Jillian Dempsey for Avon Retro Charm Review
If you're looking for a warm, simple, inexpensive look for Fall might I suggest having a look at by Jillian Dempsey for Avon Retro Charm.

Although I'm a self confessed Avon hater I do admit that many of the collections they have released over the course of the last year have been really great, in particular those designed by Jillian Dempsey.
The collection consists of several items to make up a great face look for Fall. My favorite item is the Avon Retro Rouge which is available in two shades. The blush is a wonderfully pigmented cheek color that's silky and long wearing. The blush comes in two shade selections and is available for $7.99 USD each. Each blush has a beautiful floral design which remains in place after swiping your blush across it! Bonus points for a great design that allows you to enjoy the cute floral design without completely erasing it after application! The color selection I have is Vintage Shimmer which is a warm peach shade. Although it contains "shimmer" in the name the blush itself remains a matte, silky finish.

To pair up with my warm, peachy shade of blush I choose a Avon True Color Eyeshadow in Apricot which is a golden peach shade that has a very slight shimmer but creates a very natural, smooth finish that's flattering with warm blushes.

Finally to complete my look I used Avon Ultra Color Rich Lipstick in Charming Rose. The name is slightly misleading as the finish on this is a warm, metallic coral. Again, paired up with a warmer blush and shadow this color looks simply stunning!

I was really pleased with the look I created using these products and highly recommend picking some of this collection up. My entire look minus foundation, mascara, etc....was $13.73 USD to create. $2.49 USD for my shadow, $7.99 USD for my blush, and my lipstick was $3.25 USD.

Creating a stunning look for Fall for under $15 USD is definately Muse Approved.
I liked this collection alot. Color pay off was excellent, design and packaging was elegant, and my finished look was beautifully warm and Fall-like!
If you're not particularly eager to shell out $25 USD for NARS Super Orgasm after reading my recent review I'd highly suggest nabbing this blush as a great replacement item!
Do check out Jillian Dempsey for Avon's Retro Charm Collection to keep your beauty nice and budgeted!

