Garnier Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller Review
I'm quite sad over the fact that for the last year or so I wake up with tired, puffy eyes almost every single day. This could be old age creeping up on me or the lack of sleep. The Muse likes to think it's lack of sleep rather than admit she's getting old.
I've set out a quest for over a year to locate the perfect product to de-puff my tired eyes and wake them up again. Sadly, I've yet to find a single product that works and believe you me and tried 'em all!
For the past few months I've been using Garnier Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller and I was kinda hopeful for a while that this would be my solution to my woes. I mean think about anti-puffing agent at the local drugstore for a nice price...seems to good to be true right?

Well fact is that it is too good to be true because it doesn't work at all. Period. The end. Sad sigh.
Why the Muse was tricked into believing that Garnier Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller was the solution to life, the universe, and everything is truly beyond her. I guess the Muse was just feeling hopeful that finally some drugstore brand product was finally released that would wow her but sadly as with all drugstore brands she was in for a sore disappointment.
Garnier Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller comes in a nifty little roller ball applicator and is a cooling liquid that contains a high dose of caffeine. As you may know, caffeine is supposedly a miracle agent for de-puffing your eyes. Personally the Muse has tried many caffeine laden products and none have worked. The Muse likes to think it's a nice marketing strategy for making us all frenzied about how caffeine wakes up so it should likely do the same with our eyes...not.

Honestly, I should have known the product wouldn't work from the get go considering that it not only promises to de-puff but also rid my eyes of dark circles. Anything that makes two big promises like that does make me wonder. I decided to try this for a few months before reviewing it so religiously, daily, I'd apply it prior to applying my eye cream. I applied it once in the AM and once in the PM and I almost had myself tricked that I noticed some difference in my eyes...but nope..truly this was a trick of my imagination because honestly the puffiness was still very there.
The product is absolutely ideal as it applies wonderfully well with the applicator. It's also nice and cooling and has a nice fresh scent. I think the cooling sensation is much of where I got it into my head that the product was actually working however I honestly see absolutely no results in regards to either puffiness or dark circles.

All in all it's pretty much well wasted but hey what do you expect from a company who makes haircare products right? I'd say stick with the hair products and leave the skincare to the experts.
This Muse is still trying to locate that perfect product to de-puff her tired eyes and she knows now, after many months of use, Garnier Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller isn't it!

Skip it! Total trash as far as this Muse is concerned.

