Urban Decay Pocket Rocket Manhunt Contest
Urban Decay is a on a man hunt and looking for two hotties to be featured on new shades of Urban Decay Pocket Rocket Lip Gloss!
Oh.my.god. Can I tell you I so have the perfect dude for the top of my gloss?
Skip ahead.

Urban Decay so needs to take on a geek for their latest gloss and one of my really great friends Martin would so fit the bill! I'm thinking he'd make a rather nice shade of pink.
Urban Decay is currently seeking out that perfect boyfriend, husband, friend, mailman, or whoever fits the bill for topping their sexy gloss with. If you know someone that fits this description visit www.urbandecayguys.com to submit your favorite guy. From June 15 to July 17, 2009 visitors to the site can vote on their favorite guy! On July 17, Urban Decay will evaluate the 10 nominees with the most votes and chose two winners!
Winners will be flown into California and photographed (the person who submitted them will also get to fly out to Cali!) for the new glosses. Winners will also win some fabulous prizes as well as the three runners up.
Official Winners will be announced July 24, 2009. So get snapping and takes some pics of your favorite guy for the newest Urban Decay gloss.
Now I just need to call Martin to see if he wants to be on the next Urban Decay gloss....hmmmm....I suspect it's a no but it can't hurt submitting him anyway can it?
Who would you submit?
Labels: Contests, Urban Decay
For some reason, I thought you were going to suggest RPatz.
LOL dork!
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