Tarte Rejuvelash Review
On occasion I run into mascaras that clump my lashes together in a gluey mess. Indeed, I'm sure you know the culprits guilty of this unseemly sin! I truly hate clumpy, gross looking lashes and the worst part is when you have a full eye look on and it seems almost impossible to "declump" the lashes with a mascara comb. Sigh. The trials and tribulations of mascara.
Here in lays the solution to all your woes or so Tarte tells us! Tarte Rejuvelash is supposed to help me rid myself of the nightmare of clumps.

Does it work?
Click it to find out!
Tarte Rejuvelash is one of those things that makes you scratch your head and go, "hmmm do I really need to spend $16 on a declumping medium?" Doesn't that sounds fancy? Declumping medium. Whoa. I think it's worthy of my beauty arsenal actually as it's saved my lashes and eye looks numerous times since purchasing it.
What is it?
It's a mini, clear formula in a tube that looks like a mini mascara which contains all sorts of important bits that Tarte tells us about but frankly it's simply an interesting little tool to have stashed away for days that clumps come out to play.
The scenario:
You've just complete an incredible smoky eye and you're ready to finish it off with a quick curl of your lashes and a ton of mascara to make all that dramatic eye shadow pop. You curl and begin applying mascara...gasp! It clumps up your lashes and you're left looking like you have a uni-lash (one single lash instead of several). Whip out Tarte Rejuvelash and slowly comb it through that uni lash to separate your lashes and clean up the mess your mascara made.
I find this works better than a simple lash comb because it's a wet application. The applicator is slightly dampened with all that important formula I was telling you about above plus the applicator is a complicated little creation that allows you to glide through lashes and separate them precisely. Now a lash comb takes a fair bit of work and sometimes makes a bigger mess than the one you're already sporting however Rejuvelash seems to work considerably better because of the interesting, emollient formula and cool brush.

The formula also happens to soften my lashes so I tend to use it when my lashes are feeling a bit stiff after a coat of intense waterproof mascara.
I dunno if $16 is something you'd want to splurge on but I find that Tarte Rejuvelash is a good one to keep around for cleaning up possible mascara messes when they crop up!
I've been meaning to check this out. I especially love the packaging!
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