Jelly Pong Pong Brush Set Review
The Muse recently shared the joys of Jelly Pong Pong Deluxe Gift Bags with you. Inside of one of the gift bags she purchased was the brand new Jelly Pong Pong Brush Set. Wahoo travel friendly brush sets are my down fall. I tend to over collect brushes when in fact I only need 3 or 4 to get the job done. But that never stops me from purchasing ridiculous amounts of brushes or sets,'s a disease.

I know many of you were curious if this particular set was worthy of a pick up.
Click it to see if it is.
I'm in high debate if the Jelly Pong Pong Brush Set is worthy of it's $12 USD price tag. Considering I got mine in a Deluxe Gift Bag I'm feeling like it was a deal however splurging out $12 on it doesn't appeal simply because it includes an eyebrow brush which I know will end up tossed in the bottom of a draw somewhere plus one of the brushes isn't technically a brush it's a sponge smudger. Taking away from all this the price still works out to less than $3 bucks a brush which isn't bad at all.
Aside from the brow brush I'll definitely get use out of the remaining four tools. The brushes are all extra soft and silky however not as dense as many brushes I've used for application in the pass. This could be a deal breaker if you like brushes a bit denser and stiffer. Personally I didn't mind the extra softness and thought they had a certain quality to them for the price.
These make a rather fine travel friendly set and were included along with the Jelly Pong Pong Muffin and Meringue Gloss Set so I feel like I got a rather nice deal getting both item together. The set includes a blush brush, a smudger, a brow brush, and shadow shaders.


They aren't MAC brushes but they aren't half bad either. If you're purchasing some Jelly Pong Pong items or a deluxe bag sliding these into your cart as well for a little test isn't a hardship. It's worth it if you don't have a ton of brushes or you want some brushes to knock around with when traveling rather than bringing your more expensive tools along for the trip!
Check 'em out at
Labels: Beauty Tools, Jelly Pong Pong, Reviews
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