Lush Cosmetics Emotibombs Review
As far as the Muse is concerned Lush can do no wrong. I love all their products and haven't run across a single one that I didn't simply adore (except those that have patchouli in 'em! The Muse no likey the scent of patchouli!). However, their new Emotibombs are definately on my not to be loved list (and possibly waste of money list).
Recently, I blogged about all the lovely and wonderful items that Lush Cosmetics recently rolled out and one item I was pretty excited about trying out were the new Emotibombs. Emotibombs are Lush's solution to having an in shower bath bomb experience. These little bombs are placed at the foot of your tube and as you shower the water streaming down on them allows the bomb to fizz up and release it's scent engulfing you in a gorgeous fragrant steam.
Sounds brilliant right?
Sadly, these fail in all aspects. It breaks my heart to give anything Lush makes a poor review but truly these were a big disappointment for me.
I got a few of these and so far I've tried out two which were Up You Gets and Sex in the Shower. Both smell really great out of the bag and each has a nice strong scent however that scent does not carry it's way to your shower sadly. Up You Gets has a rather strong, bright, lemon, lime cocktail that's really quite wonderful and Sex in the Shower smells pretty much like Lush Ginger Perfume, Soap, and Dusting Powder (if you're familiar with Ginger you know how this smells). The scent is difficult to describe but it's been said to smell like old lady, personally I adore it and it's my signature scent. It's warm, spicy, and very sophisticated.
Lush Sex in the shower Emotibomb

Lush Up You Gets Emotibomb

My first use with an Emotibomb was quite a disappointment do to my own stupidity. I mistakenly placed the bomb directly in the shower's spray which causes it to fizz within seconds and disappear. In the time it was fizzing away quickly I got absolutely no scent from it however I blame this on myself. I assumed that the bomb had the ability to last longer when under the spray of the shower. Some of Lush's bombs, such as Happy Pill, last quite a while during a bath and I automatically assumed that Emotibombs would have the same staying power. I felt like I wasted a few dollars down the drain after using it this way.
My second use with the product I got a bit smarter and place it towards the back of my shower. This time it worked beautifully well and fizzed for the full 15-20 minutes that I was in the shower. I got some scent from it however the scent was so light that it was a sore disappointment.
I have a few more of these to get through but until they improve the formula and make the scent a bit heavier I doubt I'll indulge in further Emotibombs. I can't believe this but for once I'm very disappointed with a Lush product.
The Muse didn't like Emotibombs at all and can't recommend them. It's wasteful to begin with having them go down the drain and it's even worst they barely have fragrance.
Mmmm..definately not a good purchase!
Tried these?
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Lush Solid Perfume Review
Lovely New Things From Lush
Lush Curly Wurly Shampoo Review
Lush Easter Eggs
Lush Rub Rub Rub Shower Gel Review
Labels: For Your Shower and Bath, Lush, Reviews
I'm so glad you did this review. I was thinking about picking up some of these the next time I hit Lush to get more Angels on Bare Skin. I'll stick to the bath bombs.
Aww...I loved the emotibombs! They work best with a warm shower since the heat makes the scent explode...Up You Gets is a favourite, but we can't get it in Malaysia so I end up having to bribe my friends to bring back supplies for me... :(
Hey Muse! I tried Sex in the Shower last week. I would not recommend these to anyone. At $3-$4 each, they are expensive and don't last AT ALL. I get no scent on myself. I'm totally disappointed and wholeheartedly agree with your review!
Hi Muse!
I got Up you gets in London and used only half some weeks ago. I liked it! It smell softer than I thought, but I suppose that if I had used the whole bomb would have smelt stronger...
I put the bomb in a glass of water and left it in the shower, not directly under the water but near, so the drops would reach the bomb slowly, this way it lasts longer.
(btw, that day I had a horrible headache that dissapeared after the shower)
Lots of hugs!!!
hey dd!
Mmm I wouldn't. They were ok but nothing special. It's kinda wasteful :( if the scent was strong I'd rec 'em but imo you're better off getting a nice bathbomb instead!
hello beetrice!
really? I just couldn't love these. I liked them ok but the scent wasn't strong enough to warrant me wanting to repurchase. I wish they'd have done a heavier scent :(
Aww lol! I know how you feel..I'm always bribing friends from abroad to send over goodies!
Thanks for the comment, hope to hear from you again soon!
hi shefali!
Agreed 100% I wouldn't mind the price if the scent was heavier but it's very light and you need a great nose to even get a faint whiff!
:( I'm really sad about these b/c I REALLY wanted to love 'em!
It's a darn shame :(
hello pao pao!
I'm really surprised at how many people really enjoyed these Pao Pao. I just couldn't find the love for these sigh :(
Your method sounds really interesting! Maybe I'll try that the next round :)
LOL awesome!! Lush cures all my dear, it simply cures all :)
Big hugs back!
Yup I've tried them all but the Ups you get one is the strongest. It really woke me up! All that lemon!
Oh no! I'm so disappointed. Glad you did this review though - good to know where to save if possible!
hi inspiring beauty addict!
I think that's my fav too! The lemon and lime was gorgeous wish it was stronger :(
hi dancinggal!
I am too :( I was sad they weren't that good sigh!
absolutely ;-)
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