Bobbi Brown Mauve Collection Review
As per my original sneak peek on Bobbi Brown's Mauve Collection today I thought I'd review the entire collection for you! Or at least what I ended up getting from what was released! I sadly didn't nab the new liner which everyone was raving about but I feel the need to definately purchase it so expect a review sometime soon especially since I've been known to rave on, and on, and on about Bobbi Brown gel eye liner in the past!
The collection consists of several new glosses, a few new lip shades, eye liner, a brush set, and the most important piece of all, the Mauve Palette.
Since the Bobbi Brown Mauve Palette is actually the star of the collection I'll begin my review with it. I actually don't have any other Bobbi palettes aside from this one and the Bobbi Brown Pink Raspberry palette. I absolutely adore the Pink Raspberry one so I was quite happy to get the chance to test out the Mauve palette.

The price is $55 USD but you get a nice bit of product for the cost. The price could be considered high by some but you do have to keep in mind that Bobbi Brown is a higher end counter line made with a mature woman in mind. That being said I think that she creates some rather key pieces that fit in with a younger crowd but not so much so that the brand is considered "hip" by any means. For me it's an elegant brand with some very sure proof items that simply work. Another words you get what you pay for.

My first Bobbi Brown purchase was horrifying and it put me off Bobbi Brown completely however after purchasing the Metallic palettes sometime last Fall I fell in love with many of her items and haven't looked back since!
The Mauve palette is pretty much the standard palette that Bobbi Brown releases. It's a large black compact that houses a three eye shadows, three lip creams, and one blush. Basically, everything you need for a few great looks or one really fabulous look. Since I'm one for creating numerous looks with one palette I think it's safe to say you can get anywhere from 4-5 or more looks from the one palette with a little creativity on your side.
These are my typical shades of choice. If you know the Muse well enough you'll realize I don't normally reach for naturals, nudes, or neutrals. This falls into the very neutral category. I'm always shocked at how many people prefer a more subdued style of makeup. I'm more the type to run after green eye shadow than reach for browns or creams. This makes my review shocking because I actually loved the Mauve palette. It just works. It is what it is and it. It doesn't promise drama or fanfare just simplicity. Sometimes simplicity can obviously be a good thing. The looks I created using the palette were more a mature, grown up look that I'm not known for sporting. I was actually delighted at the outcome as I looked quite elegant and natural.
The shadows included are all matte with the very smallest amount of faint shimmer. Each can of course be used alone or combine all three to create a simple yet interesting look. The top most shadow is a cream which can be used as a highlighter, all over color wash, or to prep your eye for the darker shades. The second shade is a softer taupe brown color that can be used on your lid and contrasted in the crease with the third and final color which is a deeper chocolate brown.

The blush is a dirty, mauve pink that I felt gave a bit of a contour to my cheeks and sort of hollowed them out if that makes any sense! It's definately a very warm Fall color.
And finally the three lip shades are a chocolate brown, a deep mauve pink which contrasts brilliantly with the blush since it's a deeper pink, and a pinkish brown. The top most color contains a very faint shimmer where as the other shades are soft and matte.

The palette is exactly sometime I'd normally pick out for myself but I think it's definately appealing to those that simply enjoy a very neutral look. I'm actually quite pleased that I got a chance to experiment with it. I enjoyed the warmer, Fall look I created using it and was pleased with my very "grown up", "adult" look!
Here's your Muse sporting all three eye shadows in the palette, the blush, and the 2nd lip shade.

As you can see above the entire look is very simple yet elegant. Pretty much perfection for a corporate enviroment. I love how full my lips look sporting just that simple lip cream and nothing else. I also like how warm a look it is. It seems very fitting for Fall!
I also got two of the shimmer lip glosses and one of the regular glosses. Bobbi Brown lip glosses are pretty good stuff. Nice and pigmented, not overly sticky, and pretty decent staying power. I purchase my first ones back in Spring when the Pink Raspberry collection released.

Although the colors inside the tube are a bit discouraging to look out they actually apply very nicely.

