NARS Duo Concealer Review

Knowing how much of a fan girl I am when it comes to NARS you can imagine how hyped I was over the release of a concealer from NARS. Considering NARS has such an incredible line up it's always put this Muse in a state of shock that such an extensive line of product only ever included a simple stick concealer. Stick concealer? What is this 1960? Of course NARS more than makes up for it's lack of coverage by bringing out uber fabulous shadows and blushes but the Muse was always feeling a bit empty inside without a super amazing concealer to go along with all those other great beauty bits and bobs from our friends at NARS.
To my delight with the Spring Collection 2009 a brand new NARS Duo Concealer was released! Whoa, likey!

I can go for this. Jump ahead to see if I'm loving NARS Duo Concealer!
The Muse is never one for beating around the bush when it comes to something she really, really loves or something she strongly dislikes. In this case she's feeling utterly devastated how much she didn't like it this new NARS concealer. Le sigh.

The duo concealer is made up of two shades for mixing and combining your perfect color combination. I honestly thought these were going to be a creamy, dreamy moisturizing not so much. It deserves to be mentioned that the product has serious raves on Sephora. For me that's rather puzzling as I didn't find much at all to rave about but I did read through each review diligently because I wanted to see what it was that was so exciting about this concealer.

Main problem is the formula and second problem is pigmentation. The formula is a thin consistency that's very hard for lack of a better word, so much so that it makes blending an absolute nightmare. Coverage is extremely sheer so don't expect to cover up much with this in regards to dark circles, fine lines,'s merely a very lightweight coverage that blends like utter rubbish and proceeds to dry out your skin and settle badly into fine lines.

I did notice most of those who reviewed the product on Sephora were in their teens or twenties. Perhaps the Muse is simply an old lady with too much to cover. I personally wouldn't indulge if you have dark circles, fine lines, or puffiness, generally speaking if you have a whole lot of stuffins going on under your eyes don't think NARS Duo Concealer is going to cover it.
If you desire a light weight coverage and like concealers that aren't thick, creamy, or moisturizing but simply light and a bit hard in texture this might very well be something you love.

As for this Muse she's terribly disappointed and will hold out hope that maybe NARS will go ahead and release a click pen concealer in the future or a more moisturizing concealer. Until than this Muse is sticking with Bobbi Brown and Mally Beauty for her concealing needs.
Anyone try?
Loves it?
Leaves it?
Tell the Muse!
Labels: Nars, Reviews, Spring Collections 2009
Hi Muse! Nah, you're not old and senile... I'm in my 20s and I also hated this concealer duo. I just put it up for swap on MUA. So sad because I am a huge NARS fan! But when they disappoint (the mascara comes to mind), they do it in a huge way!!
So how are you finding that new Smashbox concealer? It seemed nice; I tried it out, and it covered well enough, but I think it may have caused my skin to break-out.
Also, Iz be e-mailzing you on 'the interwebs', like you done said!
thank gawd I thought I was nuts Nosh. This was really bad. the texture just was crummy as all hell!
tis in my testing box now babes :-D eep are you sensitive skin?
oh I must check sowrry :( I been busy and my email does overfloweth to say the least!
Godammit, Izzy! You say 'e-mailz' and I e-mailz you! You say 'jumpz' and I says, 'but how high?!?'. Iz sick of doing your bidding! :*{
Seriously though, I will soon have to start commenting/blogging under a different alias altogether, so if I don't comment for a while after this, it's because I'm hard at work on my new secret identity.
Thank goodness it's bad! I can save some $$ this way hahaha
Hey babe, any news on my Mally beauty concealer?
hey mandys!!!!! I sorry why can't you bes like normal people and have an im service?! you haz my number in my siggy can't you call me on thee phone please?
my cell is on!
sniff I'm missing you already!
lol blair!
it wasn't good at all eep!
hey pets!
*head desk* yes I know just been SWAMPED :P
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