Reader's Request: Urban Decay Deluxe Eyeshadow Swatches in Heat and Sting
A lovely reader requested a few swatches of some Urban Decay Deluxe Eyeshadow and regular shadows so here they are!

Special requests of your own?
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Labels: Reader's Request
My request: recreate the look from Sympathy for Lady Vengeance!
i did that damn you! You're not paying attention *sobs*
do you want me to dress up as a nurse again too!??!
But we did the nurse thing last week! This time, let's go for the sexy shepherdess costume! If only I could find my sheep outfit. Or my inflatable sheep...
god mandy you make me so hot!
you have no idea!
I am obsessed with Heat right now, I haven't bought it but I continually thing about buying it. What colors would you recommend to go with it? I have nothing like it in my giant stash ...
Big hugs,
I love it too critty! it's great by itself but I love pairing it up with golds or cranberries.
Gold all over the lid and this in the crease or on the outer lid looks brilliant!
I'll do FOTD soonish with it ;)
Thank you so much musey! *hugs
grrr they all look nice, would you say that Heat is slightly orangy and that Gash has a brown undertone?
Do you have swatches for Midnight Cowboy and Midnight Cowboy Rides again??? I tried a search for it but I didn't see anything =C
hey helena!
Happy Friday love.
Yes Heat is way more orange and gash has a brownie feel to it. Sadly the pics don't show you how gorgeous heat really is. It's like a copper orange shade. Very nice!
Hope this helps!
sure nosh!
will do on Monday is that ok?
Hmmms i'm looking more for a true deep red colour, Sting is hot pink right? If that's the case i might take at look at mac's cranberry ^^
Thanks Muse! :D Love ya! <3 *hugs*
hi helena. yup spot on lovie. MAC's cranberry is a truer maroon where is this is a hot pink color ;)
Hope that helps!
Hi Nosh!
You're most welcome. Will get them up tonight or tomorrow for you!
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