Iced Mauve is a shimmering, metallic taupe color. That's the best way I can describe it! It's a shimmer gloss so it does contain just the right amount of silver shimmer. The shimmer is not over kill and just a touch for a very nice look. Black Pearl is also a shimmer gloss. It's a very complex color that contains a bit of purple, a bit of brown, and just the right amount of gold shimmer. Interesting shade to say the least. Finally mauve is a lip gloss that is a combination of rose, purple, and brown. I found that the shades compliment the lip creams in the palette very well and I liked how they looked on top of those shades rather than applying alone.

Overall, this is a winner for the folks that adore nudes and neutrals! I know of at least one person that will simply adore all these colors! If you're a lover of simplicity and natural this one is for you!
Do check out the collection! It's worth some of your time to swatch and have a look at! Especially the palette! Check out more of the Bobbi Brown Mauve Collection releases by clicking here!
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Travel back to last Fall and check out my raves for the Metallics Eye Palette Collection!
Click here to read my review on the Bobbi Brown Concealer Palette!
Craving details and a review about the Bobbi Brown Pink Raspberry Collection after all the raving I did in this post? No problem, the Muse got you covered! Click!
We might be discussing Fall Collections but hells it's still Summer! Click here to enjoy my review on the Bobbi Brown Bronzed Pink Summer Collection!
Click here to read my review on the Bobbi Brown Pink Quartz Limited Edition Shimmer Brick!
Labels: Bobbi Brown, Face of the Day, Fall Collections 2008, Reviews, Swatches
hey muse love! this collection was made for you! suits you well..
Izzy you're looking very mature today! A great polished professional look.
Hi Muse! Are you having a nice summer?
Stop going to the BB counter! Soooo boring! I definetely don't like her, all her collections are a little bit the same, they use colours that seem you're not wearing make up. Miss Brown: I know what colour my lips are, I want to see them different!!!
Aaahh I needed to say this :)
Lots of hugs!
I am SOOOOLD!!! You look SOOOO pretty in this look (not that you don't always look gorgeee ;) ) ...
I also like bright colors sometimes but I work in a hospital and when I do my makeup I more often than not need a more subdued look so I don't look like a disco ball when I am working. BB has always been my go-to brand for this reason. Yeah it's expensive, but it's quality stuff!!
Thanks for the review, Muse! Must wait for paycheck then I can go shoppiiiing :D
hey kia :)
What's up darlin'!
Aw shucks thanks! A U turn from my normal bold looks eh?
thank ye kindly Jen :)
I feel very mature hehe!
That's a big change from my normal running around with aqua shadow ;)
Hi Pao Pao! It's fab so far :) Very humid and yours? How's Spain? Must be gorgeous right now!
LOL! I was like that too at one time but I really do like many of the items they put out! Have you seen the pink raspberry collection? It's too awesome! And the metallic palettes AMAZING ;)
Read some of my past posts bet I can convince you to love bb ;)
aw shucks Nosh I love you *hugs*
I'm actually self employed so whatever I wear to the office is a ok hehe. However in a more corporate environment or in your field I'd definately invest more in natural shades! I totally understand you can't head to work with tons of glitter/shimmer and bright colors ;)
This is definately one great reason to purchase items from BB!
I agree it's expensive but the quality is there so I don't mind shelling out the bucks for it.
I'm particularly a fan of the concealer. At first I didn't feel thrilled with it but It's become a staple for me lately.
I feel as I get older I need alot more coverage for my eye area and BB caters to a mature lady so the makeup def helps me look younger, fresher.
LOL Happy Shopping Nosh :) Come back and tell me whatcha get!
Oh those colours are wonderful on you. I just look...odd if I wear them!
Who's looking dainty and elegant then? :)
As for me, went the whole hog in the other direction. Wore bright blue eyeshadow to work, lol!
hi laura!
thanks honey! This is a tad bit too warm for your gorgeous skin tone!
It's me, I love it!! Your FOTD is classic and so grown-up - I want to be like the Muse! :)
I lost a ton of money gambling over the weekend so I'll have to hold off for now, but hopefully I'll be able to nab one up at the next pay check. That is, if the new MAC collection doesn't get to my wallet first! :D
