Beauty on a Budget: Week: Physicians Formula Flawless Complexion Kit Review
While browsing through the many Physicians Formula items on display I came across the Flawless Complexion Kit and decided to give it a whirl for myself!
L@@K kids a hot mess waiting to happen!

The kit includes everything you need for minimal makeup while giving a fresh, flawless look to your skin or so it says on the box! It includes a Talc-Free Mineral Face Powder, Talc-Free Mineral Blush, and Talc-Free Matte Finishing Veil.

As I said in an earlier post Physicians Formula can rarely do any wrong with items it releases and in the case of the Flawless Complexion Kit we have a dud. It's awful.
I normally I use the Physicians Formula Powder Multi-Colored Face Powder and I felt like the Mineral Face Powder in this kit was almost an exact dupe of that powder but it turns out that this particular powder is just rubbish!
The entire kit is $19.95 USD and includes a total of three items. I really thought this was a deal as normally Physicians Formula blushes and foundations run around $9.95 USD each so this was a saving of at least $10 USD for three items. It was like buying two getting one free but honestly it was comparable to flushing my money down the toilet or burning it!
Where to start with how bad this entire kit is. It doesn't have a single item included in it that's good aside from MAYBE the finishing powder.
The packaging does get a minor Yay for coolness. I love packaging that includes a little hidden, under the makeup compartment to stash your brush and in this case both the mineral foundation and blush sport that design. This alone gets a Yay from me. Hey, at least it has one redeeming quality right?

The first item I'll review is the Mineral Face Powder. I've no idea what they were thinking when they created this! Where as the Multi-Colored Face Powder is beautifully silky and soft this is absolutely chalky! As I buffed it into my skin I couldn't help buy cringe. It not only made me look ashy, chalky, and made up but it also gave my appearance an absolutely disgustingly dull look. The glow and health my skin normally radiates was completely dulled as soon as I began applying! It was like someone had a light bulb on and promptly turned it off! My skin was looking fresh and dewy from my prep of toner and lotion but as soon as the powder hit..eeewwwww! What the hell?

I was counting on the blush the kit came with to lighten up the damage that the mineral powder had done! I thought for sure this would redeem my face as is but hells no it made it worst! The blush this came with is a very soft peach shade entitled Blushing Glow. It's a mineral blush and sports the same bad effect as the mineral powder! As soon as I applied it I got the same chalky, ashy look and terribly gross appearance as if I was playing in dirt or something! You can literally see how many layers I had on at this point! One layer of mineral powder and one layer of mineral blush! At this point I imagine if I sneezed puffs of smoke would rise from my face!

The shade looks pretty enough in the palette but once on I thought it gave off a rather dull bronze look!
Finally, I figured I came this far I might as well finish with the Matte Finishing Veil. It can't get any worst than this can it? Oh yes it can! The mineral veil is just another un-ending layer of chalk on my face! The brush on this is so harsh I could literally feel it scratching my skin! I'm shocked it didn't leave some sort of mark on my face it was so hard! It does deserve a mention that the packaging on it was pretty good due to the fact that it dispersed product so well. Tip it and the powder flowed evenly into the brush! Very nice! However, the brush itself was absolute rubbish!

So now my look is complete. One layer of mineral foundation, one layer of mineral blush, and one layer of finishing veil. I imagine my face is bulletproof by this time. I've tried ALOT of makeup in my time but never had I felt so made up in my life. I felt like I was sporting a few pounds of powder on my face. On top of that it killed my skin! Killed it! My normally fresh, flawless skin was drowned in a see of disgusting powder that made it look dull, ashy, chalky, and just terrible!
Wow. Just wow. I can't begin to describe to you how bad this kit truly is! I'm shocked and saddened to say as such because I truly do love Physicians Formula and believe they make some sincerely awesome products but this is awful!
I'm actually quite amazed that one little kit could do so much damage.
As you can see from my FOTD below I'm looking like hell warmed over a few times over:

Verdict: Don't buy it! Don't get sucked in by the cheap price and the cool array of products it includes! It's wasted time and money! The Muse says NEVER again!
Have you tried this?
Love it?
Hate it as much as the Muse!
Tell me about it!

