Sephora Waterproof Eye Makeup Removing Pads

Brand new Sephora Waterproof Eye Makeup Removing Pads look interesting!
I'm a fan of Sephora Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover anyway so count me on board for these. It's $8 for 30 pads which isn't too bad a price. I know, I know Almay does something similar but these look nicely quilted plus the Almay ones are an oily, gross, eye clouding experience that the Muse is not fond of in the least!
I'm def going to pick some up. I have a holiday upcoming so I think these will make a perfect little item to travel with. It's two weeks worth so I do think I get by longer with a bottle of the Sephora remover but I'm unsure...must see which is the better deal.
Either way, likey! Wants it!
Amen to your comments re: Almay. They are so hyped-up, and I swear, I was blind for a week after using them. SICK. I'm all on-board for makeup remover pads - hopefully these Sephora ones are okay :)
Which Almay ones have you tried? The regular or oil-free? Cuz the regular ones made my eyes so blurry but the oil-free ones are actually quite good.
I'm def looking forward to your review on these, tho! I'm always looking for a nice eye makeup remover.
hey sloan
ugh thank god someone that agrees with me LOL!
hi alexa
both the regular and oil free :P both really didn't work well for me sadly :(
I'll be reviewing shortly :D
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