Pieces of Life: Jung Eui Chul Crushin'
I dunno why but I'm feelin' the love for Jung Eui Chul today. I'm crushin' all over him lately. What a cutie. My best friend Jai and I were discussing it and it's been decided this kid needs his own 25 eppy romantic drama.
Anyone with me?
Fun fact: He actually took the place of Kim Hyun Joong in my heart when I first seen Boys Over Flowers as I hated Hyun Joong's hair in the drama. Granted, all that red slowly grew on me but I think Hyun Joong looks way cuter as a brunette circa SS501 early days!
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Labels: K-Dramas, Pieces of Life
omg never thought u'll ever mention him in your blog. he's a cutie and super tall (he's a model too). gahhh but he's so underrated
hehe dd :-D
He's yum!
hi kartika!
hehe. He's totally underrated, what a cutie! hope we see more of him in the future!
no one beats hyun joong! ahahaha! me love tat lil boy!!!
hey little sis :-D
LOL hyun joong still gets my love :-D just without the red hair!
Boys over Flowers is one of the only K-dramas I've seen and I was quite fond of the two F4 guys they didn't show much of: Kim Bum and Kim Joon.
But I really thought they were all cute and I agree: Hyun Joong's red hair had to go- especially when the hairstyle changed midway thru the drama and he had those bangs...too much red hair going on there! :(
I think it's cute that the actress is really the oldest one out of the bunch (they are quite young).
- Miss D
P.S.- I still can't find the Antique Bakery movie with Kim Jae Wook anywhere, and I'm dying to get my hands on that! XD
hey anonymous!
It's a great start in the drama world :-D I'm addicted to them :-D
Omg god totally agree def not enough air time!
Yes...I think they were making him appear maturer in certain scenes but really he's just a boy :-D lol!
Antique is out on DVD at YesAsia if you have a zone free player :-D I believe it's region 3? But it is out in a special limited edition korean press with subtitles if you need them!
OMG I LOL JUNG EUI CHUL TOOOOOOOOOOOOO OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG <33333333 !!!! I was crazy over him for a period of time hahaha.Went to the net to grab all his pics yo~that's how crazy i was over him..His like super hot.He played in a movie too called [do re mi fa so]!
I still prefer Kim Hyun Joong more! He will remain as my wallpaper until I'm finally sick of him. (that should not happen though) =)
lol ph!3!
he's really a good looking guy :-D
Glad I'm not alone in my crushing!
lol belle he's my work wallpaper too :-D
I get clients all day asking me "who is that?!"
Well, ask and ye shall receive...you told me that you saw some copies of Antique Bakery out there and I finally found one! You must be a good luck charm (can't wait to view it)! :)
- Miss D
I love me some Korean dramas !!!! And Choi SiWon from Super Junior ♥ ♥ ♥
ha miss d awesomeness :_D enjoy!
hi andrea ditto :-D
hehe! eye candy!
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