Bath and Body Works 2-in-1 Liplicious Moisturizing Lip Color & Sugar Scrub Review
Oh my god, Bath and Body Works 2-in-1 Liplicious Moisturizing Lip Color & Sugar Scrub couldn't come at a better time!

This week we are back to having nice, calm October weather but last week we had some sincerely cold weather which means major chapped lips for the Muse!
Don't get me wrong I love a brisk Winter day but I DON'T love the chapped lips that come with it. Ugh agonizing!
Sadly, once I get a case of chapped lips I start looking like this kid! I've labeled this look the Kool-Aid smile! Remember when you were a kid and had a large glass of cherry kool-aide and came away lookin' like you were Bozo the Clown?
Yeah, well, keep that mental image and multiply it by ten and you'll get what the Muse looks like with chapped lips!
Steve knows the danger of the Kool-Aid smile!

So does Al! (Don't mind that snotty look on Al's face! He always looks like that after I tell him, "No, Al, you didn't discover the bloody Internet!")

How the Muse looks with chapped lips!

Although I was suffering hard with my chapped lips last week my pain wasn't too bad after I slathered myself with Rosebud Salve! Considering that Rosebud Salve is the solution to Life, the Universe, and Everything, the Muse knows to have tons of it on hand when the cold weather sets in!
However, sadly, Rosebud Salve does moisturize and does heal chapped lips but it doesn't do much for flaky dry skin left behind by chapped lips!
Eww gross!!
So lucky me that my Bath and Body Works 2-in-1 Liplicious came in the mail just when my chapped lips were clearing up! One end has a pigmented moisturizing lip color and the other end has a solid scrub to rub off those gross flakes and bring lips back into the realm of normal! I tried mine out Pomegranate/Brown Sugar Scrub but if you're not loving the sound of that you can nab one in Coconut Truffle or Candied Apple!

It's suggested that once you buff the Brown Sugar Scrub onto lips you can lick it off and although it's very pleasant tasting the Muse didn't want to "eat" it so she smoothed it on and tissued it off with a facial tissue. I actually really dug this considering that I'm normally really scared of scrubby lipsticks like this one. However, the formula is so gentle and buttery smooth that it makes application a snap and it does a rather fab job of exfoliating lips! The only disappointing aspect is the fact that the scrub doesn't last all that long and only a little bit is in each tube. Since it's such a melting formula almost as soon as you scrub it on half of the tube is gone! Sad sigh! Aside from that minor rant I actually loved the feeling and what a great job it did get my lips back in tip top shape!

After getting my lips nice and smooth I can flip to the other side of the tube and apply the pigmented, glossy lip color that tastes like Pomegranate! I loved the formula on this as well! It's glossy, moisturizing, and adds a nice little pop of color to lips!

Sportin' Liplicious Pomegranate on my lips!

All in all I think these are rather handy little items! The price is $12 USD each which I think is a bit too high however it is buy 2 get 1 free which breaks the cost down to $8 USD each. $8 USD is a much fairer price than $12 USD in the Muse's humblest opinion!
If you'd like a nifty little way to keep your lips nice and smooth while adding a nice moisturizing lip color into the mix of things I suggest checking these out! The Muse liked 'em! Next on my list to try would be the coconut!
Check out these and more of the Bath and Body Works Liplicious Collection by clicking here!
Labels: Bath and Body Works, Reviews, Swatches
Hi Miss Muse,
This is a quick run by. 1, if you go to BBW, they are giving out a second set of the coupons. So I have another $13 item free with a $10 purchase.
Second, Ulta has a Topaz BE kit. It's a little more interesting than the quartz one. I'll be uploading pix tonight.
If you reply to my other comments, just let me know and I will search for them. I think I remember where one is. Otherwise you can feel free to ignore them and we'll start a new conversation when I have some sanity time.
Hope all is well!
Much love!
Ok, this is really cute! I think I'd love the pomegranate and candied apple.
Let's be honest: I think that kids problems amount to more than a Kool-aid smile, if you catch my drift. Oh Yeeeah! Sorry, but I can't ever say 'Kool-Aid' without uttering the catch-phrase.
That last photo of Agent Smith seems to be more of a Glasgow Grin than a Kool-Aid smile. Kinda reminds me of the Joker. That would be a great costume idea for Hugo Weaving! Every unoriginal douchebag is dressing as Heath Ledger's Joker this Halloween, but how many douchebags are dressing as Agent Smith-dressed-as-every-unoriginal-douchebag-this-Halloween?!? None.
Just discovered your blog-totally entertaining and informative, so thanks!
I too have been experiencing annoying chapped lips this past week, and I'm convinced that my use of lip smackers (halloween themed flavors, I couldn't resist!) is making it worse. I just thought today that I might pick up some body shop lip scuff- I had some years ago, and as I remember it worked pretty well to gently exfoliate chapped lips...ever try it? I do remeber it lasting a long time...
uhh I need that!! guess what? I popped by my lush store today and they already had the holidays stuff! So I got snowcake soap :) woohoo!
Hey, that's Elrond! Haha! ;)
Thanks for the tip! I need to head in and cash in on the coupons :)
I seen the Topaz BE and the only thing that is preventing me from purchasing is it includes mineral veil. I have SO many freaking mineral veils from kits and can't rid myself of them for the devil lol!
I'm heading over to peek as maybe your pics will tempt me!
I did but unsure where I replied eep! We can always start up a new chitty chat :)
sanity time? what's that? lol I have none of that that I know of :)
Much love!
hey dd!
they are rather fun ;) I wanna try the candied apple too :) I need to head to BBW :)
ew mandy gross :P so wrong!
Oh Yeah but with a deep voice k?
mmm sadly hugo weaving remains Elrond in my eyes. the image of his pointy ears are burned into my head forever.
Ok now that you've ranted about the Joker and Mr Smith anything else you want to get off your chest? It was only a review about lip
hello anna!
pleased to meet you! Welcome to Musings :)
I'm so glad you're enjoying it!
Get yourself some Rosebud Salve your lips will thank you for it! Swear by it :)
Aw if I seen those lip smackers I'd be all over 'em! Love Halloween themed anything!
I never tried the Body Shop one...sounds interesting! I'll have to have a look I honestly never knew they had one ;)
Thanks for the rec!
Thanks for visiting and hope to hear from you again soon!
hey sher!
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! SNOWCAKE!!!!!!! *rolls around in excitement* I ordered a slap from UK but I love when it hits shops....;)
lmao mags!
yup :-) with chapped lips!
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