Labels: Reviews, Skincare, US Drugstore Brands
I feel exactly the same way about this product!!! I used half the container before I gave up, I will say the cooling sensation was nice though.
hey tammy!
ugh total trash right? :( I was so hopeful with this. I thought for sure it would work for some reason but guess I should have known better meh meh!
my mom wanted to get me this but as much as I loved the packaging I knew it didn't work. one day I woke up with eyes so puffy I thought I had another reaction in my sleep, so I know the feeling, Izz...
hey sarah!
ugh sounds like we have same's only one eye for me..the other is ok....:( but I hate it..makes me look tired :P
concealer does a good job of covering but I'd rather a quick acting product that relieves the puff right away!
hugs for puffy eyes :P
ugh its both of my eyes...I look so old and haggard...I could pass for late 30s instead of 18! not cool. bad enough I already have premature wrinkles...*dies*
maybe I'll try a nice, cheap eye cream...maybe keeping it in the fridge would help the daily puffiness ;-;
Im getting studio stick concealer this week so hopefully that will help me normal!
aww I have fine lines too don't stress it's prob just dryness believe it or not. I always though my wrinkles were super bad but actually it's just my dry yucky skin..proper moisturizer does wonders for fine lines :0
I use wrinkle revenge eye balm and it's done pretty well so far for moisture and the puffs :)
hey your name matches your eye problem that the reason behind the nick hehe!
I find BB concealer palette does a good job of making me look presentable to the world :)
lol I know! my name seems to describe all my ailments, from my eyes to my thighs [hey cellulite can be an ailment...LOL]...coencidence!? Puff thinks not.
mum and I are hitting up walmart soon so hopefully they'll have that aquafina eye cream, and that tasty moisturizer they have! It worked really well for me so I dont know why I didn't buy it again!
my skin is very icky...the only face wash that worked for me was Benefit's You Clean Up Nice! so I'm excited to go back to it...
speaking of BB...well actually this is totally unrelated but I totally wish I could try BB creams! too light for my skin though! ;-;
I really like the Biore Enliven eye gel stuff. It's cooling and it does seem to make a big difference in the puffiness under my eyes. It's also slightly moisturizing. I think you reviewed it once and that's why I bought it. So yeah, thanks!
oh pleaze girl you know nothing about cellulite :)
I really didn't like the aquafina line at all sadly :( I really hated the smell and it just didn't work at all for me :P
As for You Clean Up Nice I never tried it but I used to use there brush cleaner ala face cleaner..weird I know..but it!
bb's adjust to skin tones the darker option may just suit you :)
hey iris! I like it too and yup that was me that reviewed it hehe :) Sadly it doesn't do me completely well and I still have puffy eyes after use sigh..although it's prob the best I've come across and I find it works best in Summer for some odd reason!
Still on the hunt for my HG though :)
LOL, oh yes I do! come wouldn't believe it but I do have some blubber! its just well hidden! my family really, really digs food ;-;
I can say one thing for aquafina...they made a hell of a face scrub...whenever I broke out I'd use it and my face would clear up! but then DAD used it all up from me! Im still miffed about that -.-;;
oo benefit's makeup remover is boss as hell. I remember my eyes burning a little the first time I tried taking off mascara, but it got rid of all my makeup! sadly my bottle leaked a bit, and I wish it had a pump! you get a lot for your money tho!
...they have darker options!? I thought each brand only had like, one shade! I need to go to my local asian grocers and see what kind of goodies they have [I have one just a few blocks away from here!].
hey sarah!
oh yea yea sure you do sureeeeeee!
I didn't try the scrub but I really didn't dig the eye cream or face cream :P
lol aww don't begrudge your dad a bit of scrub lol!
I'm kinda still seeking my hg mascara remover/eye make up remover.
Normally in Korea you'll run across a light beige and a darker beige..the darker beige may adjust on you but I'm unsure if it'll be dark enough but i's worth trying. Taiwan brands normally have pink versions which are brilliant wish more Korean brands did pink!
you should go! even if it's not bb creams you'll def find really good skincare bits and bobs :)
see? its so well hidden you cant even tell, hee n.n
well that scrub was so good dad used up half the tube! I hadnt used it in a while so I went to grab the bottle and Im like..."WTF its EMPTY!!!" mom's skin was too sensitive for it so pops was the only culprit! *hiss*
yes if I don't find BB creams then I would end up drooling over the eyeshadows! I've always wanted to try stuff like Lunasol and whatnot because of all the rave reviews!
the big reason for this trip is to find some goodies for a giveaway! Ive been wanting to have one for a while and what better to give someone besides pocky, bb creams and POP gloss? lol!
Thank you soooo much for this review! I was just about to go out and buy this and you've saved me from wasting yet more money on a useless product! *huggles you* ^_^
so agree!! I was so psyched to see this and for some reason thought it would be awesome because of the rollerball...wrong! I saw zero change in puffiness, circles, I think my eye area was actually a tad drier after using it - not good!
I recently saw an ad for one of their wrinkle treatments that uses the same rollerball packaging, but I haven't see it on the drugstore shelves or on their site yet.
Thinking back, I don't recall being satisfied with any of the Garnier skin products I've tried. I know they're a popular line overseas so maybe they have to modify their formulas to get past the US FDA requirements or something...
hey, the packing in Singapore is Yellow in colour and i am still trying it... so far, i only love the cooling feeling that the roller gives....
LMAO! I'm giggling at your dad using up your scrub!
Lunasol is amazing! it's truly a fab brand and they make killer products :)
LMAO pocky?! that's an awesome giveaway! I'm on board for free poxy lmao!
hiya ghoulina :)
You're most welcome dear! It's nearly 10 bucks so I'm glad I saved you some cash awwww more hugs please? :) hehe!
hi SkinCareGeek!
Me too me too! Nothing changed at all on me either...I kinda tricked myself into believing it was working but in reality it really did nothing...kinda like dabbing cold water under my eyes :P
oh lord I'll be avoiding the new product as I'm sure it's just as bad :P
This is my first skincare try from them and likely will be my last :P Could be the FDA or it could be cutting costs :P Whatever it is it's truly rubbish :(
hello there enon-enen!
Interesting :) yellow eh? :) The cooling effect is fabs but sadly it doesn't nothing after that :P
Thanks for the comment hun!
i have to agree - does nothing! waste of money
hi anonymous!
absolutely :P
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