the Balm Cabana Boy Returns to Sephora Everyone Rejoice!

Yes well I know you've had to listen to me biatch myself blue about how the Balm Cabana Boy mysteriously disappeared off the shelves of Sephora soon after I told you about. What the hell? It's a total conspiracy they so didn't want me to have this blush!
Well the bad news is you'll have to listen to one more post about the Balm Cabana Boy before I finally bring you a review of it.
Yes, yes you guessed it. It's available at Sephora! OMG! Everyone rejoice! All hail Cabana Boy! Thank gawd. I was liable to throw myself off a roof in protest if I didn't get me some of this soon. The baby jebus finally heard my prayers.
Wants it?
Go gets it!
The saga of Cabana boy is now closed. For more epic posts about it do a search on my blog and read your heart out chicas!
Labels: Beauty Babblings, Summer Collections 2009, theBalm
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