Beauty on a Budget Week: Maybelline Mineral Power Powder Foundatin & Blush Review
I'm back.
With more Beauty on a Budget finds just for you!
Today I'm reviewing Maybelline Mineral Power Powder Foundation and Mineral Power Naturally Luminous Blush. Phew that's a mouthful right there!

So obviously it's called Maybelline for a reason....because maybe it's a good...maybe it's not...Maybe it's Maybelline...HA! I crack myself up. Ok, sorry no more corny jokes.
I'll start by saying I'm not a big fan of mineral powders anyway so my reviews of various mineral powders lately may be bias do to that little fact.
The kit was super duper cheap so I can't complain. $7.92 USD gets you a large size mineral powder, a mineral blush, and a tiny kabuki brush for application! Not bad at all considering that Bare Escentuals will charge you $40 USD and upwards for their kits but than again you get a whole lot more with that kit than you do with this one.
I got the foundation powder in Light 3 and obviously that's not a suitable shade for me as it ended up giving me that dusky, ashy, dirty look that I successfully achieved with the Physicians Formula Flawless Complexion Kit. Maybe I'm just doomed when it comes to mineral makeup but damned if it doesn't suck the healthy glow right out of my face. The powder isn't too bad a formula. It's soft and silky but as soon as I applied it I watched as my bright skin went from gorgeous to dull in a few short minutes. I felt like I had a big old eraser and had taken it to a sunny picture of the sky. Buff, buff, buff away healthy, blushing pink cheeks, buff, buff, buff away my pale skin, buff buff my way to dull, gross, chalky, made up skin! After application of the foundation I feel as if I have about 10 pounds of powder on. Very disappointing feeling here people.

Final say on the powder: No likey.
The brush this comes with is utterly useless so that's the 2nd problem with the kit. It's scratchy, hard, and sheds like a cat. It's cute enough in it's small and compact format but it's good as garbage because it does nothing at all in the ways of applying the foundation evenly plus it just feels so bloody harsh on my skin!

Well...two down one to go....
The kit has one redeeming quality. Praise the Lord! The Mineral Powder blush is actually half way decent although I probably won't buy it by itself should I walk into a store and see it hanging out on the shelf. It's pretty pigmented and the formula is smooth, silky, and blends very well! The color I got with the kit was True Peach which is almost identical to the Blushing Glow from Physicians Formula that came with the kit I reviewed yesterday. However, it applies much better and does give a very nice peachy glow to my cheeks.

I got two of these kits as I had have some seriously high hopes for them. The other version I didn't bother opening. It contained a translucent powder, a pink blush, and a brush. I think it's safe to say that one will be making a return as soon as I have the time to stop back into the store. Either that or it, like these items, will end up in the grave yard of unused makeup in the bottom of my closet.

Final say:
Do not want.

$7.92 USD isn't a whole lot of cash to splurge on the kit but it's just not that great a kit to bother with! Save your money for gas!
In conclusion it appears we are not making a good go of Beauty on the Budget Week!
Let's check the scores:
The Muse loves Physicians Formula Mineral Wear Cream Foundation and Concealer!
The Muse no likey Physicans Formula Flawless Complextion Kit or Maybelline Mineral Power Powder Foundation!
2 to 1 so far!
Let's hope my pile of Budget Beauty finds gives us a winner tomorrow!
Stay tuned for more!
Britney says: Gimme Gimme Gimme More ya'll!
Tried Maybelline's mineral makeup?
Love it?
Hate it?
Tell the Muse!
Labels: Beauty on a Budget, Reviews, US Drugstore Brands
Well, recently there's the Loreal line of mineral makeup in Singapore, I guess to dupe uninformed consumers who are new to mineral makeup. The brush is prickly, I guess comparable to this Maybelline one and yet promoters can blatantly say it's the softest brush they've ever used.
I'm a big fan of mineral makeup from small US brands (well, brands a LOT smaller than your Loreal corp.), because most of them promote mineral powder as a whole lifestyle change towards organic. When big brands like Loreal try to take a slice of the pie, I just feel like it's market exploitation because their company visions and motto aren't exactly in line with the organic lifestyle, if you get what I mean.
(Long rant, huh. :P)
I'd keep the translucent...I'd say its pretty good when applied with a SUPER fluffy brush for setting foundation, as you're very pale. If you use a light hand I think it could work for you.
And I'm glad that the blushers turned out alright - I'm on the hunt for some that are a little cheaper since I don't have the budget for more Cargo. Could you swatch the peachy blush for Puff [and the pink, only if you decide to hold on to it]?
