Villainess Datura Slick! Review

The Muse introduced you to Villainess in her Beauty Discover post a few days ago. She did so promise reviews of the products featured in that post and today she brings you a tale of Villainess Datura Slick a gentle oil based eye makeup and congested pore cleanser.
I'm always on the look out for a right proper eye makeup remover. I currently use Sephora Waterproof Remover which is $8 USD. I love, love Lancome Bi-Facil but it's a bit too rich for my blood. Of course, when I seen this tiny bottle of Datura Slick I was terribly curious to see how it would do. Considering what a tiny bottle it was for $10 USD I expected miracles.
Miracles didn't happen....
Villainess Datura Slick! performs a dual function by whisking away eye makeup plus promising to cleanse congested pores. As far as eye makeup remover goes it doesn't do so great a job.

The formula is a slick oil that has a natural herbal scent. It contains rosehip oil, jojoba oil, castor, grapeseed, cherry kernal oil, and a slew of other good for you skin ingredients. To use you can saturate a cotton pad or a piece of tissue and wipe makeup clean or rub the solution on your eyes with a finger tip to break up eye makeup. The Muse tried out both ways, once with a cotton pad and once with a finger tip. Although it did a good job of whisking away my shadow it left behind all my waterproof mascara. Epic fail there. I was pretty disappointed to say the least as I just assumed for some reason that it's small size and it's rather large price tag meant that it was some sort of industrial cleaning solution that would get off everything in a flash. The price tag and the size make me cringe since it's promise of clearing away eye makeup fails so epically.

As for decongestanting pores I couldn't say as my pores aren't blocked but it does make a decent oil cleanser however I can get a bigger size with a better price tag.
I do give props to it's interesting formula which is considerably more oily than a normal oil cleanser. This extra thickness and oil-feel makes the product very moisturizing. It rinses clean away as well which is always a plus.
The descriptions reads that it's organic ingredients will smooth away fine lines and wrinkles, softens pore blockages, draws out impurities, repairs tissue, and relives tension and facial rigor.
Hmmm sounds like a miracle but sadly it's just a ho-hum expensive cleansing oil that doesn't do the simplest of things like..cleanse..duh!
Kinda of a disappointment to say the least. If you're visiting with Villainess skip Datura SLick! No likey!
Labels: Beauty Discovery, Reviews, Skincare, Villainess
Darn, that's a shame! It sounded so promising too, what with all the good oils it contains.
Thank you for the review and hope you have a nice evening!
hi anonymous!
Yea :( I wish it worked. The muds are damn good though :-D hehe!
Have a great day!
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