MAC Chill Collection Product Photos
Further images and info about the MAC Chill Collection after the jump! Have a lookiee and tell me what you're hauling!
MAC Chill Collection Eyeshadow
- Arctic Grey
- Vellum
- Mont Black
- Wintersky
- Apres-Ski
MAC Chill Lipglasses
- Snowscene
- Naked Frost
- Icescape
- Frozen Dream

MAC Chill Collection Glitter
- Reflects Transparent Teal
- Reflects Antique Gold
MAC Chill Collection Penultimate Eyeliner

Labels: MAC, Winter Collections 2008
Dear Muse,
well, I don't feel the love from this collection at all. It's so cold... Maybe that comes from the name? ;)
Anyway, just like I said, I don't really feel any love from it, so I don't think I'll get any.
Now just waiting to see the Blond, Brunette, Read Head in person before I decide against it. And yeah.... even though they look so ugly, I think I will get something from Hello Kitty.
Now, only Dame Edna get released here first! In Thailand, we seems to get every collection. Only one thing, that'll be like a month or so later after they get released in the US.
hey vichaya :)
LOL :) I think that's why it appeals to me as I think I look best in cooler tones..just one item I really want is wintersky!
the bbr collection looks fab!!!! Really partial to the shadows releasing with this :) And Yes me too on HK...even if it's ugly I still want some of it :)
I hate how things are released so late your side sigh :P I have noticed that sometimes singapore gets items a week before us which is interesting!
the good news is after all the hype you can save $ when it does come out as you're probably tired hearing about it by the time it does get to you lol!
Hi Hi Muse!!! <3
(yes, realizes it's been a LOOOONG time commenting lol)
I already hauled Winter Sky eyeshadow and Frozen Dream Lipglass...I love the pinky, frost shades of those 2 colors.
Hope your holiday shopping season is going great!!!
I love this collection, since cool shades suit me best, too. I will get snowscene for sure, and all the other lipglosses only if I get gift certificates for christmas (which is quite certain) the e/s can be mostly duped, but for the pink one, which I will treat myself to also. I hope it´ll come out here soon...
hehe mc :) that's ok ;) You're ALWAYS welcome back :)
I'm dying for winter sky! Looks gorg :)
lord knows I still have some shopping to do ugh lol! Very behind this year :)
Hugs hun
I'm with you nell! Cools suit me wonderfully well :)
I'm very eager to try out the pink one myself :) Everything else is a tiny bit meh but I do like the liner...but I'm rubbish with liquid liners :(
le sigh!
I'm only lusting after Icescape and Snowscene w/this collection, and I will probably skip those anyway. The liner looks interesting, but I don't think I would try it. I'm not a big fan of the liquid eyeliner.
Hi Ms. Muse - I wasn't sure about the colours but I ended up getting Arctic Grey, Mont Black, and even Wintersky (which actually brighted up my eyes without looking too pale pink on my tan skin tone) and Icescape. Vellum is a lovely colour which I will def. go back for as its a permanent item as is the Eyeliner.
hi jackie! I really want wintersky myself :) I havent had a sec to see it all on counter so will wait a bit more before indulging!
I'm crap with liquid liner so I'll prob skip on it too!
hi j! how was your weekend?
I think I have vellumm..funny you mentioning it's a perm.
I have to see these all in person but I def have my eye on wintersky...I think they all appeal b/c they are so light and I want to brighten my eye area up as my eyes are looking a tad on the tired side lately ;)
I went to check it out. As usual, not really impressed with the e/s or lip glasses. The pen liner is better off purchasing from Shiseido IMHO. The reflects are awesome! However, I don't think they are eye safe. So no, I didn't get anything.
Aw shoot...I was hopeful Dao :P I haven't seen it yet but I still have my eye on wintersky...must have must have :)
I bought the Mont Black as it had gold shimmer vs the silver in Black Tied. I have more yellow skin tone and I tend to wear gold and not silver. They also said that it wasn't quite as black - and being "older" I'll get more use out of it.
Was tempted to get the liquid liner but I am rubbish with it.
hello Jane!
Excuse my delayed reply :)
I got it too as it looked nice and I adore gold myself. I have to say that the color is ideal for a nice glittering smoked look :)
I was tempted by the liner too and may still go back for it but I'm honestly crap with liquid liner too so don't feel bad, same boat here :)
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