Avon Anew Clinical Derma-Full X3 Facial Filling Serum Review
Now the Muse can't speak for herself, as she's practically perfect in every way al la Mary Poppins, but there happens to me a brand new facial filling serum from Avon that our mum's can take advantage of!

What? I really am perfect in all ways that excludes wrinkles...well ok I admit maybe I have one two under my eyes......
Jump ahead for the deets on Avon Anew Clinical Derma-Full X3 Facial Filling Serum....I dare you to say that three time's really fast!
Avon steps up it's game YET again in the skincare department with a brand new injectable-grade facial filler in serum form. Avon is all postal on the skincare world lately with all these interesting high tech wrinkle serums, lotions, and potions! Am I the only one that noticed this!? Yay revenge again the wrinkles!

This super concentrated serum has 3 times the level of an injectable-grade hyluronic acid for dramatic filling! Whoa dude. Erase those fine wrinkles and lines with this pistol! Oh by the way it's not only good at filling lines but it comes in this sweet swirly design that's kinda prettys.
Honestly, it's a bit useless for me as I don't have much in the way of deep lines to fill but I tried it out anyway. The formula is smooth and feels almost silicon-like. If nothing else it makes a fine prep and prime for makeup for me.

It promises that within 3 days you'll see a visible reduction in deep folds and within two weeks a more youthful fullness to cheeks. And finally within four weeks you'll see dramatically reduces the look of deep facial folds and hollowness.
Hyaluronic Acid is naturally produced by skin. It provides moisture and fullness but it's production decreases with age which is where Avon Anew Clinical Derma-Full X3 Facial Filling Serum comes into play. The serum is formulated to stimulate filling fiber and helps restore a youthful fullness to face.
Hopefully this is around when the Muse's face starts to catch up to her age! For now you don't have to take my word for it, check out the Avon site for the raving reviews from users! Click!

Avon Anew Clinical Derma-Full X3 Facial Filling Serum is available now from shop.avon.com Check it our for your mum or yourself!
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Thanks for reviewing this, but I can't help but get distracted that this looks exactly the serum from Resident Evil (LOL):
LOL totally know what you mean! I was going to reference it but got lazy LOL!!!! great minds...!
Completely!! Hahaha.
lol I liked the undead comment ;-D
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