Musings of the Day: Please, Just Leave Me In Peace!

(oops sorry for the extra "o" in too! hehe!
You know how pushy MA's can be! Heck, you might even appreciate it since some of them work on commission but none the less it's still rather annoying to say the least.
So today's Musings is which counters or stores do you find the most aggressive, the most irritating, the most pushy....
Jump ahead for my reply!
Actually, my choice isn't a cosmetic counter. In fact it doesn't have anything at all to do with makeup. The place I avoid at all costs because the reps are annoying, irritating, and EXTREMELY, maxed out, over the top pushy is Bath and Body Works.
Going into Bath and Body Works in one word is a ridiculous experience. I haven't set foot inside one in a long, long, long time since the sales reps are just awful, terrible, a real nightmare. They are so incredibly pushy it turns my stomach to even venture inside the store. I don't even think they work on commission but they are somehow programmed robots to push, push, PUSH! They push so much that I think most people are pushed out the door without bothering to purchase because of the irritating way the reps are.
Try this, try that, have you seen this? How about that? Have one of these? This is $5! Here let me get you a cart, a basket, a bag, a tote, let me hose you down with our newest fragrance even though you're sneezing all over the place.
Truly Bath and Body Works needs to tame it's reps. Maybe if they do I'll consider going back inside one of the stores. Until than I avoid it at all costs!
How about you?
What's your least favorite store or counter to visit because the artists or reps are just too bloody pushy?
Tell the Muse!
Labels: Bath and Body Works, Musings of the Day
I've ran into REALLY pushy people at the MAC stores before. I'm not sure about the worst, though.
LOL, I recently had an annoying Smashbox "artist" drive me up the wall. It was at a Shoppers Drug Mart (here in Canada our Shopper's have a lot of high end lines) and I was looking for a present for my sister who just had a baby. A little easy to use pick me up, something fun. Ugh, this woman just did NOT get it. She kept suggesting their primer. OOoooo nothing says fun like primer! I kept saying something no, something more fun, just something she could stick in her purse. She finally recommended a bronzer, which I explained no, my SIL loves 10 by Benefit. I decided to get her the eyeliners from the spring line and then the woman says to me we have a page on facebook with a video on how to apply it. I said "cool, what's the address?" and she said and I kid you not, "". THANK YOU for your fantastic help!!!
Big hugs,
Critty :)
I don't have a problem with a particular store, but I do have a problem when they treat you like a theaf.
You step inside and there's the chick that comes and say "May I help you" and I say "No, thank you" (because I always know what I want, where and what to look for; I read your blog, don't I?:D)
After, they just start to like..follow you thru the store, looking at you are about to steal something any second...I hate that! I hate it!That makes my stomach turn.
Happend to me once at Sephora, you know why? Cuz I was in highschool and when I finished school that day I went to take a look, I had my bagpack and that for them meant I wanted to steal. I picked up some 2 perfumes and other stuff and I've basicly thrown my money on the counter under the witche's nose giving her a nasty smirk.
That, I hate when it happens. Actually lots of people hate that..I hear that alot.
Sadly, my complaint isn't about too pushy sales people, but ones that completely ignored me. I went to the MAC store in Metrotown (Vancouver, Canada) and was all but ignored by the girls. They asked me to move over so they could help customers that had just come in, and finally, when I asked the 4 girls behind the counter for some help, they all rolled their eyes and the girl who did come help me, was so unproffessional.
Benefit!!! I used to work for Benefit, and you have to pull people left and right. i.e. "hey girl let me show you something really quick!" i did this for a year and 3 months- then left and went to MAC where you DON'T have to pull... thank God!
Benefit. Sorry, love some of the products, adore the cuteness, but their "traffic stopping" sales assistants are the most annoying. They have sales patter drummed into them so they spout off the most inane boring one-liners about their products. Benefit staff in 4 countries I've been to have all been the same: the UK, Korea, USA and Canada.
Korean sales assistants in general are pushy and shadow you around the stores. I just ignore them now but the persistent ones really are irritating especially when you question them and they don't know anything anyway! rant rant rant.
lol I haven't noticed this in Canadian BBW stores but maybe they just haven't been 'programmed enough' :P I know what you mean though!
Actually what I hate more in some brands/stores is how they start tailing you around once you walk in, and interject with 'helpful info' about whatever product I pick up (assuming I know nothing about their brand). So annoying...
lol musey Bath & Bodyworks sounds like torture!
My least favourite counter is Benefit because they practically injure you trying to get you to come to their counter and then proceed to give quite desperate sounding sales pitches on why you need to spend money there which turns me off and so now i only buy benefit either
a) when the counter is un-manned
or b) online lol :)
The worst shop is SpaceNK - oh my god, I hate this shop. They completely ignore you and if they do look at you it's only with a look of hatred that makes you wonder what's wrong with the outfit you picked that day.
Good counter? Chanel - never, ever met an unhelpful OR pushy SA at a Chanel counter - and that's why the get so much business from me! (that and their products are gorge!)
Oh Oh! I'm so glad you said this. I think Bath and Body Works is still part of Limited, Co. I used to work at Express and I think it might be in the way they train their sales associates. Because I have this experience at BB&W, Victorias Secret, Express. My managers always told me to keep on pushing a sale or to always bring another three items for everything the customer actually wanted to look at. It was so annoying I had to quit immediately! So, I'm glad you've noticed this too!