Hi muse! Thanks for the review! I love the eye shadows shades but I think I would've bought this palette if it has more eye shadows and no lip creams cuz i'm not really a lip person! :)
BTW, u know ur blog is pretty much the first thing i read in the morning after my work email HAHAHA!!! love ur blog!! :) it's pretty much the thing that keeps me awake in a brutal work morning!
I just bought the Black Mauve Shimmer Ink eye liner gel, and I love it. It is personally my fave from the collection.
I haven't been to a BB counter in years..but I used to love her Lip Shimmers, Lip Sheers, and Lip Shines. I think I had stopped getting BB because they discontinued the Cream Stick shadow that I loved.
The colors from that palette look lovely on you. :)
LOL of course it's you Miss Cookie :)
You rock the socks off of nudes and neutrals ;)
LOL MAC has my heart with the bloody blushes..they are truly brilliant! Have you gotten some yet *wink wink nudge nudge*
Hiya Stephy!
You're most welcome my pleasure ;-)
I'm not either actually. I like glosses and lipstick and such but I normally don't wander towards palettes that have them b/c I think they are messy plus hate using a finger to apply!
Aw thank you kindly :) I really appreciate your visiting me daily and I love when you leave a comment so I can talk to you!
LOL it's good it keeps you awake as reading some of my own reviews I tend to yawn hehe! Need to spice them up ;)
Hi Jackie!
I need this! Damn I'm jealous! Everyone keeps raving to me about it ;)
Def check back you might see it reviewed shortly :)
hiya mc ;)
I was first not a great lover of her stuff but now I simply adore it. I don't recall the cream stick shadow but sounds interesting!
Some of my favs are the palettes for sure. She does some really unique palettes! Especially the bolder ones like pink raspberry and the metallics!
Aw thanks very much *MWAH*
LOL Mukho!
Go with the bold!
I'll be back in full swing tomorrow sporting some Cool Heat!
I didn't like the lipgloss color
but the palette looks good
Awww, you look beautiful! I love neutrals!!!
I'm in Australia, so yeah, anything North American is SOOOOO much cheaper than out here. But thanks for the offer to CP! I will definately be asking the boyfriend to pick this stuff up, it looks great on you.
Meant to ask you - is the MAC Pink Grapefruit like the Nars Misbehave? Cos then I definately need that too!!! They look really similar. The one I've got has a black handle, but the one you have looks so much cooler, so I might have to go out and grab it anyways, lol.
Gorgeous look! Love, love, love it! BTW I knew you would rock the amazing swatches for this collection! : )
Muse! Girlfreeeeind, you need to stop linking to these old reviews!! I saw the link to the metallics collection and I fell right off my bed! I remembered how badly I wanted the forest and the plum palettes back when they were out but I didn't have $90 to spare.
And then I got sooo desperate that I actually looked them up on ebay, lol :P OMG! Do you know they are being sold for something like $75 each on ebay now?? I feel... cheated somehow! *cries self to sleep*
I liked the collection, been looking at it for sometime. I love neutrals too! just like nilla cookie :) And what bobbi brown product I've tried and loved? their brushes and their gel liner!
Hey Izzy,
I'm lemming the three lipglosses real bad even though I'm so NOT a BB girl! Hope to see pics of you sporting the lipglosses soon!
morning beautyaddict1one1!
Well..the lipgloss is interesting :) At first I was scared of the colors but they apply sheer with a bit of a neutral look to them that isn't as bad as they look in the tube. They are worth at least swatchin'!
The palette is interesting ;-)
Thanks for the comment!
Happy Weekend!
morning Dancinggal!
Aw you're a doll thanks!
Oh my god Australia is heaps expensive girl! Worst than Europe!
You're most welcome my pleasure!
They are VERY different! You absolutely need both they are killer shades!
Misbehave is more reddish gold and Pink Grapefruit is burnt orange/peachy.
LOL but of course the damn neon packaging just appeals hehe!
morning Jennifer!
Awwwww thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Hugs*
I'm glad you're loving it ;) It's a great collection!
Thanks for the compliment!
Happy Weekend!
morning Nosh! LOL! ;) I'm glad you liked it. Not good for your wallet lol!
Dude check out QVC SOMETIMES they have them! They had them a few months ago in the blue and plum I think.
Holy shat! E-bay makes some major money off the cosmetic junkies ;P
Def check out qvc often as they sometimes pop up!
Happy Weekend!
hiya nikki!!!!!!!
Lilan rocks the nudes doesn't she?
