Etude House Summer Collection 2008: Sherbet Cool Party
Etude House's website has been updated with the Summer Collection. The collection does not contain any makeup items but concentrates solely on skincare! I was slightly disappointed to see that no cosmetics were included but after viewing the items released I was intrigued by a few so I'll be picking these up shortly and reviewing them as soon as I can!

The skincare is relatively good and I'm actually seriously considered ditching Lush for it. I've tried a toner and a moisturizer and both were fantastic plus the price is ridiculously cheap! Sadly, I'm unsure of what the products contain as I can't read the bottle but I've had no oily spots as I sometimes get with certain moisturizers. I imagine the alcohol content is relatively low or non existent in the products as I've had no problem with dry patches either!
Just the name of the new Collection has me giddy to try it out! Sherbet Cool Party! Wahoo sounds rather refreshing doesn't it?
The products are range in price from 9,000 to 12,000 won which is a ridiculous low cost of $9-$12 USD and these are GOOD size products mind you!
I'm purchasing the entire line which includes a toner, a gel moisturizer, serum, and a few other bits!
With the promo images pimping out cool, refreshing images, icy pictures, and just general snowy pictures here and there I'm picturing each item to actually have some sort of "cooling" benefits for the hot, humid weather!

The Muse is all over this collection! I normally don't get so hyper about skincare but this has me positively enthralled!
Expect a review as soon as I can airmail this my way!
Loving this collection?
Are you lucky enough to live in Korea and tried it already?
Wanting it?
Tell the Muse!
Labels: Etude House, Korean Brands, Skincare, Summer Collections 2008
Please tell me that's the chick from the Etude House commercial. But- oh noes! Where's the other chick? Her dance partner? We demand Jang Geun Suk!
when i went to korea last month, etude house became my big new discovery. i purchased their trouble eraser skin care line and i'm in love (now i just need to convince them to take international orders)!
i checked out the aqua sherbet line on their website. the main ingredients that they're highlighting on these products is the alaskan glacier water and grapefruit juice (or essence or something?). one big concern for me was that ethanol seemed to fall into one of the top 3 in the ingredients list... just checked my etude house products, and ethanol's right up there on these too... huh. anyway, i was reading the reviews for the ice toner (the thing in the aerosol can) on their website. out of 3, 2 loved it, and 1 hated it - said it aggrivated her sensitive skin.
in any case, i love etude house. i have sensitive skin too, and for skin care products that contain alcohol and fragrance, they are like a god send for me (normally, products with even a little fragrance send my skin into a talespin)! can't wait to hear your reviews of these products!
I love trying out new skin care products - especially cooling ones, a la Aquafina. Its VERY refreshing to see a brand branch out and, instead of releasing a makeup collection, kick off the season with full on skincare. It seems so simple, but its genius. And its so damn cute! Aqua Sherbet? Its adorable! I want to try it all. :)
this line is geared towards teenagers in korea...
These are very attractive!! :) Let us know if they are good when you receive them!
Btw, hope you don't mind me linking you to my blog! Visit my blog sometimes! :D
I know I know. I was disappointed too...we can't have the rehash of Grease with every promo Mandy! Don't be spoiled now!
hi again jkim!
Damn I'd be in nirvana if they took international orders!
Thanks for the translation as I'm clueless! It could contain bird poo and I'd be none the wiser lol!
My moistful duo has a faint medicine smell that I associate with alcohol so it's safe to say it contained a healthy dose but it hasn't yet tried my skin out which shocked me!
I was looking at the reviews too, can't read 'em mind you, but I did notice that the marks were high! Is the ice toner used on body or face?
I'm ok with fragrance but I tend to get very dry with alcohol and if it's too oily my skin either breaks out or becomes a wet mess :P
I asked a mate to grab these. I hope she can get them all as items sell out REALLY quick according to her. The only thing that didn't interest me was the serum :P
Thanks for the comment again! Enjoying talking to you!
hey sarah!
I'm normally cautious. I have a love for skincare but it's difficult to actually get me to try new stuff as I get scared my skin will misbehave.
