Isadora Diamond Eye Shadow Palette Review, Swatches, and FOTD
It's that time of the year when the Muse is all about frosty shimmering shades. The snow is laying on the ground outside and the wind is blowing so hard it feels like it'll knock you clear off your feet so hues of frosty white, peach, blue and purple are definitely in style today.
I think an icy, cool look a la the Ice Queen for the Holidays is so very chic and fitting with both the season and the weather!
Let me show you the perfect palette for creating a gorgeous shimmering Ice Queen look that's sure to be a hit this season!
The Isadora Dazzling Diamond Collection totally caught my eye this season due to it's gorgeous packaging and shimmering shades. Of course the Isadora Diamond Eye Shadow Palette ended up on my hit list right away with it's gorgeous mirrored compact design and five cool, frosty shades of shadow. The Muse can't resist all that goodness!

The palette contains five shades of extremely soft, silky, pigmented shadows that include frosty blue, shimmering white, sparkling peach, and two shades of purple. All the shades would be wholeheartedly approved by the Ice Queen herself I'm sure. I loved the finish of the shadows and they are like nothing I've ever tried before formula-wise in the eyeshadow world. They are quite light and soft with nice pigmentation however they do crease a fair bit so proper prepping prior to application is required to avoid a mess later in the day. I noticed the shades work best on their own and not combined with other colors in the palette. They blend nicely however when applying two or more shades you end up with a fair bit of a muddy look. Personally I think they look best on their own anyway so in keeping with that theme you'll end up with five separate looks from the one palette.

The palette's design is just as gorgeous as what it holds. The compact is a complete mirror design with Isadora's logo on the top lid. This does cause major fingerprint problems but I simply wipe off with a soft cloth after I've used it and it's back to it's gorgeous self again!
Using the white shade from the palette
Using the blue shade from the palette

At a tiny price tag of $21 USD I think that the palette is well worth picking up! I loved the cool look the shadows created and think they are quite flattering for not only the upcoming Holiday but also the cooler weather!
All in all the Isadora Diamond Eye Shadow Palette is definitely a nice little item to tuck into your stocking this season!
If you're wanting to indulge in the Isadora Holiday Collection 2008 do visit

Labels: Holiday Collections 2008, IsaDora, Reviews, Swatches, Winter Collections 2008
The white shadow looks really good on your skin, it makes your eyes pop. Do you have any skincare posts coming up? My favourites are always the ones about foundations and skincare.
P.S. I can't believe you have Hitchhiker's Guide and Dune references on your blog! Love!
I liked it better when the entire blog was on one page so I didn't have to click to read the rest of the article. Of course I want to read the entire article, loooove your blog. =)
hi youdee!
Thanks hun. I have a moisture mask review coming soon and a few other skincare bits. No foundations but hopefully with the new year :) I've just been busy with all the holiday collections but once that's done I'll be on the path for new bits :)
LOL I'm a geek before a makeup addict so you'll def see plenty of doctor who, dune, hitchhiker's guide, and other geeky bits on here:)
hi Janet
I know...:( I'm just looking at new options to keep the blog tidy and also to be able to add more posts on the front page!
thanks hun :) glad you love my little blog *hugs*
Hi Miss Muse,
Long time no speak my friend! Apologies - work has kept me insanely busy as has my obsessive house project. But happy to report special project at work is almost done and my house is squeaky clean from top to bottom, ready for remodeling work. =D
Happy Holidays! I hope you are getting ready for some nice and well earned vaca!
Actually it's almost embarrassing about the house cleaning. In addition to giving away a lot of carrier bags (big ones) full of things, I took 2 car loads over to Goodwill. But it was just collecting dust here at my house and hopefully it will help make someone else's Christmas a little brighter. It was a lot of books and movies.
It is not so nice here this winter. I am very glad you talked me into getting a lambie blankie. It's been at least a warmer and snugglier winter. We keep getting snow. Not a ton but enough to mess up the roads and just as the roads clear, we get more. Not to mention it has already been bitterly cold. Brrr...
Thank goodness for email subscriptions from Feedburner. I've been able to keep up on your posts even if I haven't been able to stop by to say hi. I like your new banner by the way.
Not sure if you realised this, but iTunes has tons of J-rock and pop! I'd already figured out they had Gackt and a couple of other well known artists but just figured out they had Versailles Revenant Symphony. They're not quite as brilliant as Gackt but they're fun.
Anywho, mostly just wanted to say hi and see what's new with you?
I hope you are well!
Happy holidays!
Much love!
omygosh i love it how your make up matches your hairband and your clothes. you have such a great fashion sense!! even when yo uare putting on a make up!! how cute!!!
OooOO....... This is a nice palette! Looking great as usual! :)
hi minsun!
You're too too kind lol :) thanks hun *hugs* happy Holidays!
aw thanks serene *hugs*
Happy Holidays hun!
My favorite Ice Queen is Martha Stewart. I'm really not sure why they choose Tilda Swinton and not Martha Stewart to play the role of the 'White Witch', because those are the two words I always think of when I see Martha: 'white' and 'witch'.
hey mandy!
oh hmmm forget about her ;) next round we'll include martha in the round up of ice queens..I'm positive I can think of a few others as well!
hey bets!
Sorry for my terribly delayed reply!
Happy Belated Holidays!
I'm so happy that your house project is all organized wahoo :) I've been meaning to get to my spare room and have a clean up as well because it's terribly shameful how much stuff is going unused when someone else can make great use of it!
We had two storms so far and now the weather is ridiculously mild as in 60-65 degrees omg what the hell :) I'm glad to hear lambie is keeping you nice and warm in the evenings :) I got some of the slippers too now that they are on sale for $12!
Aw thanks glad you're enjoying the new "theme" here :)
Yes yes yes! I know! I'm so happy itunes is branching out..I also heard they'd be offering many indie bands as well ;) which pleases me to no end!
Its so nice they take these things into consideration. Apple rocks my socks :)
All is well here not much new to report other than being busy busy busy and always seeking more hours in the day!
I hope you had a wonderful holiday and are looking forward to a bright, shiny new year!
Hugs hun!
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