MAC DressCamp: Completely Sold Out Online

Just a quickie entry to say that DressCamp is sold out completely online!
Do click over and see my post on MAC DressCamp: Sold Out! Now What? for details to nab this collection for yourself even though it's completely sold out online!
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Labels: MAC, Spring Collections 2008
Unfortunately, though I'd love that lipstick, there's no way I can get it. My father has made the uberly-stupid decision to cut off our landline and just use our cellphones as our incoming line. Specifically, my phone's the landline. And if I use the phone for any long-distance calls that aren't to my ridiculous family, he's able to look at the bill, find out and then he'll proceed to come in here and scream at me.
It's absurd, ain't it. Dear god how I wish I could move.
But nevertheless! I do wish I could get that lipstick. I love the color of it. I don't ever really care about the casings or anything (the only casing that ever got me into a drooling fit of envy was Armani's Black Gem lipstick casing), for me it's usually the color.
Damn limited edition bullshit.
hi! not sure if you're going to get to this post tonight, but you woudln't happen to know what time the store opens would you?
i stopped by the store today and they mentioned that there had been tons of calls about the collection. they said there might be a line in the morning and that it would probably sell out very quickly.
girrrl, i didn't even know dresscamp was coming out, so when i got onto MAC last night, i was shocked to see everything sold out!!
hiya Angelique!
Aw sorry to hear that :(
Do check up on MUA and E-bay :) That'll help right?!
The color isn't so much why I want it. I'm opposite. I want it b/c of the casing lol!
hey jen jen!
Sorry honey I was way confusing in my original post. I think at 9 am :) Did you call?
LOL yes all those calls are thanks to me hehehehhehe! Kidding!
I'm shocked. I can't recall a time where MAC sold out so fast! Wow!
I'm sending good vibes that you nab it!
hey gez!!!
I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It sold out so FAST! I couldn't believe it. In a matter of hours too fab disappeared!
But I feel really stupid though...
I'm thinking if I should really have gotten the whole thing because I never looked good with hot pink lippies and yellow/gold/orange lippies accentuate my yellow teeth (note: not due to smoking or poor dental care... more like stains from coca-cola) so I don't think I'll be using them.
Furthermore, I don't look good with gold shadow either... isn't that weird for an Asian because this collection is actually more suitable for Asians thus they call it an Asian exclusive. I guess I don't look Asian enough? LOL!
ha Cosine! Nice Haul!!!!!!!!!!
LOL I don't look good in hot pink either or gold lipgloss for that matter but I couldn't resist ;)
Oh my god I didn't feel that way I felt like the colors were so weird for an Asian exclusive. Golds, browns, etc...aren't suited for asian skin in my opinion!
I always associate a more softer cooler color for Asian skin tones like beautiful pinks, purples, and even aquas and blues. The gold in this is very nice for Asian eyes but not the other colors :P
It's a strange collection to be asian exclusive in my opinion!
LOL you don't look Asian enough!? hehe!
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