Everyday Minerals Haul
If you read my blog daily you might have heard me mention that I recently fell in love with Urban Decay Surreal Skin Mineral Makeup. I'll be doing a review on it shortly but the one thing I would like to mention is how much I love the packaging! The application on this mimics Philosophy's Supernatural Airbrush Canvas and Bare Escentuals Rare Minerals.
After reading about Everyday Minerals and the empty puff jars they sell on Vanessa's blog I decided I needed to purchase a few for myself! These are identical to the Urban Decay Surreal Skin Mineral Makeup applicator!

So awesome!
I'm thrilled to bits that they have these! I'm not the biggest fan or supporter of mineral make up but I felt like Surreal Skin applied so well due to this style packaging so I purchased two of these empty puff jars and I'll be emptying some long forgotten Bare Escentuals Mineral Foundation Powder into one to see if this improves my low opinion of the powder! The other jar I'll be using for the Maybelline Mineral Powder Powder Foundation who knows maybe this will redeem my poor opinion of it!
These are only $5 USD each so you can't really go wrong by grabbing a few. I think I'm going to invest in a few more to use with some loose powders blushes I have.

Love 'em?
Have these already?
Ideas how to use 'em?
Tell me!
Ooooh I have these and have been meaning to blog about them FOREVER! They''re great aren't they?
I've missed commenting on here I'll have to do it more often ;)
*hugs and kisses*
Muse, how long did it take to get these in the mail? I have switched to using their mineral foundation because my face has been feeling so oily. I'm quickly running out and placed an order 13 days ago, and it still hasn't shipped.
I've emailed these people three times and they still can't get me a tracking number. Is this the usual for them? I seem to remember my first order coming quickly.
I'd love to get some of these - they look great.
hmm...I ordered monday and it came in mail yesterday. that's odd. did you pay via paypal? dispute the charges that will get their arse moving.
Is there a number you can call them? I didn't notice when I was shopping.
These are pretty nice. First time I seen them around. I've checked ebay for this sort of thing before but never seen them. I have a few mineral blushes that I wanna try these with. Plus I wanna see if I like BE any better using them as I've had my share of oily too due to the humidity.
Sorry about the shippin' probs sigh!
Did you get my quickie mua email?
Happy Weekend!
morning jen!
They are super! I've looked everywhere for something like this and finally 'nes blogged 'em and I was like YES that's exactly what I want!
What are you using yours for?
awww I missed you but I do understand. I don't always have time to comment. I found that as soon as I began commenting I only ever had time to read blog posts on other blogs and never have time to comment as it's too much work answering and replying to my comments plus ones on blogs I visit.
Now that you have your own blog you probably have time to visit elsewhere but not the time to reply/answer/comment at other blogs. it gets to be overwhelming have a discussion on several blogs at once ;-)
Which brings me to the fact that I read your blog daily but if I'm not commenting now you know why hehe ;)
Hugs and kisses right back at ya!
Yep, I replied back to you a little bit ago. :)
What's interesting is that they're very quick in returning my emails, but each time they say they're going to get the tracking department on it and it hasn't happened. From what I could tell, the tracking dept. is bogged down. I'll wait a few more days and then tell them I'll dispute the charges if they don't get their butts in gear.
Maybe you got these quicker because they are an item you can ship right away and they don't have to mix up anything.
I hope I hear something today. Have a great weekend!
I ordered 1, am waiting for my haul to come in.
The EDM forum people are saying that sometimes too much powder is dispensed, especially when the jar is tilted downwards. So I guess the trick is not to FILL the jar.
I'm going to put finishing powder in mine and bring it out for touch ups.
I guess putting in blush or bronzers will make remind us of YSL! :D
Oooh...I saw Vanessa's post too and ordered some as well. I think these will be good to carry in your purse some powder for quick touch ups, etc...kinda the mineral powder version of a compact. Can't wait to get mine!!
Aww Izzy I'm more than happy just to be visited! I LOVE the fact that you update often, because it keeps me entertained all day :)
I have one jar that I dumped my miscellaneous mineral foundation samples into in the hopes that I would use them more (I don't-I just don't like mineral foundation all that much), and I have one for my MAC Beauty Powder. Jen loves the shimmeries!
Hmm..I want one of these for the lone container of BE minerals sitting on my bookshelf that I don't use as often as I do UD Surreal Skin Minerals.
Maybe it can make the BE minerals less cakey and shiny on me. @_@
Oooh ooh..Muse, I am opening up my new makeup blog next Friday. I hope you can swing by and read it. XD
hey taryn!
Cool! Got it. Will reply soonish. Busy multitasking myself into a frenzy today ;)
Maybe they are out of stock? But can't they just say that?
