Benefit Coralista
Hey Guys!
Just a heads up that Benefit has updated it's site and Benefit Coralista is now available for purchase now instead of February as originally planned! Click!

I was feeling kinda stingy and was hoping for Free Shipping with my order but at least I located a coupon code for 10% off which brought my shipping down to around $2.50 USD instead of the $5.48 USD they normally charged. I couldn't see myself paying nearly $6 bucks to ship a little box of powder!
Anyway the moral of the story is you can snag Benefit Coralista plus 10% Off by using coupon code HEYTHERE
The Muse ordered hers and will bring a review and swatches shortly!
Labels: Beauty Babblings, Benefit, Spring Collections 2009
If I recall correctly, the brushes that come with those are cute but ineffective?
And you normally love benefit box blushes, so I bet it will be pretty!
Hey Muse! This is OT, but I was wondering if you have ever had a package from Japan or Singapore take 18 days (including weekends and one holiday) to get to you? It was sent plain registered mail, not EMS. The ref # just shows it was sent and its target dest. is JFK.
I don't want to bug Iris again, but I can't track it like you can with EMS and I am sweating bullets. Do you know if this is normal or should I be worried?
Coralista looks very pretty, BTW!
hey dd
everyone always hates the brushes but I love 'em! They pick up color great..although they are a tad bit scratchy I still like the way they pick the powder up and how they fit the contour of my chubby cheeks :)
Honestly I think they are pretty nice :)
hey taryn what's up lady :) I owe you a few replies will get to 'em shortly.
It's possible. During the month of december EVERYTHING international is at a crawl :P I had a package from London take 16 days to arrive this month...regularly registered mail. Call your local PO and if you can get a friendly person give them the ref# and explain the situation it could be sitting in your PO awaiting pick up but your mail person forgot to leave the orange slip :P
I don't think you should worry quite yet as I'm chalking it up to the crummy holiday schedule of mail that slows things down!
Hope this helps!
Thanks, Muse! My PO wasn't able to tell me a blooming thing, so I asked Iris if she could check with her PO and see if they can tell her anything.
I had a large envelope from New Zealand arrive just before the holidays and it took about 10 days. It was also sent regular registered mail. So this is getting odd.
I'm really hating the USPS these days. So many of my packages are taking forever to arrive!
I´ve been waiting for this since I first heard about it, ordered it as soon as I saw it on the site. Click click, my precious is about to take a trip to sweden :D
your most welcome taryn! damn po sucks :( I really really hate my po and my mail man :( actually I should say I never have the same one!
I wouldn't really worry it's just the crummy holiday schedule...I hope it gets to you soon though as I'd be sitting and worrying too :(
even EMS takes ages to get to me and that should be a three day service ffs!
ha cheers lipgloss bitch hehe :) good haul! high fives for us :) I can't WAIT to get it..looks gorgoussssssssssss :)
Free shipping over $25 with code DECEMBER
exp. 12/31
I just got an email for free shipping if you buy coralista. Code: Coralshp I can't wait to read your review! I've never tried benefit blush so I'm kinda hesitant to spend $28.00 right now:]
yak emi! I already placed the order darn it !
omg april got the same email this am! I can totally kick myself :P oh wells!
I honestly don't blame you with the economy plus sometimes benefit has a hit and a miss it's best to wait and see what the buzz is prior to buying :)
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