Product Musings: Urban Decay Eyeshadow Ecstasy Review and Swatches

Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Ecstasy slipped by this Muse. I was blinded by the cosmetic glory of the Urban Decay Get Baked Eye Shadow Palette that I didn't realize that Urban Decay had sneakily injected two brand new shadows to their catalog on the fly that are available exclusively at Sephora. But of course this is always something that gets me hyper, I mean seriously have you seen my Urban Decay Eye Shadow Collection? You haven't? For shame! Check it here.

In honor of my excitement about new shadow shades I'm all about Product Musing Urban Decay Ecstasy today!
Check it after the jump!
First off, Ecstasy is not Flash. Flash is a more true grape purple where as Ecstasy is more violet. But let's keep it simple, if you love purple you'll love Ecstasy. Particularly good news is the lack of shimmer, not good news for the Muse mind you but good news for anyone who doesn't want a load of shimmer in their shadow. The formula is very smooth, shimmer-free, slightly semi-matte in feel but smooth and velvety. It blends incredibly well and gives your eyes a real knock out bunch of purple. It's been a fair while since Urban Decay has added any shadows to their collection so I was quite excited to see a new shade. Minx is also a new shade which I'll be musing for you tomorrow!

Urban Decay Eye Shadow in Ecstasy is available now exclusively at Sephora. Check it out! Likey!
Labels: Product Musings, Reviews, Summer Collections 2009, Swatches, Urban Decay
Thank you for the review!!! You are wonderful! It's so prettyyyyy :))
I may have to look into this shadow. If I have Flash already, can I live without Ecstasy? Or do I NEED it? I think I may need it...
hi anonymous my pleasure :-D
it's really gorg!
you NEED it jackie lol!
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