Musings of the Day: Money for Nothing

Money for nothing and your chicks for free! this case it'd be money for nothing and your makeup for free!
So if someone handed you a $100 bucks right now what would you splurge on? Has to be makeup sorry rules are rules!
Unquestionably I'd spend it on the Bobbi Brown Runway Kit at Neimans! I'm simply gagging for that palette but I blew a majority of my Spring budget so I have to be good and wait. Anyone wanna give me a $100 bucks?
What would you indulge in?
Tell the Muse!

Labels: Bobbi Brown, Musings of the Day
That Bobbi Brown Exclusive Runway Kit is extremely tempting! x.x But seriously, for now, if anyone was willing to give me $100 for makeup items only, I would buy Jill Stuart blushers (I love their blushers) :D
I'd go directly to MAC and haul Sugar Sweet. I haven't wanted to haul a whole collection in ages, so I want everything that isn't a repromote.
1st option: Nars eyeshadows, blushers, lippies and glosses. :)
2nd option: Chantecaille lippies, glosses, loose powder, shadow and the rose palette
Oh my goodness! It's been too long since I've had a chance to get my daily Musings fix! I'm having a great time going back and reading all the postings I missed! :D
Okay, so I'm on a NARS kick right now and would love to get the duos Bysance, South Pacific, and Mediteranee. But I'm also feeling a strong urge to try more MUFE eyeshadows (I have a couple and they're great). about just giving me $100 and I'll surprise ya ;P
I'd splurge on the four new eyeliner colors from Urban Decay. And then use the rest towards some of the collections that MAC is coming out with.
I would spend it on more Fyrinnae products. I think I just found the prettiest foundation on me from them, Moonstone. I applied it and stared at myself in the mirror for a few minutes afterwards because my skin just looked so awesome with it. When I came into work this morning and was talking to my boss, he interrupted me to tell me how much he liked this foundation and how he thought it looked perfect. He often comments positively or negatively on my makeup :P But wow. Just freakin' awesome. I soo want to spend more money at Fyrinnae. I'm in love with their products.
Hmm... I think I'd like to indulge in some Bobbi Brown, my student budget doesn't allow for much expensive make up :( Speaking of which, what do you think of her foundations? Pale enough for me?
Either that, or I'd buy myself a collection of UD eyeshadows in an attempt to rival yours!
It's been a while and you haven't replied to my e-mail - everything ok?
hi xisa!
Omg is it ever so wants it. which ones? I like the loose but not a fan of the pressed :-D
hi jen!
Hear, hear! I so want sugar sweet :-D I gotta say I'm with ya, been a while since I hauled mac and this tempts me beyond belief!
hi aretha!
nice :-D If I wasn't lemming the BB so much I'd be all over the NARS!
hi Roxii
Hey welcome back hun ;-D
LOL will write the check and drop it in the mail ;-D
I'll throw in an extra 100 since your wishy list is big ;-D
hi jackieg02,
Sounds like a plan to me jackie :-D but you may change your mind when you see UD Summer w00t!
hi dd!
dude sounds always have such killer reviews for mineral etailers that make me want to buy them badly lol!
evil lemming creator!
hi Kirsty!
Def pale enough she has plenty of porcelain shades that are suitable for milky/creamy skin :-D
Her foundations are quite good. LOL the battle is on for UD shadow queen ;-D
oh lord when did you write me!? I'm sorry :( I'm terribly swamped and email isn't my strong point!
Apologies :(
I'll go look now. I know we had the biotherm planned :-D
You soooooo need to buy some Fyrinnae! I promise you will LOVE!
I would wait until May and haul the entire Style Warriors collection- especially those Solar Bits!
Kayvid: The best coverage and natural looking foundation ever possible(if one exists)...and if there is money remaining then some skincare items from REN.
hey muse!! I;d totally spend it on the things I wouldn't normally go all out on. The kind that is 50 bucks and you cringe just to think about it! lol Right now that would be the YSL Roupe Volupte lipsticks! Have you checked them out yet? they are AAAAAMMMMAAAAZING I tell you!!!
Because I'm insistent on you trying Fyrinnae, I'm sending you some ;)
I'd go for the two Hello Kitty eyeshadow quads and both HK tined lip conditioners. I can't justify getting them on my budget at the moment but with a free $100 I'd splurge.
Alternatively, a dash around an American drugstore like CVS might be fun too. Imaginary spending is almost as fun as real spending! (although not *quite*!)
hey dd!
hehe the way you're going you'll keep me in mineral makeup without be actually -purchasing you're such a doll ;-D
Lol, I just realized I sound like suuuuch an enabler.
Glad you don't mind :P
hi Anonymous!
oh my god yes looks like a fab collection :) WANT!
hey kavid!
:-D hehe I hear you! How about the Morgen Schick? I love it...are you still having probs with it?
hi sher!
I KNOW!!!!!!! creamy dreamy formula :-D WANT!!!!!! hehe I'll spend my imaginary money on those any day!
hey dd!
You're such a doll :-D And I'm still sitting on your package how embarrassing :P
hi beautybitch!
I really didn't dig on HK...dunno what's come over me :) LOL almost as fun that's the key word :)
It's ok. *hug*
You've been SWAMPED with work!
hehe hell no b/c as soon as you rec something dd I rush to the site to drool!
ugh yes and life and work ;-D
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