Fairy Drops Platinum Mascara
You probably remember me blogging Fairy Drops Mascara way back when! Well, Fairy Drops now has a website...whoa...and it's introduced a brand new version of it's popular mascara which is called Fairy Drops Platinum...double whoa.

As far as I can see Fairy Drops Platinum is about the same formula as the regular Fairy Drops but has a different applicator. The brush applicator on this new version is slightly curved to fit the contour of the eye better plus I believe the new version may be a fiber based mascara but I can't verify. It retails for 2,200 yen and may be discounted by 20-30% in Japanese drugstores but again I can't verify.

I did find it decently priced online for $28 USD however after shipping it may not be such a fab deal. But if you having a lemming you can pick it up from Japan LA for yourself.
Although I love the regular version of Fairy Drops Mascara I'm unsure I'll pick up Platinum or not. Current conversion rate from yen to usd is working in our favor so if you have a friend or family member you might want to ask for a cp.
Looks interesting to say the least!
Want it cheaper? Try out Rimmel Sexy Curves!
Anyone have a try?
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Labels: Japanese Brands
Hi Muse,
Adam Beauty now has this available for $24 ($2 flat-rate shipping I think) as well as the old version ($17 -- a few buck more than JPMon, but much easier to order from haha). On the site it says the old one is volume curl and the new platinum version is volume and lengthen :D
i love mascaras ! where can I find this ?
Adam also carries the new Platinum mascara =D
i think fuzkittie just did a review on this? no? looks interesting. i don't want mascara... i want lashes!
hi brooke!
Awesome not bad price :-D yeah jpmon is such a pain sometimes ;-D
Probably works about the same as the old version lol but still lemming :-D
hi syn I have a link for a place to purchase right in this post plus someone just mentioned Adam Beauty and JpMon has it nowtoo :-D
hi kathi!
I didn't notice duh :-D thanks hun!
hi jojoba!
Havn't seen the review yet must go visit her for a look :-D
hehe I hear ya!
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