Beauty News: Chantecaille Website Launches!
I'm ever so intimidated by the Chantecaille counter. Hold me I'm scared. Chantecaille reps scare the beegees outta me so I normally avoid the counter and order online if I'm self indulging myself in beautifully prestigious makeup. I don't own a ton of Chantecaille but the few pieces I do have are safe guarded by two very large growling dogs but anyway onto the beauty news of the days!

After a long, long, very long, pretty long, long, why did it take this long?, long time Chantecaille has gone live with it's brand new website which includes an online shop with the entire Chantecaille collection!
Bless be! I think I heard an angel get it's wings!
Click for the deets!
Chantecaille has had a website for a long time but it was rarely updated and you couldn't purchase anything from it. How pleasant that the site is now newly revamped with an online store for browsing and finding out more about the brand and making possible purchases. Truly this is a great day.
So so long intimidating MA's and hello!
Happy news for any fans?
Tell it!
Also, free shipping from the site until August 12th if you're wanting to dish our a few bucks on incredible cosmetics!
Labels: Beauty News, Chantecaille
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