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Find more Budget Beauty finds by clicking through my past reviews!
Physicians Formula Multi-Colored Pressed Powder Review
Clean Perfume Twice as Clean Gift Set
NYX Mosaic Powder Blush Review
mark Glossblossom Ripening Lip Tint Review
Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Sparkling Eyeshadow Review
Labels: Avon, Beauty on a Budget, Face of the Day, Fall Collections 2008, Reviews, Swatches
I love your look today. You look so lovely I have to leave you a comment!
aw thanks vichaya :)
I appreciate that *hugs*
I love when you leave me comments!
You look so pretty and sweet today! These are colors that suit you really well (although I know you prefer something with more punch ;))
Can you recommend a dupe for the lipstick color? (by MAC, NYX, Dior, Chanel,...) Thanks,
aw thank you nell!
I really appreciate the kind comment...hmmm a dupe...I know MAC had out a similiar shade for xmas of 06 and during flashtronic...unsure about chanel dior or nyx though as I haven't seen quite the same shade.
Why not get this one?
It's darn cheap :)
You are such a bad influence..everything you review I want..lol..I recently bought the Bliss mask and the Physicians powder because of you..and now I NEED that lipstick and blush..lol
LOL Tammy :) Awesome! I got some comments on the bliss mask one must be yours!
Are you loving the powder and mask!?
But seriously the price on this stuff is too good to pass up and it's such pretty colors for Fall ;-)
I saw the collection and I wanted it! Thanks for posting up Muse, now I have to add to my growing list :)
hehe is your growing list thanks to me dao?
Yes one of those comments about the mask is me..I even mentioned your name on the video that I did for that haul..I LOVE the mask!! I love the idea of the powder, but I think I was breaking out because of it so I stopped using it to see if they went away..
Oooh...I definitely want that blush!!! I am not a lipstick wearer, so I can pass on that, thank goodness! Everytime I come to your blog my wallet whimpers in pain!
I like the blush and lipstick on you, but I'm not so fond of the eye shadow. I think the lipstick looks the best. Is the lipstick creamy? Does it come off easily?
Morning Izzy!
I suppose Avon is cheap but produces good quality products? :D
I have Avon here, but am not sure whether we have these releases or not. >_< I hope they do. If I can get good stuff for a cheaper price, why not? :D
You are making me itch to really get this! And did you read Haru's latest post on Coffret's LE palette out in Nov? It's pretty! :D
Hey Muse! Wow...the natural look suits you REALLY well. I really like this combo on you...and now I'm thinking about getting some of the stuff...although my skin tone is olive a few shades darker than yours.
hi there tammy!
Aww thanks for the shout out *MWAH* I need to watch the vid :)
I'm so glad you like the mask..I'm disappointed about the powder but not surprised as it does contain talc..that could be what's breaking you out :(
I hope when you try it again you'll have better luck :)
Thanks for the comment Tammy!
September 17, 2008 11:29 AM
Blogger Tammy M said...
Oooh...I definitely want that blush!!! I am not a lipstick wearer, so I can pass on that, thank goodness! Everytime I come to your blog my wallet whimpers in pain!
September 17, 2008 1:03 PM
Blogger Phyrra said...
I like the blush and lipstick on you, but I'm not so fond of the eye shadow. I think the lipstick looks the best. Is the lipstick creamy? Does it come off easily?
September 17, 2008 2:55 PM
Blogger 心。葵 said...
Morning Izzy!
I suppose Avon is cheap but produces good quality products? :D
I have Avon here, but am not sure whether we have these releases or not. >_< I hope they do. If I can get good stuff for a cheaper price, why not? :D
You are making me itch to really get this! And did you read Haru's latest post on Coffret's LE palette out in Nov? It's pretty! :D
September 17, 2008 6:27 PM
hi Shefali!
Why thank you :) I think it'll look great on darker skin tone! The shadow might be a bit too sheer for a deeper tone but the rest is definately pigmented enough :)
I hope you'll do an FOTD for us when you do get it ;-)
I wanna see you wearing it! =-)
hey d!
The shadow is a bit sheer :) so it's understandable why you aren't loving it. The lipstick is very creamy..it comes off fairly easy yes :)
Hope this helps!
good morning my dear plue!
Avon, at one time, was my favorite brand. However, they have considerably stepped up there game and created some amazing items that I am very fond of!
I'm unsure but I'm doubting you'll see these on your side of the world..but maybe?!
Do check ebay as they always have avon..and I'm sure they'll ship worldwide.
I read iris's blog on the CD and I liked the looks of it and would buy it but the lip items aren't thrilling for me. I wish it was a complete eye palette :)
hey tammy!
hehehe....I can hear your wallet from here :)
I want the other shade of blush now ;)
I'm awful I create my own lemmings *rolls eyes*
I will go check out Avon soon! I am lemming for one of their eye cream. Seems to have good reviews! I'm aging >_< And I need them now.
I hope those are here, the price seems cheap when I saw the prices in USD, even after converting it to MYR.
For Coffret's, I wish it came with blushers... :P But an all over eye palette wud be good too, it wud be like Lavshuca's summer palette or Stila's summer palette or even Shu's palette! :P
hugs hugs,
Also in the Avon family is a brand called mark. Mark has a blush ($6) in their Good Glowing line called "After Glo" that is a good sub for NARS Orgasm. (I also like the "Bronze Glo" shade.)
Just thought I'd offer a tip, as I used to be an Avon lady in college!
SO cute on you! Adorable and wicked at the same time! You look great, hon. :)
morning plue!
Lord plue you aren't aging LOL! You're still a very young lady hehe!
The prices are considerably cheap compared to many brands and as of late the quality has definately been there :)
Exactly what I thought! I don't like combining lippies and shadows, what a mess :P
big hugs!
hello BeautyCrucible!
Funny you mentioned those as I have a schedule post for 'em soon :)
mark does some great products!
Thanks for the comment!
Hope to talk to you again soon!
hello melanie!
Awww shucks thanks darlin!
How was weekend? I was working on both days. T_T
Anyway, I did manage to check out Avon. :D But, the stuff are pretty normal. Unlike what you can get in US. I signed up as a member and got a pretty nice mousse blusher, bought Advanced Eye Perfector (quite nice, but unsure of whether is it effective) and got myself a free lippie, Metallic Garnet but i can't remember which line is it.
But the price are unbeatable! And every month they have sales and discounts! I hope I find some jem there. And oh! Rimmel is here in Malaysia along with MJ!
love love,
sorry plue! Another late reply :) been swamped as heck!
Weekend was great! I went to AC and had a bit of fun!
I seen that rimmel finally got to Malaysia and MJ YAY!!!!!!!
The prices are unbeatable and I'm positive this will make it's way to you sooner or later! If not let me know and I can pick it up for ya gladly!
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