Lavshuca Fall Collection 2008
I'm not sure if I should be relieved or disappointed that most of the Japanese Fall Collections are turning out to be a snore this year.
One collection in particular that's a devastating disappointment is Lavshuca's Fall Collection. Yet again Lavshuca decided to revamp it's eye shadow palettes with an array of rather boring shades. I thought I had all I could take with the Lavshuca Noble On palettes released for Spring but now I have another weak assemble of strange duo shadow palettes to contend with.
I feel like Lavshuca is trying just a little too hard lately. The original palettes released were such a gorgeous array of shimmering shades that just worked but lately each new design and color releases seem to be rushed with little thought. The only redeeming collection from Lavshuca in a while now would be the Summer palettes which I will be reviewing shortly.
These shades just look strange to my eye and I'm debating with myself fiercely whether I should be indulging or not. Sometimes cosmetics remind me of a great author. I'm a big reader and I love many fine authors. I find myself buying a new book release from an author that I know has long since lost it in the hopes of gathering that special feeling I felt the first time I read a book by that writer. And so it goes for cosmetics as well! For the sake of collecting I find myself picking up various pieces from collections even though I know they won't be as great as they were the first time I was lured in by their brilliance.
Evolution of the Lavshuca Palette

Original Lavshuca Palette

Newer Palette Design

Newest Palette Design

In this case I'm wondering if I've learned my lessons when I purchased all the Lavshuca Noble On palette releases!
These could very well turn out to be amazingly good but for once I think I'll sit back and wait for a review prior to being the "first kid on the block" to purchase them!
I'll keep hope alive that the Lavshuca Winter/Holiday releases hold a special magic that the Fall releases have failed to give me!
Want these?
Hopeful they'll be great?
Skipping completely?
What are your favorite Lavshuca items?
Tell the Muse!

Click here to view my review on the Lavshuca Spring 2008 Collection featuring the Noble On palettes!
Get a sneak peek of the Lavshuca Summer 2008 palettes that I'll be reviewing soon!
Check out the Lavshuca Winter Make palettes from the Holiday Collection!
Kick back and watch some MuseTV with a Spotlight on Lavshuca Cosmetics!
Labels: Fall Collections 2008, Japanese Brands, Lavshuca
These palettes look uninspiring *shrugs shoulders*!
I also checked out the MAC releases over the weekend. I felt like the blushes were too glittery for my taste, although the colors were pretty. The shadows, pretty, but I have too many similar colors...
I guess it was good that I was not impressed, saves me money for the next collection!
I will say that the MA at the counter was super helpful and sweet, unlike the ones at the regular stores...
tammy! look at you! Nice to put a face to the name :) Lovely pic!
Morning! Happy Monday yuk!
Big time disappointment with these sigh :(
No kid? :( They apply without the shimmer thankfully. But hey it is good news as now you have more $$$ for other collections :) The Nordies exclusive might appeal to you! it's releasing this week wahoo!
Where'd you go? I normally find the counters are delightful with CS but the bloody store is nuts :(
Hope you had a fab weekend!
I went to the counter at Dillards...I needed to get matched for foundation too. The MA was super sweet and helpful, no snobbery or attitude, totally refreshing!
Mondays are bad for me to.
Glad you like the pic, got a new camera last week, so now I can finally post some looks! Not too bad for a 35 year old! ;)
the original's always the best :D i never liked the rect. quad, the shapes just odd lol. the packaging got prettier, but the colours are just bleh. :(
and the new ones the same. although pretty, its just two 'flat' colours i dun see why i shud buy :(
bleh ><
ahh well
money saved for end of year japan trip :P
Hi Izzy!
Hope you have a great weekend!
The Fall colours are boring. >_<
I love Lavshuca's previous 2 palette designs, the noble series are not very pretty.
kate's fall release isn't really nice, neither is MJ, except for the new mascara! Lash Gorgeous Wings, lovely name!!
The packaging is my favourite style yet but the colours are so blah?! Boring!
amen for that Tammy! I love counter MA's they are awesome! Freaking mac store ones are scary as hell!
Yak mondays are awful! I have such a prob pulling myself from bed in the AM on Mondays!
You look brilliant for 35!!! I thought you were younger than me, in your twenties! I'm 31 this September! But shhh don't tell anyone...we can easily lie :)
hey hellllllllllly!
Agreed! I agree plus the formula was way difference as well!
I agree 100% :( I miss the cute flower blossom style quad..much more shimmering and lovely!
take me with you take me with you :)
morning plue! How are you my love?
I had a fab weekend, how about you?
Very boring :( sigh!
The noble on weren't too bad in style but the colors were just awful blah!
I did like the new glamtrick releasing with kate's fall line up but aside from that the rest is yak!
I'm worried about the MJ mascara as it is fiber :P I hate fiber mascaras but since I collect all the MJ mascaras I think I'll indulge it and see what happens :)
Love you!
Happy Monday!
hiya chica!
I agree the packaging is quite lovely but again we have seriously boring shades :( what the heck?
my weekend was blah. >_<
i thought MJ mascaras were all fibers? the new one will be in brush form, instead of the comb we are so used to. i wonder how will it perform.
Kate new glamtrick release? sigh, I don't even have the GN palette here! i doubt the new release will be here either. >_<
i am bored with the cosmetic scene in malaysia. too many stuff we don't get here!
This is such a gorgeous looking palette! :) I need to link your blog to see this up to date Asian brands.
hi plue!
Aw sorry for blah weekend :(
Nope. Not that I know of?!
I'm curious too. I'm definately reviewing :)
Damnit :( Why oh why are we deprived from great japanese brands :)
Awww...give a yell if I can help you get whatcha need lovie!
hiya alyssa :)
I always have the latest and greatest from Japan ;)
Stop by often for the scoop hehe!
i agree, lavshuca has been really disappointing this year! i was budgeting for the japanese fall collections, but so far no brand has caught my eye yet other than the Jill Stuart palettes perhaps. And those are expensive so I haven't decided yet whether to splurge...
lavshuca really needs to do more cute palettes like its first heart shaped ones. these new ones are boring...
hiya ' * : . b | u 3 . : * ' !
I've been budgeting too but it's all blah so far :(
I'm debating on JS myself as the colors are such reruns!
The new ones stink plus the formula is different :( I miss all the shimmer! Sigh!
Okay so i'm on a comment roll here! You're tempting me sooo much with all these goodies! But I have to click down your site NOW or my credit card will weep... Talk to you soon dear Musey, 1000 hugs to you! And a little kiss!
LOL Linn!
10000 hugs back :) I'm good with cps at the moment so if you do need mac or anything let me know! I'm kinda on a roll so now is a good time to grab me especially since I get so swamped!
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