Beauty News: Walmart Expands, Offers More Buying Options and Bigger Cosmetic Playground

The evil empire aka Walmart has recently expanded it's cosmetic aisles to appeal to the junkies that explore the empire for a deal or two or three. The Muse herself has been known to hit up the Walmart cosmetic aisle for a steal and a deal on a rare occasion when her sister forces her to tag along on long expeditions to explore cheap warez and goods.
In further news Walmart intends to expand even further, the Deathstar got nothing on this empire! It'll be a bigger, badder Walmart than you've ever known before!
Click ahead for it!
Walmart may have your money but they want to keep it to. In a bid to keep customers clamoring for more Walmart has plans to expand it's line by dumping many brands and bringing in higher end merchandise. But..but...but that's why I shop Target!
I dunno if this really applies to cosmetic goods but Walmart has already begun revamping many 3,600 of it's store base to include many big name brands. One can hope this means you'll see Dior on your next trip to the evil empire but don't be too surprised if you don't k? In the Muse's opinion they should spend a few billion dollars on the cosmetic aisles.
Count the Muse curious to see these changes during her next yearly visit to the empire.
Read the full article about Walmart's changes here.
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Labels: Beauty News
I dislike Walmart and tend to shop at Target. That said, I usually only get Sonia Kashuk or ecoTools from Target these days. I suppose if more things that I like come to Walmart, such as Benefit and Urban Decay, I'd be up for buying them there.
muse! i just wanted to tell you that as soon as i saw your post i ran over to my nearest Walmart and needed to see this for myself. Now, i like you can't resist anything that says NEW....ahh how that word gets to me. And this word recently appeared on new Maybelline shadows. Do you think they would be worth it? I also wanted ask you if the Maybelline shadow quad in Designer Chocolates would be similar to the Mac quad in Spiced chocolates? thank you Muse and i have to say i adore your blog and it puts a smile on my face!
That bastard Walmart is trying to kill luxury brands and my beloved Tar-jay in one fell swoop! Walmart is beyond evil and now it seems to be thriving in this recession much the way organized crime did during the Great Depression and Prohibition!
Seriously though: who'd want to buy high-end beauty products from Walmart? It's not like those bastards ever give you testers or samples.
oh lord dd doubt we'll see posh brands at walmart anytime soon lol if so I quit makeup LOL!
hi anonymous
apologies for my delayed reply been backed up comment wise!
LOL I know that feeling well :-D I haven't seen them to be honest as I'm not too much of an expert in the drugstore range as far as US brands go. again not sure about designer chocolates as I haven't seen it ;( I'll try to get to my DS soon and have a peep and let you know :-D
aw thanks so very much hun! I really appreciate it.
no worries mandy we'll help keep the posh brands afloat and I doubt you'll see any luxe brands in walmart anytime soon! mostly they are expanding with drugstore makeup brnds!
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