Musings of the Day: Susan Boyle

Everyone and their mum wants to change Susan Boyle. Susan's hair, her clothes, everything about her seems to need a change if it was up to the media. After much pressure I guess she gave into it and she's sporting a brand new look.
The question is what do you think of her new look?
Jump ahead for my take on it!
I personally thought part of Susan's appeal was that she was an average, everyday woman with the gift of a beautiful voice. I thought she had a bright, cheeky smile and quite a nice personality. I'm not against changing or re-eventing yourself but I think part of that stemmed from her sudden popularity and if that's what brought about the change, I for one am a tad disappointed. Change should be decided because you want it, not because someone told you that you need a change! Being your own person is what it's about.
What do you think?
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Labels: Musings of the Day
absolutely agree. it seemed like it was overnight following her success. i thought she was utterly adorable and charming as she was! i'm so sad that she feels she needs to change. (ok, she can keep the groomed eyebrows but the rest was just fine!)
I thought so too Laura. I fell in love with her b/c she was normal and just everyday! :-D I am too :( I didn't think she'd cave so quickly sigh...I guess that's what stardom does to a person.
I'm kind of conflicted with this one. I too agree that her look was a huge part of her charm --but I also feel kind of shallow saying that. I mean we couldn't have possibly only liked her because she looked her worst but had a good voice at the same time. I think she should have the chance to look her best, and it's probably better if she did it now then later. If she had won and then did it after, everyone would probably say that she was only using her "bad looks" (lol) to win. Ok now back to cramming for biochem final (although your blog is a wonderful distraction !)
The only thing that bugged me was the eyebrows. Looked like 2 baby squirrels sleeping on her face. LOL. The rest of her original self just adds to her quirky appeal :)
hey kay
me too in a way. I dunno if I thought she looked her worst.....mostly she was unkempt and just wasn't caring what she looked like and that was something I found charming. It takes a brave person just not to care if that makes sense :-D I did think she had a nice smile and a funny little personality :-D again part of her great charm.
But of course everyone should always have the chance to look their best and shine but I just hope she did it for herself and not b/c the media pressured her into. she seemed content as a messy little lady when she climbed the steps to that stage so it makes me wonder if her change was influenced by everyone else and not by her own choice :-D
oh I hear you lol! it's a double edge sword :D
aw shucks thanks glad I distracted you for a few seconds hehe!
aww witchy :-D
wasn't that bad was it?
I thought the quirk was awesome imho :D I'm quirky as all hells so I can def appreciate her quirk!
me too laura.
if she changed for herself I'm happy :-D just hope it wasn't b/c of the bloody media!
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