Why you steal-y 'me no likey'?!? You a thiefy! ;-)
Wow...before I even read through the entire review, I saw the Maybelline brush and said to myself "Wow, that looks like the world's most craptacular brush." It looks so cheap.
In my inital quest of looking for a cheaper alternative to both UD Surreal Skin and Bare Minerals, I actually found that drugstore brands don't really compare to the two I normally use. I tested the Maybelline mineral powder one day and I kid you not, it wore off in a half hour on me.
...then again, I am biased against Maybelline because I utterly hate Great Lash mascara and I never forgave them for discontining Lash by Lash Mascara (the best mascara that was ever made imho) and Kissing Coolers (I'm 27 and I am still complaining about that lol).
morning loey!
Oh lord. I'm unsure if we have this yet but god knows I'll avoid it lol!
the softest eh? Ya right we know better lol!
I have to say the companies you Aromaleigh, Mad Minerals, etc..are excellent in regards to mineral cosmetics..but budget drugstore brands don't have a clue! I agree with you 100% about smaller places having good options!
I totally understand and agree. L'Oreal could care less about how organic or green they are being it's most about the all mighty dollar!
Rant away ;) I'm listenin'!
hey sarah!
Maybe...I'm debating ;) It's probably easier than going into the evil empire again lol!
They aren't too bad. The peach blends nicely and it's cheap so you can't go wrong!
Your wish is my command! Will do so tonight ;)
I did steal your no likey I sorry!
I think of two people when I no likey and Sarah Jessica Parker..but you're way hotter than she is!
(o)Y(o) <-----see how hot?
hiya mc!
LOL amen sister. Score for you as it is a crappy brush! Holy cow. Scratchy as hell!
Wow. half an hour? I got a bit longer wear from it but by the end of the day I went from chalky looking to just gross and muddy and dull yuck!
lord everyone always tells me get great lash get great lash but I think it blows!
Kissing coolers were the marble glosses weren't they? I'm slowing remembering lol! Have you seen Taryn's blog? If these are the glosses you are talking about she actually has the bloody things up with pictures! I bow to her greatness lol!
Thanks for the great comments lately mc! Enjoy talking to you!
Not a fan of maybeline or mineral powder stuff, love that dog picture...
hi citrine!
I'll join your group!
Def not loving this yuk!
I'm sad you didn't like it! I swear by the blush [and sometimes the foundation though I prefer liquid].
But then, we don't have such a variety over here as you do, so it's probably the best of the UK bunch haha.
hey laura!
You got mail dearie ;)
Really?? I just didn't dig it at all :( I felt way too made up!
The blush is alright but the foundation was really a deal breaker for me :(
Loves ya!
Yep, Kissing Coolers were those cute tiny flavored lip glosses that came the teenist tubes that looked like (excuse the analogy here) tampon applicators and had that swirly marbleized color. It was the best flavored lipgloss EVER. I was so mad when it was discontinued...
So yeah..about half hour wear on the Maybelline minerals was what I had. I borrowed it from my mom and it seemed to disappear while I was wandering around window shopping. I wonder if it was because I forgot to prep my face with primer though.
At least I didn't break out in hives wearing this one. When I tried out Mary Kay's new mineral foundation after massive prodding from my MK saleswoman sister in law, i had red welts on my face..EEEKK!!!
Always a pleasure chatting up with you Muse. XD
Oh forgot to add that I never read Taryn's blog..but I must go read it now to see if she blogged about my precious Kissing Coolers LOL.
Hey Muse!
I agree w/ Laura, the Maybelline Mineral Power liquid foundation acutally is pretty good stuff. But as far as the powder goes . . I'll stick w/ my Avon . . LOVE that stuff!
hey mc!
We are giving our age away in a major way here! I remember these things! They were awesome and damn they tasted good even thought they did look like tampons lol!
I prepped with primer but I still felt dusty as hell and I'm positive I was looking muddy by the end of the day! Do not want! ;)
I normally break out when using BE! EEP! you're kidding? That sounds sincerely scary!
Great talking to you too lovie ;)
oh you have to see these! They are in pristine condition! LOL! Taryn is a pack rat I fear ;)
Take a look:
freaking amazing! I'm jealous!
After seeing these I actually searched ebay. Sick.
hi elaina!
I tried out the liquid form and I'm not yet sold ;) Review coming soon. It's ok but not quite good..I'm not sure yet. Will definately be reviewing shortly ;)
Thanks for scooping the Avon to me. I'll check it out! Curious minds now ;)
Thanks for the comment! Hope to hear from you again soon!
