Stila Hydrating Powder and Primer
Stila jumps on board the cool, refreshing band wagon and releases it's new Hydrating Powder and Primer.
Both the powder and primer are available for pre-order at Stila's site and are supposed to be officially released in 2-3 weeks but you can order now! I'm unsure exactly when the items will ship but it's safe to say it'll be before the official release of both!
I'm actually curious about both and leaning towards investing my hard earned cash into buying them! I have my doubts about the price but it may well be worth it!
I've been searching for a good primer for a while now and "hydrating" primer sounds quite interesting. Stila's hydrating primer has an SPF 15 which is a big plus and anti-aging ingredients. The price at $34 USD does make me shudder but as I always say, "whoever said being beautiful was cheap?"
Stila Hydrating Primer

The powder also has my eye and I'm curious of it's a cooling, "wet" feeling powder but again at $32 USD I am raising my eyebrows! At this price I can just dive in and purchase the Awake powder I've had my eye on for ages! But I'm not totally crossing this off the list as of yet! Must test this out and see for myself!
Stila Hydrating Powder

This is proof that certain words will trigger off that "need" for product! As soon as I heard hydrating I was ready to jump on the site, whip my credit card out, and begin the buying spree!
Will I review these? Depends! Stay tuned and they might pop up around here soon!
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Labels: Stila, Summer Collections 2008
I'm really interested in the skin, for some odd reason, is getting dryer by the minute. This may help just a bit. The SPF is just a lovely bonus. :]
Hey Muse!
I'm really lemming these too... my wallet surely is going to give me a swift kick in the bum!
The one thing that really is making me worry about the powder, is that it's a one-shade-fits-all powder. I'm afraid it's going to be too dark on me!
Oh well... at least I've got my $10 off $50 code to get me through this!
I really hated the Awake powder and it's cheaper, luminizing 'Good Skin' equivalent. They feel cooling and refreshing, but ultimately they are drying and leave little flakey bits that roll off your skin as you apply the powder.
I am, however, interested in the primer. I hope it's nothing like Smashbox.
Honey, please do yourself a favour and go over to Saks for the Thierry Mugler Teint Glacis and Bleu Glacis. I have a hunch that all of these lines get their stuff at the same place and if it's wet and cool, try the TM and see before the Stila is on the shelves. I think you will be pleased with our TM.... Lynnderella Out.
I'd like to try those as well. Maybe I'll check at the counter when they come out. Stila's pretty much expensive here in Thailand.
a primer with SPF & hydration sounds like exactly what i need! hopefully its not too good to be true...
speaking of primers, i'm thinking of trying the Guerlain L'or Radiance primer you know if that is any good?
I like the Prescriptives Magic Liquid Powder. It has that cool, wet, hydrating feel. And you can check it out at the counter before you really want to buy it!
I really need this a primer with SPF such great idea
i'm waiting until my primer and sunblock 2 finish
this one on my shopping list
Hi musey, if you're looking at "wet and cooling" feel powders, clinque's derma white loose powder does give that feeling upon application, it's translucent white with fine shimmer that brightens up the complexion as well. ^^
hello sarah!
Agreed. Same problems as you here. Even come Summer I still experience some drying. I wish my skin was dewy and perfect ;)
hello cakey babe how are you?
My wallet is still crying from my vacation hehe.
Yea :P I had that one shade fits most. Ends up being a dull disgusting beige that doesn't flatter anyone :P
The coupons have been major generous lately from Stila and the sales for that matter!
hey miss mandy.
Mmm glad you said as much. I've heard raving reviews. yuk! I had a PF powder that did that. It, too, was the cooling effects style powder and pilled on my skin like crazy! It looked like my skin was peeling.
Hopefully not :( Freaking every primer takes a note from Smashbox :P
lynn! HEY! :) How are you!
You got it. Thanks for reminding me since I read your review before holiday I completely forgot I wanted to stop by Saks and give this a whirl.
I've lemmed it as soon as I heard your review. Especially the concealer!!!!!
hi Vichaya!
It's kinda expensive here too. The prices on Stila always shock me. It's pretty high end pricing. I can imagine the price in Thailand.
Thanks for the comment. Hope to hear from you again soon :)
hi ' * : . b | u 3 . : * '!
Ditto! I'm feeling that! I imagine it is :P knowing my luck!
How are you by the way lovie?
It's on my too buy list. The pearl like one right? Looks amazing! Expect a review soonish ;)
hello there Jackie.
I haven't yet tried that one but it sounds lovely from the details. Good idea!
Thanks for the comment ;)
Speak to you soon I hope!
Happy Weekend!
hiya beautyaddict1one1!
A cooling primer plus SPF seems a big plus to me. ;) You're most welcome! If you get it before me maybe you'll guest review it.
Happy Weekend!
hi there helena-ampjam!
Oooo never heard of that one. I overlook clinque makeup many times! Thanks for the rec! Will have to stop by my local counter for a lookee!
Thanks for the comment! Hope to talk to you again soon!
Happy Weekend!
I just don't get it. I still have combination skin, but...its more dry. Its so weird. I'm even considering cleansing oils and milks to see if they help my skin a bit.
Well, I don't blame you for overlooking the brand-over in the states, Clinique is one of the cheaper counter brands right? Sadly here in sg, the price is on par with lets say Shiseido, Anna Sui etc; taxes are insane- example, lipstick prices are originally about $14usd but here they charge almost $23usd?
It kinda sucks that sephora doesn't ship internationally but i heard that they are planning to open a flagship store in one of the major shopping malls in town. I seriously wonder about their pricing. Migrating seems more and more appealing. How much does a Shiseido The Makeup lipstick cost over at your side? Ours is around 29usd.
"Hydrating" sucked me in, too. I have to try these. Thanks.
