Shout Out!

Sometimes the Muse will get sudden spurts of traffic incoming from her favorite hang out MUA. If you're a beauty junkie you likely lurk over yonder as well.
About 75% of the time that traffic starts flowing in from MUA the user responsible for it is some chica nicked chix_nuggets.
This one's for you chix!
Dear Miss Nugget.
You're obviously my biggest fan and supporter and cheerleader and....and....! The moral of the story is thank you. Readers like you are why I do what I do. When I'm tired and I'm whining about having to take pictures or write an article or I don't feel like blogging today, I remind myself that you and a million other people are here reading what I type daily and expecting something new to pop up on my little site.
Thank you, thank you for inspiring me with your excitement.
Your bubbly posts on MUA pimping out "the Muse" is truly a flattering experience.
Cheers mate!
And everyone else thank you too. You're all very special.
Remember kids, the Muse sees all, reads all, and knows all.
Labels: Miscellaneous Blogging
Hehe, Awesome!
Had to leave my first comment ever- a "woot! woot!" for one of my fave MUAers (Chix!) and one of my fave beauty blogs (Musings!)
-- Divine Femme
aw shucks thanks divine :-D *hugs*
I dunno chix, don't think she comments here, but she's almost posting my reviews on MUA and it makes me smile reading her posts hehe :-D
Hi Muse,
Thanks so much for the shout-out!! Very flattering. :) I *DO* love the blog even though its painful on my wallet. You have created more lemmings for me than I can begin to count. My insane devotion to GA Lip Wax started here & b/c of my incessant repeating, everyone at MUA knows my love for it. Don't even get me started on the Dianne Brill stuff......
Thanks for all your hard work & millions of pics. I look forward to seeing your new posts pop up in my morning email!!
we finally meet :-D hehe I read your posts almost every day to see what you're up too. I account and blame you for most of the traffic that pops up here from MUA lol!
It's flattering that you link me up so much :-D thank you very much!
LOL I'm so sorry! I hope it's comforting to know I create my own lemmings LOL! and my wallet screams most days :-D
Lip wax ohhhh so amazing and Dianne Brill LOL! :-D
THANK you. When I'm feeling burned out about beauty blogging I remember people like you are around to read my babblings...and it makes me smile and go right on posting happily away :-D
Big Hugs Chix! Such a pleasure to finally talk to you!
hehe dd you need a shout out too for always visiting me, dealing with my bad communication skills, and still loving me no matter what :-D
Aww lol.
Naw, you're awesome.
I love your reviews.
And I totally understand being busy!
Sigh. Why is it that you get fans, and I just get cyberstalkers? Had to delete my blog, btw. Will e-mail you if and when I decide to open a new one.
What are you doing next weekend? I thought we might (possibly) meet up.
Hi Muse!
Excellent bloggers like u :) deserve all the traffic they get. My regards to Chix too, being so nice :)
*hugs* thanks dd! the life of a blogger :-D
what?!!!!!!!!!!! no freaking way! WHY? I loved your blog :(
um next week I am headed up state but def can make some time somewhere!
Emails me :-D
aw shucks thanks mukho!
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