Ooh, I really like their blush :)
I wouldn't buy their foundation because I already have a love affair with Everyday Minerals :D
Swapping to mineral make up wasn't that big a deal for me because I hate liquid foundation ( I feel like my skin can't breathe) so I just switched from pressed powder to loose mineral + EM have Olive Fair which is my exact skin tone! Yay EM :)
That brush does look craptacular though, yuck!
I may take you up on that NXY offer in the future, they look sooo pretty :) If you ever want to do a swap for some GOSH I'll toodle over to my local Superdrug and get you some purdy colours x
That dog picture is hysterical!
Gasp! 'Me no likey' was started by My Little Pony Parker?!? Then I iz a thiefy too! Nooooooes!!!
Meh. It's too late to change my shtick.
I made the mistake of trying the Revlon mineral makeup first, and it's brush was really scratchy too, like the one in the Maybelline set.
Since I started trying mmu, I ended up being a good kabuki brush and have found that I prefer the 'indie' brands such as Meow Cosmetics and AromaLeigh Cosmetics. The Meow foundation especially feels great to me. If you've not tried them, check them out. They're a great deal for the price, too. They're closer to drug store prices than MAC prices.
yay swatchy time! I gotta say, I'm surprised you didnt like the foundation. If I found my proper shade, I would have loved it, but Im too impatient.
i love that doggy do not want picture! lol.
and yes! everyone raves abt great lash.
but it totally sucked imo. it smudged within an hour on me!
and the packaging had the cheek to say "no clumps, globs or smudges."
MY FOOT! it was clumpy hell and smudgey gross.
you saved me muse, with ur articles on japanese cosmetics~ now that i have majolica majorca, im truly clump and smudge free! =D
hi chica!
Happy Friday love.
The blush was the one item I did kinda like.
I haven't tried EM aside from buying some applicator jars from them but def want too!
I don't use liquid I'm a cream user so it's a bit of a problem when faced with powder. Funny as I have the opposite problem..with minerals on I feel like I can't breath ;)
Oh lord the brush is terrible! Sure! Anytime you like! Thanks! I'd love that :)
Just email anytime ;)
Thanks so much!
Have a super weekend! Talk to you soon!
LOL toya ;)
Glad you liked!
hey mandy!
LOL yes! Don't you remember she said it in an old episode?
We can likey each other *MWAH* ;)
hiya Decorative Diva!
Ugh it's awful!
I really love aromaleigh. Good powders. I've tried the blushes and they are so soft and silky.
Will def be checking out the foundations.
Thanks for dropping by and commenting ;) And thanks for the rec! Have a great weekend! Hope to talk to you again soon!
hey sarah!
I added a swatch in this post ;) let me know if that's ok for you if not I can swatch on paper! I didn't like it :( I got some new puff jars so I'm hoping that will change my poor opinion of this!
Happy Weekend love!
Morning Wen! Happy Friday!
LOL glad it made you laugh!
Ditto! Not a big fan at all!
But of course. They advertise it as if it's the HG of mascaras :P
Aww that's so great! MJ is my staple and I love pimpin' to people that haven't tried it. Awesome stuff!
Happy Weekend lovie!
I can't wait for you to review the AromaLeigh and Meow foundations if you check them out.
You're right about the AL blushes, they're very nice. I use a fo blush with them and currently love Rococo, Wildflower and I have Sundaygirl, too.
With Meow, I'm addicted to Feline-Be-Mine, but I like Crush as well.
I hope you have a great weekend!
That's perfect! Thankies! :D
Haha, once again, Philosophy! Nom nom. I drool for puff jars [especially since they're named after me].
LOL, very aMUSEing review. I've been contemplating the mineral blush since I've yet to try one before. I don't think this will be one to try however. Maybe the L'Oreal one?
morning Decorative Diva!
I'm on the verge of an Aromaleigh haul shortly lol! I want that like a doll powder :) Have you seen it?
So expect a review soon!
Sundaygirl is GORGEOUS :) I actually reviewed it here ;)
I have to write the others down and try them ;) Feline Be Mine sounds cutesy!
My weekend was great thanks! hope yours was awesome ;)
morning sarah!
No problems at all ;)
Are they!? I didn't notice that ;) Stila has a lipstick named after me nanner nanner ;) hehe!
morning psychoexgirlfriend!
hehe glad I made ya laugh honey!
This you can safely skip I'd say. I haven't tried the L'Oreal yet...I do love the Aromaleigh blushes those are fab!
Happy Monday!
I can't wait for your AL reviews. I'll have to find your Sundaygirl review. It looks so bright in the container but it blends down to a very natural looking flush on me, with my fiber optic blush brush. Oh, without that thing, I'd never be able to wear blush!
