MAC A Rose Romance: MAC Fix+Rose WANTS IT!
MAC Fix+ Rose? So wants it!

As the release of MAC A Rose Romance nears the Muse can't help but jump around in excitement over the MAC Fix + Rose! I have a thing for rose scented products so I'm all about a calming spritz filled with vitamins and minerals carrying the scent of 100% natural rose water.
My inner Victorian lady so needs a bottle or two or three....there's something terribly ladylike about spritzing one self with rose scented fix!
What about you?
Is MAC Fix+ Rose calling your name?
I want this too! YAYY!
yay :-D I can't wait to snag some!
Did you end up getting it? What did you think? I used to have the normal Fix+ and I wasn't terribly attached to it, but I have a weakness for roses so this is really calling my name too. :)
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