Hmm. I remember that! I haven't been to Bath and Body works in two years. Nothing worthwhile there anyway. Their stuff is really heavily fragrance and you are right they do just spray stuff on you without asking ! I also hate Bloomingdales. I'll be looking at something and asking for one thing and the sales ladies gets an attitude and says no that does not match you, you need this. I'm like screw you where is this other brand's counter then If I want it I'll go back and get it from another rep. It's awful. I once went for a laura mercier pa event. Disgusting experience. They made me wait an hour for an ma, needless to say I made sure I didn't buy much even though they required us to buy a 100 dollar store credit for it. lol went and spend it on bobbi brown. They just gawked at me. Another bad experience I had was with lancome and my preorder for that phia lipstick and gloss set. Not only did they charge me twice, they lost my order so I had to wait an hour and talk to countless managers until they finally refunded me and gave me my stuff... :( I do hate bloomingdales. I cancelled my charge card with them and avoid them when I can. It really sucks that I have to go there for my bobbi brown and shiseido stuff.
I COMPLETELY agree with you on B&BW! I thought I was the only one extremely peeved by this. I've worked sales so I always make an effort to be polite to reps, with the exception of B&BW- I'm not outright rude with the reps, but they drive me so crazy tailing me around the store with products that I sometimes can't help myself!
I COMPLETELY agree with you on B&BW! I thought I was the only one who noticed this- then again, with their consistency in tailing each and every person who sets foot in the store with products and sales pitches, I guess I shouldn't be surprised other people get just as peeved as I do!
god im becoming predictable!!! lol
totally know what u mean, i cant walk into an electical store without havin an anxiety moment!!!
leave me alone!!!
if i want help... guess what???
i will ask!!!
Here in Portugal are the MAC counters. The counters are so tiny in space and I always have the feeling that as I step in they begin watching me like if I'm about to grab something and run out of the store. I hate the feeling. I prefer to take my chances and buy MAC on EBay.
The beauty and fragrance reps in Saks, NYC. I've been cornered by a beauty rep who told me something would just take a minute and then she trapped me for several minutes. I swear she was crazy. I had to lie to get away. And those bombers who spritz you with fragrance...I ADORE fragrance, but let me try it myself, okay?
hey dd!
Me too :( which is why I avoid MAC stores and go to counters :P
hey critty!
omg what a jerk. but I still kept help but LOL at what a 'tard lol!
big hugs right back miss critty!
hi diana!
omg she said that?! So stepping over the line. If I had an MA telling my foundation was bothering her I'd prob tell her I had something to do and run out the door. that's so freaking rude. I don't care of she's an MA or not :(
Hells yes I prefer online to avoid all the idiots that seem to work at Sephora, Ulta, and counters!
hi andreea!
YES YES YES I know how you feel. I ALWAYS have this problem at Sephora. They follow me around in circles watching me like a hawk. It really pisses me off :(
I totally know how you feel!
hi brandi!
I get that too don't feel bad. Normally if my MA isn't around or I am in a new store I get the complete silent treatment. Ignored totally.
I've never had anyone roll their eyes though...that's really RUDE! jeez :( I'm so sorry about that!
hi whit!
I never had this problem with Benefit but than again I mostly buy from the online shop hehe!
ugh that sounds awful annoying no offense :(
hi bora.
I never experienced this with Benefit but that could be I mostly purchase Benefit online hehe!
I know how you feel though as I get to some counters, get pestered at, and than proceed to ask a question which goes unanswered b/c they are clueless.
hey blu!
LOL come to the states...I'm sure they are fully programmed here LMAO!
I KNOW..omg! You know who does that alot? Lush!!!!!! I HATE going into Lush b/c of that!
hey chica!
oh god hold me it's scary at BBW! LOL
You're the 3rd person that said as such about Benefit but I haven't experienced that yet.
thank gawd lol
LOL I know you SpaceNK is the most uncomfortable shopping experience EVERRRRRRRRRRRRR!
sadly chanel has always been a rather crummy experience for me unless my normal MA is around. My normal MA is simply awesome but other ma's are generally snotty to me or unhelpful :(
hi abby!
oh lord that would drive me bonkes three things? jesus! Truly it's a scary experience shopping BBW!
hi crissy!
you're right honestly lately it's not a whole lot to miss out at BBW anyway!
I HATE when reps tell me what I should and shouldn't buy! Who the hell put you in charge of my $$!
good for you! No reason to splurge when the CS blow!
wow that's insane. thankfully lancome was ok with my phia purchase but when I called, the first time I heard about it, they were CLUELESSSSSSSSSSSSS which totally annoyed me :(
Why not head to neiman's for your bb? or nordies? If it's closer that is.
No sense putting up with non sense if it can be avoided!
hi bittersweet_symphony!
oh lord I'm really really really scared to even enter a BBW it's so bad :( They are deeply annoying and it's bad enough to say no thank you to one but you chop off one head and a new one is there to bother you :( they come in groups...sheesh!
terrible experience all the time at BBW I avoid it like the plague!
hey duck!
not at all :-D and I'm with you I HATE going to places like best buy or (when it was around) compusa and having stupid ass reps trying to sale me equipment they know nothing about!
exactly. But no one understands that concept of "if I need the help, I'll ask"
Get off my back man :(
hey rita!
Omg I know what you mean. This doesn't happen in mac here but Sephora is like that :( I HATE it!
It's become so bad I only buy online when possible!
hi Margaret
LOL I feel your pain and know exactly what you mean. The worst is in Macy's here they fragrance bombers are right by the escalator as you get you can't escape the spritzing LOL
I'm going to add another one to your list of bad places to shop. Henri Bendels. :( Very bad customer service. Tisk Tisk. I'm canceling my house card with them. Lol. We are going to need an issue on the best places to shop in stores.
hey crissy!
I know...very poor cs there :( I've had the same experience!
LOL I'll get one of those up good idea!
Oh my goshhhhhh I just got back from BB&W and they are insane!! I was just browsing and ALL four of the SAs came up to me within 15 minutes to ask if I was looking for anything. I haven't, not in the last 15 minutes, no thanks! Ughhh they made me feel so uncomfortable.
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