Musings of the Day: Picture Perfect and Airbrushed Finish!
I was just looking at the new Temptu AIRbrush Makeup System on Sephora and hoping I'd win the lotto so I can make extremely over indulgent airbrush gadgetry purchases.
I've never been airbrushed before but when I'm rich and famous I plan to airbrush every part of my face and body thanks so much.
Which brings me to my Musings for today! Would you use an in home airbrush system to get yourself picture perfect? Have you used one before? What did you think?

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As luxurious and incredible as an airbrush of my very own sounds I so know I'd make an utter mess of application. I'd probably end up foundationing my bathroom walls instead of my face knowing how goofy I am. I can't recall the system but I remember seeing an infomercial a few years ago with an in home airbrush system and totally being sold on it and almost buying the bloody thing!
I've never had the airbrush experience but I'd totally be up for trying it out. Sephora should offer to test this out, I'd be first in line!
What do you think?
Loves the thought of an at home airbrush system?
Leaves it?
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Labels: Musings of the Day
I think an airbrush would be awesome, especially for when I feel like doing another drow costume.
i've always been interested in airbrush makeup. but i'm clumsy too so knowing me i would end up with a beige outline of myself on the wall lol.
Muse. If you can get to NYC, you can check it out at the new Sephora at 5 Times Square when it opens on Friday. I've been lucky enough to check it out and all I can say is its AMAZING. ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!! I am also a total klutz but I can promise you that no foundation has ended up on my walls. Its definitely one of those things you should check out in person. Or you can always buy it first and return it if you absolutely hate it. But trust me. you'll fall in love with it like I have
Yes Yes Yes
now that you said it....yeah! i think i'll leave a veil of foundation on my vanity instead! but i'm totally up to testing it in store....will there be a dramatic difference than good ole stippling brush? haha.
hey dd :D
hehe how geek chic airbrushing cosplay!
hey giz LOL ME TOO!
hey nina!
I'm in NYC hun :-D I'm not going as I normally go away every weekend. It sounds incredible! I really want to try :-D
lol anonymous
I hear ya!
hey www!
I DO wonder!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't striple so I'm curious what the effects would be on me who's a hands on type of girl!
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