Summer Must Have Makeup: Cover FX Powder FX Review
Benefit Hello Gorgeous has been my BFF for a while now. I truly adore this powder especially for warm Summer days when my best friend Jai is using my forehead as a know what I mean right? You have those days too dontcha?
I recently discovered Cover FX Powder FX and I'm thinking that Benefit Hello Gorgeous and myself could still be friends just not BFF anymore......oh hai Powder FX wanna go steadies?
Jump for the review.
Well wow I do believe that Cover FX Powder FX is possibly the most richly pigmented powder I've come across to date. I'm talking seriously pigmented. I'm talking covering up everything and the kitchen sink pigmented. I'm talking making me look all fresh and gorgeous with under 5 hours of sleep. Oooo I want to hug and pet it and maybe sleep with it tonight.
Seriously, loves it!
Cover FX Powder FX is a mineral foundation available in some ridiculous color line up. I swear if anyone complains they can't find a correct color for their tone available from this line up we can no longer be friends. With 20 or so shades to choose from I'm going to go with, yes they have your color.
The powder is deeply pigmented as I stated so it's going to work double duty at creating an incredible canvas for makeup. It makes me skin so very smooth and...well it makes me look perfect. The powder is supposedly enriched with oil absorbing qualities and I can account for that as it sticks around on my face for a nice long wear without a crop up of nasty shine, sorry Jai best find a new mirror! Cover FX calls the finish sheer to medium matte coverage I call them crazy. What? You can totally get heavy coverage from this! The powder is totally good enough for heavy, medium, or light coverage depending on how wild you go with your sponge or brush. It is a mineral foundation but it wears lightly and doesn't feel like a mask nor does it cause an outbreak of the itchies (I'm talking to you BE!). It's oil-free, fragrance-free, and paraben-free so you're getting smooth, even coverage minus the gunk.
With proper prepping and priming I can get about 5 to 6 hours wear from the powder without touch ups in between. It wears incredibly well for a powder. It manages to not only even out my complexion but create a flawless finish to my skin. The powder is thick enough to conceal large pores, minor acne, and other flaws. It's ideal for oily skin as it mattifies so very well.
Overall, I'm pretty impressed with Powder FX and do believe we'll have many adventures together the remaining weeks of Summer. If you're looking for something to mattify your skin while creating a picture perfect canvas for makeup, Powder FX is the way to go. Loves it!
Muse Approved for purchase. Finally a foundation powder to love!

P.S. If you noticed my skin looking all kinds of nice in some of my recent FOTD's you can blame it on this powder.
Labels: Cover FX, Reviews, Summer Makeup Must Haves
Thanks Muse! How can i get this.. It's so not available in this part of the world :(
Hiya Muse!! Question: I thought you had dry skin, no? And it still works? Amazing!! I have dry skin and even the thought of powder foundation scares the heck out of me.
hi anonymous
maybe ask a friend on MUA? or another makeup forum? that's in the US :-D maybe they can CP it for you!
hi elle!
I have terrible dry skin yak but as soon as Summer rolls around my forehead, chin, and cheeks are oily as all hell. The humidty the pass week has made my skin go from really dry to suddenly oozing oil :D not pretty!
powder foundation can't come near my skin when the winter weather and cold comes in...I'm like you I won't touch it :-D
Do you get oily at all in the Summer months?
I consider myself quite dry for the most part until the Summer sun hits my face :-D
ps I really enjoyed your over saving article. I'm guilty of squirreling too much money away for retirement :-D
hi! does this show up dry patches at all? i'm on retinol a acne gel thing at the moment and it has just destroyed the texture of my skin! i wish i never tried it... anyway i've been left with random flaky patches (eww) and its like fighting a battle everyday to cover them and my spots.. every foundation seems to highlight them :-( would you recommend this powder then, also any ideas for a foundation?
love your blog! :)
What would be the best way to apply this? With a brush or with the little puffy thingy that it comes with?
Btw, can you email me again pls. I didn't get it.
hi lucy
don't try it hun. The application is smooth but if your skin is freaking out at the moment powder is the last thing you need. I tend to be oily in the Summer and for the most part dry dry dry almost all year which occasional normal skin. If you're flaking powder is going to make it look worst.
You can do a few things to get yourself back to normal. Stop everything if possible. As in cleanser, moisturizer, and makeup. Just give your skin a second to breath. If you can possibly get away without foundation for a week just to let your skin adjust that's the best medicine in my opinion.
On top of this I'd rec getting yourself a good, solid BB cream. Something moisturizing for your dry patches :-D
Hope this helps. I'm not expert but when my skin freaks out this is my normal regime!
ps thanks lucy for loving my blog :D
hey girl!
best goes on with the thin sponge :-D packs color on nicely you can prob buff as well but it's best to go with the sponge imho.
def will email. sorry. my email is wonky to say the least and I get so many a day I am quite disorganized...forgive me?!
I do get a little oily in the summer... but when I'm at work, the AC is on full blast and I get terribly dry regardless. :( Wah!
hi :) i'll definitely take your advice, which BB cream that you know do you think would be best? it'd probably have to cover a few spots lol as i have very pale skin and anything, literally anything, seems to mark it!!
thank you for your help !
hi elle!
really? Mine is on all day in the office it's like a meat locker lol! but doesn't cause any drying out.
hi lucy sorry for the delayed reply!
Skin79, Hanskin, Etude House, are just some that I adore. I'm doing a round up review of bb's very soon maybe it'll be helpful :D
bb will not break you out and should heal break outs for you! :-D
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