Lisa Watier Portfolio Face Corrector Palette Review
The Muse has been around the color wheel a time or two. Thing is if you're not into whitening, brightening, or evening out your skin tone you can safely skip this post. I happen to fall into the group of wanting to even out my face tone and make my skin brighter and whiter this is where a good color wheel comes into play.
Color wheels aka correctors are normally a circle compact that houses several shades of correcting concealers to fix a multitude of skin problems. A variety of companies make these correctors but not as many main stream or upscale brands have. They are pretty common in Asia particularly lilac primers which whiten and brighten the skin. Most commonly color wheels include a lilac shade, a green shade, beige shade, salmon or peach shade, and another neutral beige shade.
The idea of the color wheel is to use it to prep skin prior to regular foundation application or to use on it's own. You'll use the shades as follows, the lilac to erase dullness and brighten skin, the green shade on redness, the salmon and peach shades on top of a beige shade to conceal dark circles, and one or two of the beige shades to smooth out the entire canvas or to sculpt and contour.
The effect is flawless, even skin tone minus flaws.
Lisa Watier Portfolio Face Corrector Palette contains an array of all the shades I just described.

Jump ahead for the review.
Lisa Watier has a line of quite nice cosmetics available in Canada but can be purchased here in the US via evil-bay or
The corrector palette out with her line is a pretty popular item which is one reason I indulged in it. I have any variety of color wheels that I use daily however all the hype surrounding this particular palette got be curious to try it myself.
It doesn't quite live up to the hype however it's an extremely good product. First off people talk about it like it's life changing and honestly it either really is that good or I'm just immune to it's amazingness since I've used tons of similar products like this before.

As described in my intro the palette is made up of 5 color correcting shades all used to conceal and correct different areas of the face. The palette is surprisingly not as moisturizing as similar palettes I've tried in the past. I'm quite shocked that I liked this formula as I normally prefer a bit of moisture to ease the blending process. The correctors are all rather hard and blending with them isn't entirely easy due to this however I found I had more control of the product because of the hard texture. With a moisturizing cream it's very easy to over do because you're dipping and picking up a ton of product. The harder texture makes it a little more difficult to pick product up therefore eliminating the potential of picking up TOO much.

The best application technique with this palette and any color wheel palette is to do your entire face. This simply means to slap on all the shades in prime locations where you'll need them and proceed to blend the product with a sponge, fingers, or a brush. You're not going to want to conceal your eyes and proceed to follow up with the lilac primer to erase dullness. The point is to slap it all on in one go. Slap a little lilac on the side of your eyes, smear a bit of beige under your eyes and some peach on top, dab a little green on your nose and go to town blending all the colors in. The effect is more of a natural, flawless look.

You will notice that your skin shade may go down a tone so don't freak out. Simply apply your foundation on top as normal and you'll notice what a beautiful, working canvas you have for your makeup.
Lisa Watier Portfolio Face Corrector Palette isn't the best corrector palette I've ever used but it's a fairly good palette and does exactly what it promises. If you're noticing dullness, redness, or dark circles do pick one of these up to erase all your woes in one go. A most excellent choice for creating a flawless face.
Do you use a face corrector palette?
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Labels: Canadian Brands, Reviews
The mane of the brand is Lise Watier not Lisa Watier. I tested this in the store but it seemed dry and difficult to blend. I do not want to rub the skin on my lids while trying to apply it...
Hi Muse, I've got a friend hunting for one of these corrector wheels. What would u recommend that's good and hopefully budgeted?
hi laura
did you mean the name of the brand? apologies I get a bit busy sometimes and do occasionally make spelling/grammar errors...this being proof of that :D
Yes, I wrote in my review the texture was quite hard but that was one reason I liked it so much. Sorry you aren't liking it. Maybe try applying with a brush? or a sponge?
hi belle...hmmm budget one...that's a tough one....asian or us?
Let me know :D
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