Steam Cream 1st Anniversary Celebration
Yes, we all know about the Muse's fascination, obsession, and love for Steam Cream! Steam Cream is almost a year old soon and to honor that they are having a little competition.

Click ahead to join in on the celebration!
To celebrate Steam Cream's birthday they'll be holding a new tin design competition. Put your creative hats on chicas and send a totally original image to Steam Cream that could be printed on a limited edition run of their tins! You can choose anything you like, get creative and use your imagination to create a super gorgeous Steam Cream tin! After all we all know that part of Steam Cream's appeal are those cute little tins it comes in!
Your file size must be under 1MB and it can be sent to or post your design to:
20 Market Street
BH15 1NF
As mentioned the winning design will be produced for a limited time on a Steam Cream tin with the artists name on the base of the tin. And of course the winner gets 12 of their own tins to enjoy!
The closing date for the contest is May 31 so get your thinking cap on and start letting your imagination run wild to create that perfect design!
The Muse happens to be tempted to try her hand at creating a tin hmmmmm! Something flirty and fun me thinks.
Share your ideas in the comment field!
Labels: Contests, Skincare, SteamCream
Ooooh thanks for the reminder about this product! I'm headed to London on business this summer and have been making a list of the UK fashion/beauty products I want as souvenirs LOL.
my pleasure :-D
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