YES YES YES the gel liner is AWESOME!
I didn't take you for a neutral girl as you're always sporting awesome colors! This set is really nice for those that adore nudes!
How are love of my life? Your packkie has been set out and is airmailing it's way to Singapore ;)
I'm sorry I've been out of touch but damn I've been bloody busy!
I can grab 'em for you here if you like. No troubles for me to head to Nordies and ship them over if you like!
I'm the same. Was NOT a bb girl at all but I've been converted since the Pink Raspberry collection and discovering the gel liner! AHHH love 'em not as much as I love you of course hehe ;)
Hope you're well!
Jealous of your Japanese Cosmetic Haul! My god those JS die for!
Happy Weekend! Will write a longer email soon!
Hi Muse,
I demand you go back and check out Sea&Sky and the green one. OMG! They are so beautiful. I know a lot of people have been saying that Sea&Sky is a dupe for Deep Truth and it is. But if you don't have DT then you need to get S&S but if you have DT then you still NEED to get S&S. The color pay off is so much better and the blue is so bright and vivid. DT looks so dull compared to S&S. Plus the texture of S&S is so smooth and velvety. By the way you need to pick up Dainty blush when your counter get is.
Methinks this collection is perfect for work. Those lipglosses seem strangely appealing.
Once I accidentally dipped my lip-brush in my silver-grey eyeshadow and used it as eyeliner...then realized my mistake when I used it for applying lipstick later on.
It came out just like that iced mauve lippie pictured...and surprisingly pretty! But I washed it off, the brush too. Kind of a pity, since it looked..interesting.
Oh, this happened on grad night btw, when all us gals were frantically applying last-minute touches. The girl next to me liked the whole iced mauve look, borrowed my eyeshadow and lippie, dabbed a bit of each on her lips and carried it off!
{and they all lived happily ever after.
the end.)
hey muse!
i was never really into the north american brands of makeup, always with the japanese stuff, but for some reason this BB palette just made me want it soooo badly. something about the neutral browns reminds me sort of how some japanese magazines use neutrals to create a smoky sort of look. your fotd is really nice and sophisticated. now i'm dying to get my hands on the palette and the mauve gel liner. did you use any eye liner for this and do you think a regular slanted eyeliner brush work well with the gel liner? and when i looked at the BB website, the shadows looked a wee bit darker, is it because you've used flash? or the colors on the website accurate? thanks muuuseee!
hi creampuffer5!
LOL! Ok ok I will ;) Promise!
I felt like the formula on these was fabulously pigmented but I didn't like the weird creamy powder feel of 'em which is why I skipped but your ravings have convince me I obviously need to have a second look!
Ohhh tell me more about dainty please :)
Ugh you're creating lemmings I didn't have before reading your comment now I'm thinking I was too critical the first time looking at the shadows..must go back ;)
morning a!
It is indeed ;) Very work friendly!
The lipglosses are strange in the package but gorgeous on!
LOL lipstick as a liner that works :)
I've been known to do stranger things lol! I once used a hot pink lip liner as a liner on my lower waterline. I thought for the longest it was a eyeliner turns out it was a lipliner DUH! I stopped using it after I realized but damn it all it was pretty!
LOL!!!! Great story a :)
Happy Monday!
Thanks for the comment :)
morning millie!
I love Japanese cosmetics myself :)
It's understandable you find it so appealing as it's a rather gorgeous palette ;)
Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked the FOTD!
I didn't use the eyeliner sadly haven't gotten my hands on it yet but def want it badly :)
I felt like the rounded tip liner brush works best with the gel liners that bb puts out. slanted eyeliner brushes, for me, don't work as well with gel liners. Get yourself a nice pointy rounded brush!
It could be b/c of my flash if you want I can take photos without flash :) see if that helps! Let me know!
If you need help getting the palette just give a yell!
You're most welcome ;)
Hi there! I love your review. :) yeah, nice workhorse colors - I'm really tempted to get one even if they're not yet available where I live.
hiya ria!
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!
Definitely work friendly!
Are you in the US? Bobbi ships free hehehehe enabling demon aren't I?
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