Good idea. Warn them before disputing if that doesn't get them going at least get your $ back. Too many e-mineral companies around to wait for stupidity.
I'll wait a few more days and then tell them I'll dispute the charges if they don't get their butts in gear.
I imagine the tools and such ship faster but still...13 days? That's nuts. At least state the Turn Around Time on the site.
Happy Weekend darlin'!
hiya loey!
Thanks! I didn't hear that so it's good to know before I fill it. Knowing me I'll waste more if I overfill!
I was thinking of doing some finishing powder or mineral veil in mine too!
YSL and Aube ;) hehe!
Happy Weekend!
hi tammy!!!!
Agreed! I wanna get a few more for blushes too. It's a nice little tool to have around for both foundation and powders. Good for blotting powder too if you have some loose ;)
hey jen!
I love reading your reviews and cool ideas ;) I'm going to begin pressing soon thanks to your cool article ;)
hehe I'm good for procrastinating your time away at work ;)
Hey that's an idea...! Shimmer powder in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =-) I love me the shimmer too ;)
I'm glad I'm not the only one off board the mineral express train. I'm just not all that thrilled about minerals. *shrugs* why the hype I'm always wonderin'!
hiya mc!!!
I brought it b/c I have a kit from BE sitting on my closet floor for ages and ages so I thought this might actually be good and get me "excited" and "happy" about minerals?! Maybe? b/c I'm like you I love UD surreal skin!
be cakes on me too and makes me look like I have mud on my face :P
OOOO congrats! I'll definately stop by! Let me know when it's live and I'll linky you!
Oh, I have to get one of those the next time I order from EM.
I use their mineral foundation and have been trying to find out a good way to carry it with me for touch ups :D
I was a mineral foundation sceptic before (bare minerals made me super shiny so I was a bit hesitant efter that) but EM makes good foundations.
And theirs are the only one I've found that are pale enough :P
heyyyy...this is a great idea! i'm going to get me a few for my loose powders :D Thanks Muse (and Vanessa!)!
I picked up one of these jars at your suggestion today. It should be arriving soon. I also picked up one of their lip colors in Butterfly Garden, and Grapefruit Lime Peppermint Cleansing Bar.
They've completely rewritten their site since I last checked it out. I tried their free sample foundation kit, and while I wasn't that impressed with it (and one of the formulas broke me out, or I was having a break out at that time, which doesn't happen that often for me). But I wanted to give them a try again because they seem to have put a lot of work into things.
I still want Philosophy's version...apparently its the best! Nom nom. The idea of being able to apply foundation sans brushes or hands is the best, it really is.
hey I am new to your blog!! I am just wondering is it possible to wash the sponge once it gets dirty? i just orderd mikne and cant wait for it to come~
Hey Izzy, how's your weekend been?
Well, this is rather convenient for powders eh? Reminds me of the Ettusias blusher which has this pad conveniently hidden on the bottom. Aa rather good applicator I must say. Have u tried any Ettusias blusher before?
Have a great week ahead! :)
gracie :)
morning Lithia!
Happy Monday!
They are fab :) Definitely a must to pick up plus the price is nice!
This is a perfect solution for toting your foundation around :)
BE appears muddy on me :( I was wondering where to get good pale minerals as I always run across beige, beige, and more beige. Maybe I'll have to try these ;)
morning d!
You're most welcome! Happy Monday lovie!
morning Decorative Diva!
Yay good for you! I haven't tried the lip colors but lime peppermint cleansing bar? that sounds wonderful. Is it for body or face?
This is my 1st time ordering with them and it was a good experience so far however someone mentioned they are waiting almost 13 days for an order which worried me.
The foundations look good but wasn't sure about 'em. Someone said they are good however your break out story makes me worry. Might need to avoid 'em as I have that problem with BE yak!
Enjoy your goodies!
morning sarah!
I heard philosophy is good too but haven't tried yet. I believe it's very much the same as the UD Surreal Skin!
I agree. Just buff and go!
good morning kat.
Happy Monday!
Thanks for commenting ;) Hmm I dunno. You can remove it appears but it might be cheaper to grab a new one when it gets a bit ratty and dirty.
I know Philosophy actually sells replacement heads for their Supernatural version hmmm..maybe EDM does the same.
Enjoy yours! ;) It's a great little item to have around.
Thanks for stopping by and hope to talk to you again soon!
morning miss gracie.
My weekend was grand. How was yours?
It reminds me of the Aube ones ;)
Yes I have but they were a bit sheer however I simply adored the packaging and the sponge :)
Have a wonderful week my friend ;)
Thanks for always brightening up my blog with your lively comments!
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