Pieces of Life: The Muse Gets a Tweet From Neil Gaiman

Shameless self promotion ahead....
Neil Gaiman, himself, twittered about my Lush Stardust Bath Bomb post last night. I'm such a fan girl that this made me completely giddy after seeing it!
Thanks Neil, loves ya, alot and stuff.
See? Even brilliant authors like Lush and good sales!
Labels: For Your Shower and Bath, Lush, Miscellaneous Blogging, Pieces of Life, Twitter
Okay, is it really super bad (and not in a good way) that I have no idea who Neil Gaiman is?
Going straight to Google... but had to fess up.
Love ya,
Lol,I'm excited for you! You are too adorable :)
Ha, thats so cool. I love me some Neil Gaiman books too.
Ah, that's cool. Stardust was a pretty good movie as well. Too bad it didn't do so good in theaters.
hehe crissy thanks babe!
hells yea Jackie :-D
he's a genius!
hey morgan :-D
yes. I liked the book better but it was decent, claire danes did well :-D
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