat the entire lollipop! I bet that kid went home and bawled afterward!

The Muse is smarter then that and she refuses to share her new Demeter Tootsie Roll Pick-Me-Up Cologne Spray with Mister Owl!

Mmmm all the goodness of Tootsie Rolls and none of the calories. Although Tootsie Rolls are supposedly low in fat...hmm why don't I believe that?

Demeter Tootsie Roll Pick-Me-Up Cologne Spray recaptures my childhood for sure with this new edition to it's fragrance line up. Too cute right? You may mind walking around smelling like a Tootsie Roll but I don't. It adds to the Muse's awesome quirky personality!

If you love really fun scents where people stop and ask "What in the world are you wearing?" this would be for you.

Yes, the scent does indeed smell identical to a Tootsie Roll. Sweet, chocolaty yum! The Muse likey! The fun factor alone on this totally makes me grin!

Love this?

Love Tootsie Roll?

Tell the Muse!

Check out more of the Tootsie Roll Collection from Demeter by clicking here!

Demeter Tropical Dots Pick-Me-Up Cologne Spray Review

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL as I'm isolated up here in the north I didn't even know what a Tootsie Roll was! I started to hum and dance to the Tootsee Roll I knew!

To the left! To the left! To the front! To the back!

Ok sorry... that cologne might not be for me, too sweet! But I'm sure I'd love the real Tootsie Rolls!

August 27, 2008 at 5:04 AM  
Blogger the Muse said...

hey linn!!!!!

LOL!! I love that song :)

Aw shoot you need something sweet ;)


August 27, 2008 at 11:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Demeter used to sell something like this through VS, I think the jelly beans ones. They're really cute but too kiddish :) and probably attract ants hehehe

August 28, 2008 at 2:55 AM  
Blogger the Muse said...

hi dao!

I'm one of the nuts that owns the jelly bean collection lol!

not ants but bees love it lmao! ;)

I love crazy scents so it totally appeals to me ;-)

VS used to carry tons of the demeter line not sure they do anymore though :(

August 28, 2008 at 11:16 AM  

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