Fafi for MAC CCO Haul
Hey guys!
When I originally indulged in the Fafi for MAC Collection I didn't bother much with the Paint Pots released as I'm not a big fan. After many of you commented telling me what I was missing out on I felt rather bad I didn't indulge however it was too late as many items had sold out!
Last week I ended up scoring at my local CCO which had all the Fafi for MAC Paint Pots available for $11.75 USD!

So I hauled a few shades for myself.
Check out your local CCO as they are stocking up on tons of last year's holiday collection, loads of paint pots (including the ones from Fafi), and MSF galore!
What's the best score you had at your CCO?
Tell the Muse!

Fafi for MAC Review
Bobbi Brown CCO Haul
MAC Antiquitease CCO Haul
Woodbury Commons Steals and Deals
What is a CCO?
hey dd!
Cosmetics Company Outlet!!!! :)
Where are you again dd? I can tell you if you have one in your area!
wait correct me if I'm wrong..jersey?
Tampa FL :P
Warm and sunny and hurricane prone :P
glad you finally had a chance to pick up perky! i've been making quite a few trips to the woodbury CCO lately and have picked up lotsa new goodies!
i have those! your gna love em!!! oh! and i JUST posted my haul from last weekend!!!
holding up ok during all the rain!?
damn sorry I totally forgot it was florida!
Ok got any outlet malls around? Chances are a CCO is in one :)
hey jen!
Loving that one!
Woodbury has had some seriously great steals and deals lately!
heading over now Vanessa :)
Gotta see your haulage!
very exciting! My CCO has had the same inventory for months - strange right?
I love the paint pots. I bought perky and nice vice from Fafi back in February. I use a paint pot almost every day. The other two I have are soft ochre and blacktrack.
you're kidding? that stinks :(
I guess ours does too but they always have something new so it doesn't feel completely all old rubbish :P
perky is amazing! it matches the shade of my lid really well which I like!
I don't normally use PP's but lately I have as they worka treat for fall out problems!
Sadly there's no CCO within 50 mile-radius of where I live. I really love the Fafi paint pots. If you found Cash Flow, you definitely need to get it. That color is gorgeous!
I'm wondering why MAC is doing that? Offloading stuff to CCOs, can't they just sell it cheaper in their website?
Your so lucky 2 have a CCO
The Paint Pots color looks great
hey dao!
Next time I get up to CCO would you like me to look out for anything for you?
I got cash flow :) def love it!
Hmm good question. I guess most of it is from large department stores that haven't sold it all completely out. could be storage issues, etc...CCO carries all of EL's overstock and le stuff :P since mac is marketed under the EL label I'm sure everyone gets a slice of the pie :)
hi beautyaddict1one1!
agreed. Dunno what I'd do without CCO!!!! :)
ohhh muse, those are way cheaper compared to here! :(
hey nickki!
Aww :( I wish I could bring the CCO to you!!!!!!!!!!
awesome haul musey!! these had to be the best paint pots ever!!
thanks kia!
They were, I dunno how I miss them the first time around! GASP!
Ohhh there are only about two CCOs in england, and neither near me.
I keep meaning to try paint pots,
do you think they are worth it?
really laura?!
I had no idea CCO was in the UK AWESOME!
Yes and no.
Great for fall out when using piggies however I'm sorta loving and hating 'em!
read my review on paint pots you'll see what I mean :)
Unfortunately I am banned (and they mean it!) from my area's CCO but my favorite purchase was a Stila palette with a rainbow of pastel colors, it's adorable.
carla, you're kidding banned?!
LOL why?!!!!!!!!!
Ohh sounds lovely which palette was that?
I'll email you and tell you the story. ;)
hi caral
phew sorry just replying now ugh :)
Love the profile pic babe ;) Green suits you beautifully!
The story was horrifying :P EEP!
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