Click to here my ravings about Physicians Formula Cream Mineral Wear Foundation and Concealer! All for under $10 bucks!
Want more Beauty on a Budget? Get a sneak peek of upcoming reviews by clicking here!
Labels: Beauty on a Budget, Reviews, US Drugstore Brands
Yeah, PF has never made me cream my panties either; the whole line is so gimmicky.
Time to return PF and try Sally Hansen Naturals, peut etre?
I don't know, Muse, your skin looks pretty damn good to me. Only you could make me start lemming a crap product! Thankfully the PF colors are far too dark for me.
I just don't think you and cheap American makeup go together. You're an exotic cosmetics type of gal! Stick with the stuff you know you'll love!
you and freaking sally hansen! You're evil b/c everytime you say it I want to drive to the stupid store and check it out! Stop!
Do a review on it so I can reads your ravessssssss
You're WAY too kind Taryn!
I'm looking dusty in the pics ;)
Aw shucks I like being an exotic chick ;)
thanks I think sticking with exotic makeup is my calling in life hehe!
Love ya MWAH!
I could have told you that the PRESSED mineral stuff from PF was horrible! I do use their loose powder mineral powder, but it has a nice glow to it, plus since I am oily, I need the powder...The pressed one is horrible, I am sure when you used your brush over it, powder got everywhere, right?
Sorry you had such a bad experience with it Musey! The kit concept is nice though, just not for this!
Maybe your skin has gotten used to all the exotic high end makeup you use, and decided on a little rebellion! ;)
I actually think you look really cute in the pics, but if you hate it, that's enough for me!
hey muse! honestly i think ur skin looked pretty ok in that pic! though i think u look darker than usual... or hey i think u're just blessed with naturall good skin!! :)
LOL, you don't look THAT bad. Maybe its just because I'm a drugstore gal! But if you want a good cheap foundation, Revlon has always been the way to go. That foundation HEALED my skin after - you guessed it - an allergic reaction. ;]
yah, i agree -- you look pretty darn good to me, too...!! :0)
I agree with Taryn. You still look amazing in that FOTD!!!
Agree with you about the PF's brush quality. They have the crappiest brushes ever!!! I bought some of theirs that comes with brushes and have to throw those away. The quality of their brushes aren't as good. But hey!... it's free and it's very cheap, right?
I love their concept and actually, some of their products are quite alright. I used to have an e/s from their line that's very glittering and very make my eyes wide awake. Can't remember its name now.
Anyway, ^v^ just want to tell you that you still look so good in that FOTD photo!
Morning Tammy!
I haven't used the loose mineral powder but do you know the mosiac pressed one? That stuff is AMAZING!
EXACTLY! As soon as I swiped a brush on powder was all over the place! Gross!
The kit concept is awesome. They should do one with the other gems that PF has like the mosaic powder and blusher!
LOL you could be right! I haven't used drugstore foundation/concealer/powder since I was like 13 aside from the PH mosaic pressed powder and my skin no likey for some reason :)
Thanks for the comment again! Happy almost Friday!
hey toya!
Awwwwwwww thanks honey! You're great for my ego! MWAH!
aw thanks stephy! It does indeed look darker due to the powder applying so beige. the powder appears quite pale but once on it goes all chalky and ashy :(
Thanks! You're great for my ego too hehe ;)
Thanks for the comment! Hope we talk again really soon!
Morning mizz Sarah!
Aw shucks thanks! I feel like I look awful!
I've never tried it. Maybe I'll give it a whirl. I plan to make it my business to find at least one DS brand that is redeemable with no flaws ;)
hey gez!
You're a star MWAH ;) Thanks!
hiya Vichaya!
Thanks honey! ;)
Agreed. I prefer sponges when it comes to their line. The soft kind.
Agreed! Can't complain at the price ;)
I agree! I think many of the products are damn good. It's the one brand I actually do like that's cheaper.
Awww thanks HUGS! ;-) I feel really made up in the pic! But sincere thanks for making me feel better about 10 lbs of powder hehe!
Thanks for the comment! Hope we talk again soon!
Haha, I like Revlon because it doesn't dry out the skin. Its tops when you're on a budget!
I am glad I decided not to buy the PF powders, though...I was afraid they'd feel chalky on my skin. They probably don't even have my shade! I still want some of their eyeshadow trios, though. :D
My friend tried that stuff in the palest shade they had, and since I was at the store with her when she purchased it, I tried to talk her out of it. She HATED it. I ended up giving her one of my Meow foundations that I'd purchased. I inadvertently purchased the wrong shade for my skin tone, chausie, which worked for her skin but not me. I'm apparently more of a siamese or sphynx. :P In MAC I've been sold 1N, NW15 and NC15, and chausie was about an NC15.
Sorry you tried this set and it sucked :( I'm not sold on most of the drugstore mineral makeup.
Morning Sarah ;)
Many people on spectra rec it left and right so maybe I need to dry this out ;) I have dry skin so it could be what I seek ;-)
The eyeshadows look great but I haven't yet tried them the palettes caught my eye. Def keep away from the powder..blows in a major way :(
Happy Weekend love!
hi Decorative Diva!
Totally random and off topic but I loved your cranberry look that you have on your blog and I was totally digging your Emily the Strange t ;) I adore her.
It's just awful isn't it? It's chalky and ashy and blah!
Normally they make great products but this is a big miss!
I haven't tried the meow ones aside from the shadows that is! Good thing she was loving it! Good replacement for this rubbish eh ;)
I'm not an NC15 but I normally buy it anyway b/c I like to blend out my complexion to give me a "whiter" look ;)
I'm not sold on must any ds brands hehe. you're not the only one ;)
All this organic mineral rubbish that pops up lately is more hype than anything else!
Thanks for the comment ;)
Enjoy talking to you!
Muse, your skin looks alright in the photos. But then again, photos do a good job of washing away the flaws...
hi psychoexgirlfriend!
Thanks! I just felt the kit made my skin look dull :P
Thankfully I don't have any flaws on my face phew. My skin is in very good condition with only fine lines under my eyes. Thank goodness :) It's about the only thing I consider my best feature ;) Everything else is meh! hehe!
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