I wonder if the primer is water or silicone based. I've tried enough of both to know I much prefer a water based primer. It's definitely more moisturizing. Silicone ones feel like they just sit on top of my skin. Stila's products usually suck me right in so I'll probably one of the first in line to buy it when it hits Canada.
hi sarah!
I have weird ass skin too. It's oily on the forehead, patchy dry skin on my cheeks. Sigh. I've been digging the volcanic ash from MAC which helped my skin to return to some normal form!
hi helena-ampjam!
Happy Monday!
Mmmmm it is cheaper yes but not by much. That's insane that it's closer to price of Anna Sui and Shisedio! Sheesh!
That stinks :P At least you don't live in the UK where it's nearly doubled!
That'd be great to have a local sephora. Don't count on the prices being low though :(
We are $22.50 USD for a lippie at the moment.
Honesty the price jump sucks but it's better than what you'd pay if you were living in europe! Those prices really STINK! :(
I'm a bit slow but if you don't mind the wait I'd be happy to CP you a few items here and there ;)
hi there girl-woman!
Me too! Anytime I hear hydrating in the formula I get hyper ;)
Happy Monday!
hiya psychoexgirlfriend!
Not sure. I silicone. Foundation would adhere better but not sure how moisturizing it would be if it didn't have some sort of water base.
Stila sucks me in too but most times I end up being dramatically disappointed :P
If I get 'em I'll def review!
Ooo, my nose is oily, and my cheeks are oily; but I'm dry everywhere else - especially on my chin, jawline, and around my mouth. Its worse than usual because I don't have a moisturizer atm! *tear*
Omg *loves you*
Well having a sephora is better than not having one at all, arrgh there are so many brands that don't have international shipping =( and for those that do, prices are at least 30usd?
Hah i don't mind sending a crate of Kose airy whip over; it's being sold at the local japanese pharmacy. =D
hey sarah!
My forehead mostly as far as oily and dry for my cheeks :P
And I'm pretty normal elsewhere!
Awww sniff! Must do budget moisturizers for you hehe ;) Review the best ones ;)
hello helena!
Aw shucks ;)
The prices stink :( I've seen what Benefit and Stila charges sigh! It's about the same if I order from Lush UK! Costly ;(
HOLY COWS YES LOL! I love me some Airy Whip lol!
I'm a bit slow but just email me a list and I can see about helping you out ;)
Are you a cozy member by chance?
Yup, i'm a cozy member; i may want to get a handful of things from urban decay etc, i seriously want udpp as well =D could you enlighten me on how cp works?
I'll check up on what other products there are from the softymo range, if i'm not wrong i saw a raspberry/berry scented version of airywhip. Just email me! =(^v^)=
yay me too! What's your nick!?
I've done a few cps for cozy members. You probably know Iris as well from Rouge Deluxe she's a good friend of mine :)
Love her!
OH MY GOD YOU LIE! Berry scented? Must have berry scented airy whip lol!
normally cp works in a few ways..either a trade of equal items.
Example: You get me a lipstick that's say $9 USD and I get something of equal value for you and we each cover shipping on the products.
or you get me what I want and I get what you want and we even the costs out accordingly.
Or finally...if one of us doesn't get something and it's just one sided cp the person ends up paying via paypal!
Have you tried UDPP before? It's great ;)
Also Sephora has friends and family discount of 20% in November so you might wanna wait and do a big haul of stuff during the holiday ;) as 20% off is awesome!
my nick is helena_ampjam on cozy =D
I'll help you check out on what products are available from the softymo range; noes i have sadly not tried out any ud products- would you have swatches for deluxe eyeshadow in Heat, Sting, plus Brick from the normal eyeshadow range? I'm looking for dark red lipstains as well, any recs?
morning helena sorry for my delayed reply!
Got it! Will message you over yonder!
THANKS! I appreciate it! I never seen anything online in regards to the line!
Yup will do those swatches right now and post for you ;)
If your local mac counter still has these available I highly recommend port red and queen's sin. They are divine! search my blog for a review of each ;) and FOTDs!
Also if you want a really loud red Vincent Longo has a lip vinyl from it's C_Scope Spring Collection that's to die for!
Check my blog I have pics and fotd too ;) if you can't find 'em let me know ;)
Off to do your swatches!
helena did you mean the eyeshadow gash? as ud doesn't have a single shadow called brick ;)
Let me know!
Ah yes, gash is from the singles, heat and sting are from deluxe. ^^
Thank you so very much for swatching!
I'll definitely be checking out the mac counter soon (we HAVE to every month, they keep coming out with stuff to make us broke >< )I want the cream hi-lighters from colourforms, shadows and lipglosses from electroflash and Kohl powers eyepencils and maybe an eyeshadow from starflash, and.. maybe 3 blushers from sonic chic already D= and it seems that they are finally launching Heatherette here after all, maybe before colour forms? It's not confirmed yet.
In the meanwhile i shall raid The Makeup Store, they have awesome eyepencil colours.
hi helena!
got it :) I was confused a sec there. No prob. by the way sting came out appearing orangy it but it's very pink! If you check around I have an FOTD using it.
You're most welcome it's my pleasure.
God mac is evil. I'll be doing some mac coverage next week on cool heat and the sci fi bits and bobs :) so maybe those swatches and reviews will help you out with purchases while at the counter:)
I don't want the hilighters as I have some from the couture collection and they weren't so great in my opinion :P but I def want the piggies, blushes, etc ;)
LOL your list is bigger than mine there ;)
sheesh heatherette is slow going still no word on it eh? I haven't kept up with the update on cozy about whether it made an appearance yet. I'd offer to snatch it for you but I think it's sold out..maybe the online site? I'll check and grab a cp for you if u want!
Will pm you on cozy right now so you know my nick!
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