Beauty Confessions: Washin' Up the Brushes!

Brushes. Brushes are so very important to makeup application. I have a slew of brushes since many I got in kits and of course I went a little buck wild purchasing a slew of MAC brushes when I first got into the brand.
Although I must confess...
Jump ahead to hear my beauty confession.
I haven't washed mine in over a month. Oh my god I'm so ashamed of myself. Eep! I normally give them a proper wash with MAC Brush Cleaner at least every three weeks but after I went on holiday and came back it's been well over a month since I cleaned them since I've been terribly busy. Indeed, a gross and possibly bacteria filled beauty confession.
I've sinned. Forgive me?
When was the last time you washed your brushes?
How often do you wash 'em?
Labels: Beauty Confessions, Beauty Tools
I used to wash mine once a week but I tend to wash everything but my kabuki brush daily now.
Was it gross when you did wash 'em? I'm a fanatic about washing mine. Shadow brushes get washed daily (I have a little jar of Parian Spirit with a screen sitting on my counter - use, dip, rub, rinse, done), and all the rest of my brushes on Sundays. It's just part of my routine. Now my daughter on the other hand... let's just leave it at ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
I try to wash mine once a week, at least. Sometimes I'll wash them twice a week depending on what I was doing. Between brushes I either wipe them on a makeup remover cloth or clean them with MAC's brush cleaner.
Bad, bad muse! just joking. I wash my brushes after each use, especially the foundation brush b/c I just think of bacteria living in there and my sensitive skin cannot take it. It's a pain, though. I'm so darn lazy.
Funnily enough, I just wrote a post on this last week. Did you know that some people NEVER wash their brushes?! Imagine the gunk inside them!
Oh Musey, don't feel bad. I'm TERRIBLE about washing my brushes. I use my spray brush cleaner for my really dirty ones or for my gel liner brushes. Sigh.
I tell myself that since I have a ton of brushes I can rotate. Then I end up washing about forty brushes and they're lined up like little soldiers on the edge of my sink, lol
Thank god I'm not acne prone, I bet if I was I'd be more diligent.
hey dd!
Normally I'm once a weaker too. But I've been a bit remiss :-D
hey robyn!
LOL yes! :-D I normally squirt brush cleaner on them and swipe everyday for the ones I use and do a once a week full clean but I got busy and went an entire month without eep!
omg my sis is the same...must be over a year or more since she did hers ew!
hello marie!
I do once a week myself. I normally squirt the ones I use with brush cleaner and swipe them after use and do once a week full clean but I've been remiss eep!
hi shontay07108
lol tell me about it :-D not so much lazy but sometimes to busy eep! finally got the washing done though hehe!
hey naomi!
ewwww! my sis is like that. She only has a few brushes and rarely washes them gross!
hi Jessie
that's what I do. After use I spray and swipe and than do a full clean once a week :-D
LOL maybe that's why I was being remiss too b/c it doesn't really effect my skin either way as I rarely break out :-D
Thankfully finally got it done. I think this is the longest I ever went, Normally I'm so anal about doing them once a week!
hi diana :-D
Works for me. I keep a mister nearby and mist them and swipe inbetween major washes!
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