Annabelle Summer Collection 2009 Hydropolis
Loving all over Canadian Brand, Annabelle's Summer Collection for 2009. Entitled Hydropolis the collection is a tiny release of three strip style eyeshadow palettes in three different shade selections!

Looks rather nice!
Click ahead for some face charts using the palettes!
The palettes look very nice and come with five strips of color in three separate shade selections. Aquatech is a cocktail of aquas and greens. Amberwave is made up of browns, oranges, and bronzes. And WaterLily is a combination of various pinks. I can't verify price as these are exclusive to Canada however I'm sure they pop up on Evil-bay sooner or later if you're interested!


Anyone wanna take a road trip to Canada with me to pick up some of the Annabelle Summer Collection?
Labels: Beauty Abroad, Canadian Brands, Summer Collections 2009
oh I saw these a few weeks ago and they seem pretty good!
I'm pretty sure its the Aquatech...
But I found it to be really...crumbly? when I took a swipe at it, on the demo.
Maybe it was just the demo...maybe it had been so abused that it decided to fall apart...
but I wasn't very impressed with it.
anyway had to laugh at the part where you wanted to take a road trip to Canada for the set :P
youre too funny muse!
I wanna hop the border to snag some goodies at a CCO! kk :P
Ooo I saw these a few weeks back at Walmart/Shoppers/London Drugs stores. (I'm not sure if the stores still have it though... since this was a few weeks back...) I do remember they were priced 10.99 each because I convinced my friend to get the AquaTech palette. Argh, now I regret not having bought/grabbed the LE palettes!
I got all 3 of these eyeshadow palettes and I have to say that I absolutely love them.
I found this collection at Shoppers Drugmart. They go for about 10 dollars CAD. I have also seen this collection at the local Walmart but they didn't have Waterlily there -- so I got mines from Shoppers.
I use annabelle a lot and have to say it's a great brand.
I got all 3 of these eyeshadow palettes and I have to say that I absolutely love them.
I found this collection at Shoppers Drugmart. They go for about 10 dollars CAD. I have also seen this collection at the local Walmart but they didn't have Waterlily there -- so I got mines from Shoppers.
I use annabelle a lot and have to say it's a great brand.
hi sher!
wants 'em!
hi rasilla
aw no. ok take it off my wish list than damn! :(
hehe we can meet up if I take a road trip LOL!
k listen I hop in the car go to canada to pick these up and on the return trip you come with me and we head to CCO deal? :-D
hey iris!
that's not too bad a deal :-D thanks for giving us the price! Maybe some shops still have it?!
hello sephoramac!
awesome! Jealous here :-D I've tried some of their line too and it's quite good for ds brand :-D wish we had more good ds in the US!
Thanks for sharing with us :-D
I love Annabelle! I will have to check out these pallettes if they're still available! Amberwave looks good...
hmmm the aquatech scares me... way to blue... but I love the waterlily I bought it last week it's awesome. I have many of the AnnaBelle collection and they've never dissapointed me!
I bought the majority of this collection .. and I gota say.. lovin' Annabelle right now. I got the blue and bronze palletes and they are really great!
The bronzer in the collection (you don't have it picutured here) is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! So pigmented and the packaging is awesome. The smudgeliners are great dupes for UD 24/7 liners. =)
Hey Muse,
I love your blog and have been a follower for over a year. I'm from Canada and happy to pick this up for you if you're interested.
Annabelle has also come out with 'custom quads' -- they are like the MAC pro palettes. The colour pay off is good and the shadows fit into the MAC palettes too. Overall, a great Canadian brand ;-)
Send me a note via my blog if you are interested - Cheers!
In my city these are sold out... I only managed to get the face powder in tiki shell a month ago :( It is absolutely gorgeous on my light complexion! I use the rose part as a blush, the lighter strips as a highlighter and all combined as a bronzer.. I like it because it does not have chunky glitter, it's more like a metallic finish. Great deal for 8 CAD!
hi Tohnia!
lucky you :-D wish I had easy access. Tell us the good word if you get 'em :D
hey zoe!
awww I'm a blue girl hehe so I lurve this! Awesome! Something to look forward to since you're loving it Zo :-D
hi jodie!
awesome!!!!!!! :-D Happy to hear this. Must, must get my hands on some now!
hello lipstickrules123!
Thanks so much hun :-D thank you very much I really appreciate it!
I'll def be in contact, appreciate it greatly hun!
hello laura!
aww poo sorry to hear hun!
Sounds fab :-D I get giddy when I hear good things about cheap makeup hehe!
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