The Muse on Etude House's Blog!
A few weeks ago I had reported to you that my article on Etude House's Spring Collection was published on a popular Korean media site.
Today a very kind reader, jkim, brought to my attention that I had made an appearance on the Etude House's official blog plus made a second appearance at The Daily Cosmetic.
Jkim was totally gorgeous enough to translate the entire article for me and I'm eternally grateful to her for it! Thanks lovie! The Muse hearts you in a major way right now!
I thought I'd share with what was said in the article! I'm EXTREMELY proud of the large community of Asian readers I have at Musings and it just tickles me that I'm recognized for that on Etude House's blog and The Daily Cosmetic!
Check it:

에뛰드하우스, 미국 담장을 허물다!
Etude House Breaking Down American Walls!
美 여성들 블로그 통해 에뛰드하우스 제품 소개 한창
American Women Learn About Etude House Through Blogs
에뛰드 한류코스메틱이 국내에서 아시아로 그리고 미국이라는 높은 담장을 조금씩 조금씩
허물고 있다.
Etude’s famous Korean cosmetics are slowly breaking down the steep walls of Asia and
the U.S.
에뛰드는 지난 5 년 전 국내에서 에뛰드 하우스라는 새로운 컨셉의 제품과 유통으로 여심을
사로잡은데 이어 지난 2 년 여 전부터는 아시아 각국으로 새로운 진출을 활발하게 추진해왔다.
Five years ago, Etude created the Etude House brand within Korea with a new concept
and products that recaptured women’s hearts. Now, for the last two years, the company
has successfully entered various Asian markets.
하지만 최근에는 아시아에서 그치지 않고 미국 여성이 자신의 블로그에 에뛰드 하우스
제품을 상세히 소개하고 있어 에뒤드 하우스가 글로벌화를 가응하게 해 주는 새로운 모습으로
변화하고 있다.
But it hasn’t stopped there. Now, with American women learning about the products
through various American blogs, Etude House is beginning to transform itself into a
global brand.
특히 국내 브랜드가 아시아 지역을 벗어나 미주 소비자에게 소개되는 경우는 극히 이례적인
일로 한국 화장품이 뷰티 분야의 강국인 미국에서도 예외가 아니라는 것을 증명했다는 평가를
얻고 있다.
In particular, for a domestic (Korean) brand to move beyond Asia and reach American
consumers is extremely rare but it’s proving itself not to be an exception even to a
cosmetics powerhouse like the U.S.
미주지역 블로그에 소개 된 에뛰드 하우스 제품
Etude House products shown here in an American blog
한 례로 본인을 ‘Cosmetic w.’로 지칭 할 만큼 화장품 마니아인 그녀는 한달 평균 80 개
이상의 화장품 리뷰를 블로그에 업데이트 하고 있다. 그녀가 블로그에 소개한 에뛰드 하우스
제품은 올 봄 출시된 복숭아 모공 베이스, 블러셔, 아이섀도, 립글로스 등 총 10 종으로 복숭아
라인의 거의 모든 제품을 소개하고 있다. 에뛰드 제품을 소개한 페이지에는 총 140 여 개의
답글이 달려 에뛰드 하우스 제품에 대한 관심을 확인 할 수 있었다.
Referring to herself as a “Cosmetic w. (whore)” for her obsession with makeup, this
woman reviews an average of 80 products a month on her blog. The Etude House
products she reviewed came from this Spring’s new Peach line, which included the Pore
Erasing Peach Base, blusher, eyeshadow, lipgloss, etc. In all, around 10 products -
practically the entire line. There are nearly 140 comments total on all of her entries
regarding Etude, proving the popularity and interest of these products.
그녀는 복숭아 팩트와 복숭아 솜털 모공 베이스 리뷰에 “이 제품들은 너무나 훌륭하고 제품의
품질에 비해 믿을 수 없을 만큼 저렴하다(it's wonderful, brillant primer and the price is
ridiculously inexpensive for such a great product)” 라고 표현하며 에뛰드 하우스 제품을
극찬 했다. 이 블로그를 방문 한 대학생 양지은씨는“한국 화장품이 세계 시장에서도 인정받는
다는 것에 큰 자부심을 느낀다”고 했다.
In her review of the Peach Skin Pact and Pore Erasing Peach Base, she sang its praises
by saying, “It’s wonderful, brillant primer and the price is ridiculously inexpensive for
such a great product” (sic). Ji Eun Yang, a college student who visited this blog, said
“I’m really proud of the fact that Korean cosmetics are starting to gain recognition all
over the world.”