I've been trying to find the Aquafina for ages. Someone said walmart has it?! But I won't go into walmart unless dragged in by my sister ;)
The idea of a cooling, refreshing skincare line made exclusively for Summer thrills me to bits.
LOL! I agree! Love love the cute name and the packaging makes me feel chilly :)
hi Anonymous!
Yes I know. I'm a big kid at heart ;)
Even if it's geared towards teens and younger adults I'm still all over it as I really enjoy what they release :)
Hello Stephy!
Indeed I concur! I sure will! Review to come.
Oh I'd love that! I'm stopping by now and will link you too!
YES, wal mart does have it! However, there's reports that its been discontinued, and I got my stuff on sale. I hope they still have it, because there's lots more I want to buy [including the eye cream - hee]! They have a website with all the products listed, I'd be happy to link you :D
Hi Muse,
I'm really interested in these. How can i get them?, i'm in the us.
hey sarah!
Where in Walmart? I'll tell my sister to look for me. Yes please do..maybe I can use it in a post ;)
I read about the spray on Vanessa's site! Highly interested for summer ;)
hi Anonymous
These are only available within Korea at the moment as it's the latest collection. Online sites will update soon I imagine but sadly the prices are dramatically higher online compared to Korea.
If you live in California by chance you might wanna check out local drugstores for Etude House as SF and such has large asian communities and certain stores will carry Korean/Chinese/Japanese items.
However, if not, you have to either rely on friends if you have any that live within Korea or pay the high cost online :(
Do your math/calculations prior to shopping online so you know the base price compared to the seller's and whether or not that's something you want to invest in.
My EH Pore Erasing Base/Powder Pact post has some shops that sell EH plus if you read comments some readers suggested other places.
And my latest Online Shopping Spotlight featured a place called BeautyKat that sells some of the cosmetic line of EH!
Hope this helps!
Hi Izzy, glad u are back! I miss talking to u! *Hugs*
Now we can continue our daily chats eh? *Winks* ;)
I've been rather busy these 2 weeks as well. many posts in such a short time! I gonna catch up on all your posts!
How was your holiday? Was it fun? Did u get any tanner?
gracie xo
I already have a review of some of their stuff on my blog, well worth the money. I still haven't snagged the spray, but I saw it and wanted it to set makeup.
OH LOOK! They're selling it online now. Now you'll be able to review it for you blog for yourself:
I didn't know they had the lippies in wee pots as well! Their balms and lip oils are my HG, they HEAL your lips. :D
Oh, and they're with the skincare, silly - if its still carried!
gracie! how are you my darling?
I missed you too! *hugs*
But of course...I'm all ears ;)
I have been going overboard posting hehe more to come soonish ;)
Holiday was simply divine! I got very little tan as I was slathering myself down with SPF ;) hehe! You know me and tanned skin..big NO!
Hope you're well! Missed ya!
hey mizz sarah!
oo link me to the review! I wants to see :)
I've seen the lippies actually at a local supermarket! I read about the lip oils on MUA and I was curious ;)
oh thanks for the link! the eye cream looks interesting!
My sister has a body wash by them I think...hmmm! I wonder if this stuff is around ?
Thanks for the linkee!
ARG! I typed out a full comment and damn blogger froze! >:O
Anyways, here's links to my Aquafina rambles:
And I must say, the lip oils and balms saved me. The state of my pucker before buying them was absolutely horrible. Always cracked or bleeding, and just straight up parched. I tried all kinds of hippy dippy stuff like Carmex and ChapStick, and none of it worked. In a week's time, the lip oil healed my lips, and plumped them over time. Well worth the money.
And the overnight cream and de-wrinkle cream have gotten some rave reviews - women have reported instant results! Crazy, huh?