You might really like Meow Cosmetics. For me, I love their foundations, a few blushes, their Vandal Eyes, a feliner or two, and their crystalline cat glow powder. I'm trying their contour powder stuff out right now (called skinny dippers) but I have no idea if I'm contouring my face properly or not. All of the Meow Names are very cutesey, such as Purrple, A Lick and a Promise, Cats in the Cradle, Cat-chy, Psy-cat-it, Tale of Woe, etc.
I had a fabulous weekend, myself. I played World of Warcraft (I'm a hopelessly addicted gamer girl, and what's worse, that's how I make my living is in the gaming industry), I went out and saw friends at Disney, and I watched a few movies.
hi Decorative Diva!
;) Soon to follow my dear ;)
here's the review for you!
Oh my gosh I can't believe you said that! I got that brush and LOVE it! I'd never be able to use the rocks blush without it!
I freaking love that brush! best $18 bucks I spent on a brush!
The crystalline cat glow sounds it shimmery?
Don't feel bad I can't contour my face correctly either lol! I rarely bother. I have a rather round face and probably could use the contouring but I haven't bothered as I make a mess :)
awww so cute! Love the names!
OH my god you work the gaming industry? Freaking A! Awesomeness!
What do you do if you don't mind me askin'!?
Sounds like the perfect weekend to me!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I can't apply blush without my little kabuki or my fiber optic blush brush. Otherwise I do look silly. Though, I got my fobb from Meow, and it sheds a bit (not bad, but it has a bit), so if you highly recommend AL's I may pick that one up.
The glow powder isn't really shimmery to me, it's like, well, it glows :P
It makes your skin seem brighter, but not fake white or chalky, if that makes sense. I used the tinted glow powder in morganite in the hollows of my cheeks today and the 'original' glow powder on the tops of my cheekbones/temple area, and I really like the results.
I'm trying to control my wow addiction. I've only got 2 70s, a smattering of 60s, etc. But my 'baby' is Xyriel (level 70 on medivh). She's a nasty lock. When I'm pve specced I go Sacrifice Shadow Destruction, and when I'm pvp specced I'm affliction. When I raid i'm the top overall dmg and top dps, and in the battle grounds for AV I'm normally in the top 10 (frequently in the top 3). I'm still sucking in arenas, but I'm getting better.
I'm the executive game administrator for a company. I do a lot of technical documentation/writing, I'm the head of the customer service department, I do some project management, I do web work (related to the documentation. I created all of our self-help systems), and I deal with fraud prevention and payment chargebacks. I'm the CEO's right hand. It probably sounds crazy. Oh, and I get to bring my puppy to work with me, which is awesome.
I think my browser ate my reply to you this morning.
I love your review of Sundaygirl. It's got such a nice natural flush of color.
Actually, I have the fiber optic blush brush from Meow, but it sheds a bit, so I think I may end up picking up the AL brush, especially if you recommend it.
The crystalline cat glow powder isn't shimmery, it's really like a highlight or glow, kinda brightens the skin.
I've been trying to learn to contour so that my cheekbones seem a bit more out there, especially with my hair cut, but eh, I suck :P
I'm definitely a WoW whore too. Xyriel - human warlock on medivh. Sacrifice Shadow Destruction spec for pve and Affliction for pvp/arena.
I'm the executive game administrator for a company. I do technical documentation (created their entire self help webpage stuff, cut down on our phone call volume and emails by 90%), I am the head of customer service and run that department, I do some project management, unfortunately I have to help with HR crap, I get to create and maintain webpages (related to the help stuff and other pages), on occasion i help game test (i originally did software qa), and I'm the CEO's right hand. It sounds crazy, but it's a lot of fun, and I get to bring my puppy to work with me.
morning diva!
Sorry about my delayed reply!
I heart the fiber optic brush so much!
The AL one doesn't shed at all. Very awesome. It's $17.95, more than I'd paid for a brush by a no name company, but it works ingeniously. I can't believe MAC hasn't made a similar brush!
Glows is good ;) Although I adore shimmer I do find it makes my face look fuller so glow is good!
I try to control my WoW addiction too and haven't played in a while. If I do it's a fest of sitting there and staring at the screen for hours at a time while drooling!
Sounds like good cr's. I'm not good at arena play either however my strong points at bg.
Top 10 is damn good. Can't claim the same here!
Wow. That's awesome that you work in a ga field! Very cool. I have a ba in ce but don't work my field of study.
Sounds freaking exciting as hell! Want an assistant? LOL!
no your comment came through a ok :) It's because it took me 10 years to reply hehehe!
Thanks for the comment lovie. Sorry for my delayed reply :)
I get backed up sometimes with the comments!
Hope to talk to you again soon!
Happy Monday YUK!
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