Product Musings: Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Grifter

Would you mind terribly if I wax poetry about my very favorite Urban Decay Eyeshadow?
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Ahh Grifter how I heart thee. You're such a perfect shade of lilac with a heavy dose of silver shimmer!
There is something so gorgeous about this shade which makes it a great favorite of mine!
How about you?
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Labels: Product Musings, Urban Decay
I love urban decay eyeshadows! They are always great for having a little fun with your look. This shade looks like it would be gorgeous.
Ps- love your blog, I am also a fellow beauty addict
I think grifter is a pretty color, but the chunks of glitter fall out all over my face making this eyeshade a no go for me.
I do love Grifter, but as always my beef is that it is toooo glittery for my liking.
But it is a beautiful shaide that I use often in purple looks.
what's not there to love?
i think everybody have a soft spot for purples...
i love how shimmery it is!
hope ill be able to try it someday..
it sucks when you can't get one product because they don't ship internationally
i so love your blog!
Hey...this is unrelated to the post, but in your "About me" you said you're 30. I would HARDLY believe!!!! you look soooo young!! what's your secret?!
Grifter is a great shade- I also love Polyester Bride and Midnight Cowboy- perhaps cos I';m quite fair I like neutral tones a little more.
hi icandy!
me too! :-D thanks!!!!!! heart my fellow addicts :-D
This is a fab shade :-D love it!
hi anonymous!
yup! I know what you mean yak!!!! hate fall out :(
love ud, hate fall out :(
hey jackie!
I hear ya plus fall out but it's my fabbbbbbb purple!
hey ~tHiAmErE~
You can say that again :-D!
I think ud ships internationally don't they!?
awww thank you! *hugs* glad you enjoy reading my blog hun!
hey anonymous!
thanks. You're too kind. Actually 31 :-D hehe I haven't updated it lately :-D
good skincare is the key to youth hehe!
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