에뛰드 마케팅 팀장은 “글로벌이 큰 화두가 되는 요즘, 다시 한번 에뛰드 해외 진출에
가능성을 확인했다”며, “아시아뿐 만 아니라 전 세계 소비자들에게도 사랑 받을 수 있는
제품을 지속적으로 개발할 것”이라고 전했다.
The Etude marketing director stated, “In today’s world, where ‘global’ is a big buzzword,
we were able to reaffirm the possibilities for Etude’s international ventures,” adding, “We
plan to develop fresh new products that will win the hearts of not only Asian consumers
but of those in the entire world.”
- 저작권 ⓒ 더데일리코스메틱, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지 -
2008-05-19 오후 2:17:00 ⓒ
If you have a language pack installed you should be able to see the characters if not you're likely seeing lots of question marks! Just read between the question marks for the English translation!
You can see the original story, in all it's glory, by clicking here!
A big, big thanks to jkim for bringing this to my attention and for doing the translation!
I look forward to bringing you future reviews on all good things Korea! As you already know I love me some K-Drama ;) So expect more K-Drama reviews too!
Labels: Etude House, Pieces of Life
Hooray! Now that my Izzy is Etude's No. 1 Product w. (whore) you can have them send all sorts of things to you, like Jang Geun Suk. Seriously, demand that they send Jang Geun Suk and his Barry White voice over her stat!
You damn well better be getting free Etude stuff from now on!
I tried to post a congratulations when you initially wrote about being featured on the site, but it gave me an error message, so here's a belated congrats!
Now the Japanese sites have to do a spotlight on you. Gosh knows you've given them enough press!
dude ;) I'm the number one product w! That is some sincere stuff right here! It's not WHORE it's W :) Remember my official title PLEASE!
NO Jang Geun Suk for you! He's too young!
Besides you haz me what do you need gorgeous korean boy for!?
LOL ;) Someone has my number it seems...*whistles* I will tell you more soonish!
Hey Taryn!
I think I got it lovie. Thanks :) This is actually a new site wahooo!
YES! PLEASE! Hello Japan the Muse is here and waiting!
She hearts you ;)
and so does Taryn :)
hey congrats! that's awesome :D and to be honest your blog was where i first read about Etude House, and now i'm really into their makeup and skin care, so it's only fair to give you some credits!!! :D
way to go Muse!
Congratulations, Muse!!!
It's very good to see this article, plus I'm Korean, It was the way easier for me to read that article :D When I was in Korea, Etude was just cheap brand, but now, their quality and everything really developed and it became so famous over there. :D Esp, that peach products. I'm so happy for you ;) Congrats on article :)
congrats! ur reviews definitely deserves it! :D
oh my, i can't wait for etude to be open here... think i'll go check it tmr and let you know!!! :D
but no hauls till september, after i am back from hanoi. den only shall i start my crazy hauls!!!
hey d!
Thanks honey! Yay I'm so glad you are enjoying the cosmetics and skincare ;) It's a great line up of goodies!
Thanks Pao Pao! Hugs!
hi nabi!
Fantastic! I was happy to post both version up here ;)
The peach products are simply awesome. I really think the brand has some awesome products. People have come on to comment saying it's geared towards teens but I honestly dont care as I think the cosmetic and skincare side is simply awesome for younger or older woman ;)
can't resist all that cuteness :)
Thanks for the comment Nabi and I hope we speak again soon!
Happy Almost Weekend!
Morning Plue!
How are you dear!
Thanks so much!
Ohhh so exciting I'm totally jealous!
LOL! Are you going away on holiday there? or visiting fam?
hee, i was born in malaysia, and my family members are here too! going to hanoi for a trip, 4 days 3 nights! i will miss my pc, internet and you too!
i hope to go to korea n jp someday!!!
Holy Crap, you're right! I just checked! He's like, 19, or something! He looks so much older than he is, too! This must mean Go Ahn is 12.
morning plue!
Awesome!!!!!!!! Enjoy ;) Do lots of shopping hehe ;) Awwww *sniff* thanks! I'll miss you too!
I'd love to go to Korea myself! I've been to Japan which is amazing. I could happily live there! Amazing!
Have fun!
he's bait! It's like stealing a child from the cradle ;)
what about me? your muse..the love of your life...forget the boy toys ;)
shopping? what's there to buy in hanoi eh? :P i m not sure usd 100 is enough or not, as it is my first time flying out of the country >_<
JP is awesome i know! i wanna go see the sakuras and get lotsa stuff! Shopaholic rules!
aww congrats musey
you deserve it :D
hehe I find shopping anywhere I go ;)
I'm unsure what the prices of food and such are in Vietnam. You might want to bring a little bit more just in case.
sigh sakuras are lovely.
Have fun ;)
hello helly!
Thanks honey! Appreciate it MWAH!
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