And my mom has the lotion. I've only used it once, so I can't really give a definite report!
hey muse. the ice toner is meant for the face. even though it's in an aerosol can, they recommend you spray it onto a cotton ball/pad first and then apply to your face. weird, i just assumed you'd spray it directly on. their recommended aqua sherbet regimen is: cleanse (no cleansers from the aqua sherbet line available) > ice or skin toner > serum > lotion > gel cream > mist (which hasn't been released yet)
basically, their whole spiel with the aqua sherbet line is to cool your face down, as excessive heat also causes premature skin aging by drying it out (according to them).
anyway, to answer someone else's question, the new aqua sherbet video still has the original two performers from the last campaign - the girl (go ara, which, incidentally, can also mean "how beautiful!") and the guy (jang gun seuk - sorry, no double meanings here).
hope that helps! :-)
blogger drives me BONKERS when it does that shat :P
Aw thank ye! Off to read ;)
I'm one for yucky lips in the winter! I normally use rosebud salve, swear by that stuff.
Hmmm this could be a better, yummier solution!
Big time crazy considering the price is so nice!
I think my sis has the lotion and the body wash! Must raid her bathroom closet lol!
Thanks off to read your reviews now :)
Happy Weekendz!
hello there again jkim!
Thanks for all this helpful info!!!!!!!!!!!
I can use you as my little translator hehe. Or maybe to teach me Korean :)
I actually use a cotton pad when apply the toner so I can relate to this. The toner is so gelly like you'd think it would be easier to just rub on but I use a cotton ball ;)
I like the "cool your skin down" part hehe!
MAJOR help! As I'm always left puzzling over when I should be using what :)
And thanks for the info on the models ;)
Wahooo! I'm even more excited to try the line now!
Thanks darlin'!
Happy Weekend!
Grr that's never happened before! I was horrendously miffed >.<
Man, my lips are crap all year round. I always have like, 3 or 4 balms at me at one time, I have to check myself and keep one balm and one lip oil and not all of them.
They're cheaper at Wal-Mart, but either way, very affordable - which is what Beau loves best about them! He thinks its cute how much I flip out over them, haha.
Aww I'm lucky as it's a winter thing for me thankfully!
Aw I love men that understand our need for cosmetics ;) hehe!
OY you are. I can't stand it, but all I have to do is exfoliate and balm it up and the pucker is as good as new!
And I heart the Wal Mart...roll back prices, ya'll! XD
The funny part is that he likes buying me makeup, especially when I'm in a rut. He's the bestest :D
Exfoliating works wonders. Especially in the winter when they are peeling gross!
LOL! ;) That made me laugh!
Awww ;) I seen the pic of you guys together on your cutes!
mega dimples hehe!
Hi muse,
speaking étude house, I wonder if I've got hold of this line yet. I got a sample of the lotion which is a really light gel, like a watery version of laneige's sleeping mask. The skin toner is nothing special. Haven't tried the aerosol toner as won't be able to carry it home. The serum, lotion and cream have the same sort of feel, smell except for minor differences in consistency so I just purchased the lotion which is a good moisturiser under bb cream or sunblock in humid Asian weather.
hiya rach! Not yet. It's coming via airmail shortly :)
I got all of the collection as I like to layer plus I'm diseased hehehehe!
I thought it would be great as a light, refreshing skincare for summer ;)
Especially in the humidity ;)
I have the moistful duo myself and I liked it so that's what made me want this!
It sounds promising! I'll be reviewing soon!
What else did you haul from etude house?
I'm jealous! :)
Hi Muse,
I've been reading your blog for some time now, I found it when I was looking for some info on Japanese cosmetics.
I would really like try out the new Aqua Sherbet Line from Etude House and the Peach Base as well, but the prieces at Sweet Violet's Giftshop (eBay) are ridiculously expensieve. Is there any other online Shop you know of that sells Etude House products and ships worldwide?
Thank you!!
Greetings from Austria,
hello there caroline!
Thanks for being such a long time reader at Musings. I appreciate it big time!
Funny as no one on e-bay ever carried Etude House till I blogged it lol now it's everywhere ;) I feel special!
Sadly, I have no recs for a good shop that ships worldwide that offers decently priced etude house cosmetics/skincare.
You can try sometimes there is a steal and a deal over there ;)
Other than that I recommend visiting Asian forums to see if anyone in Korea is willing to cp for you ;)
Hope this helps!
Wish I had better options to give!
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